
Foreign military bases are like having armed bandits in your house...they can take over your house whenever they want

 Imagine allowing a thief to live in your house and thinks that everything is going to be just fine. The fact is that you will lose everything when the thief decides to do what he does best. You are basically the owner in name only, the thief owns what you have in the house. It is his to take at leisure.

The USA is just like that thief, wanting to live in your house or country, but for what purpose? With promises to protect you, your family and your house or country against other intruders and thieves, which will be their usual snake oil sales pitch. Not on your life should you believe in that hubris.

The USA has more sinister motives than that. It is to protect the USA's own interest. And that interest is being able to control your home or country with their sinister threat in the background, which is the military base installed in your backyard.

It was a good thing that Communist China, under Mao Tse Tung, managed to clear out all the foreign filth trying to set up base to break China up. Japan had been the one country committing the most atrocities in China, all the while aiming to take control of China before the Communist took over. Japan is still harboring that thought but is today just a shrunken shell of its arrogant days, with a falling population that is unable to fulfill its ambitions. Like the UK, Japan is still living the dream of its glory days and unwilling to let go.

It is also a logical thing that Russia is putting a stop to NATO trying to encroach nearer to its borders, undoubtedly with military bases to be set up in Ukraine by NATO vis a vis the USA, that will pose a threat that Putin had to put a stop to. That has been the USA's dream of having a military presence nearer to Moscow, which is its main interest all along in pushing NATO's agenda. 



  1. The irony is that once the USA has a foothold in a country, its presence will be impossible to get rid of.

    Just look at the Philippines, Japan and South Korea. Duterte tried to put pressure on the USA by threatening the removal of USA miliary bases in the country and knew that that warning has put his survival in jeopardy in the hands of the CIA. He had to stand down. The USA will keep hyping up the Chinese threat towards the Philippines, Japan and South Korea to justify prolonging their stay. Another ploy that they always use from their playbook is creating unrest using the CIA and USA funded NGOs to keep a country they eyed in turmoil, giving them added reasons to stay behind to help put down the opposition.

    What happened in Hong Kong failed because Hong Kong was totally under the Chinese control, with no love lost between the USA/the West and China, and no USA military bases in Hong Kong to hinder the Hong Kong Government's crackdown. The instigators of the unrest in Hong Kong had been closely watched, identified and completely taken care of in one fell swoop. The USA and UK were left nursing their wounds over that failure. Their investments in those terrorist elements have gone to waste, like their investment in Navalny in Russia.

    In another scenario that is probably what is happening in Myanmar today, the USA, using the CIA, will give support to the rebels to take down the Myanmar Government, in the hope of fermenting a regime change. Using propaganda to demonize the Myanmar Government adds another layer of subterfuge that the USA and the West are trying to sway international opinion against the Military rulers in Myanmar. And attempting to control and using ASEAN to support them.

    One development we should keep an eye on is the USA/India relations which is under strain. The USA is keeping up its pressure on India to toe the line, trying to force India to have less trade dealings with Russia, especially in energy and criticizing Modi's persecution of Muslims and Sikhs in the country. India is beginning to understand the agenda of the USA. Boasting about India's ambition to be the next superpower is not a good thing. Keeping quiet and working towards that goal may be more productive. Nevertheless, nothing is certain on the surface, as India is playing Russia against USA, China against USA and the USA is still playing India against China and Russia.


  2. No, the Anglo-Saxons Americans and British are not just thieves. The thieves will just rob you. They Are worst then thieves.They are meciless robbers,pirates, buccaneers and plunderers who will not just rob you but will kill and murder you. They will commit the gravest and greatest and most brutal atrocities against you and your country. So, never trust the white men especially the Anglo-Saxons Americans and British for they are all criminals without conscience, as what native Americans have always warned us that 'White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted.'


  3. Hi Southernglory1

    Dotard Trump notorious statement "We left our troops in Syria to rob their Oil"

    Also their grains and burned the balance when we cannot bring back.

    Let them starved.

    They are sub humans and animals.

    We Whites are Angels.

  4. https://youtu.be/VqCsDdQ9E-A?si=84NdQy0CRnISeZM7

    This Video of Dotard Trump's Hard truths from his obscene obnoxious dirty mouth.

  5. Cannot say like that of the very nice and kind Americans. How can say they steal Arab's oil and want Palestinians to starve to death?

    The Americans are sending billions to Israel to help the Palestinians in Gaza and also holding back on sending weapons to Israel to save the Palestinians. God bless the Americans for being so kind and good to the Palestinians.

  6. https://youtu.be/xW5Ujy5HHNY?si=JPY08It9VQ8MnecM

    George Galloway in A thief is always a Thief hoe long they hang on.to their stolen property.

  7. China under provocations from Mickey Mouse Marcos should use this excuse to reclaim the Scarborough and Ren Ai Reefs immediately. Blame it on Marcos.

    China was very restrained and sensitive to Duterte when he was President. Now that he has been ousted and his daughter and family targeted for destruction, there is no reason to keep being nice to the rascal Mickey Mouse.

    Just do it. Reclaim both reefs to turn them into another two fortresses in the South China Sea. This is the price for provoking and being hostile to China.
