
China's Socialism triumphs over fake American Democracy

 If China, with a Socialist system (embracing a capitalist touch) beats the Democratic System and becomes the No. 1 economic power, that is going to puncture for good the whole superiority myth espoused by the USA that democracy will always triumph socialism. It makes nonsense of the boasts when China does overtake the USA, which it certainly will. The proof will be there, the reality does not lie.

The Vietnam War was still in the era when the USA and the West were still touting the superiority of Democracy over Socialism and that was used as a justification that they were fighting a war to defeat the inferior Socialism system. Instead, they were defeated. That mantra has now been turned upside down with China's rise. And the rise of China is so rapid, it left the Democratic superiority myth in the dust and turning it into dust as well.

How can the USA and the West accept defeat or live with the idea that Socialism is now a better system for the world to follow? They could not and neither could they still use that argument to denounce socialism as an inferior system.

But notice that they no longer are using the democracy vs socialism argument in geopolitical discourse, knowing it holds no water. Rather, they invented the 'Rules Based Order' nonsense, using human rights issues, fermenting fear mongering over Chinese threat at every conceivable opportunity and preventing China from having any influence in other countries. 



  1. Who can argue that China's Socialism is bad, when it has managed to lift more than 800 million or more Chinese people out of poverty? Which other democratic country's leader has been able to do that and on that scale? And if Xi is bad for China as a 'Dictator', compare him to any other democratic leader in the world, including the USA, who have outdone him in improving their country under their leadership?

    India is the biggest democracy in the world, and India is still mired in poverty and underdevelopment. The USA's poverty situation is going from bad to worse, homelessness is getting out of hand (moving tents out of public sight is no solution), drug infestation is escalating (and they are trying to blame China as well), polarization is an internal cancer spreading like wildfire, and the whole establishment on both sides of the political divide are a big joke.

    And yet the USA is trying to spread its democracy to the rest of the world. In Africa, leaders are telling the USA and the West that they can keep their democratic ideals to themselves and not try to coerce them to follow a farcical system that is failing. African leaders know that the USA and the West are still trying hard to flog the dying democratic horse, to make it great again. They are still denying the inevitable.

  2. Western Demo Crazy are all HOG WASH!

    Be hypocrites and get elected.

    Then made hay whilst the sun shine with all their Corruptions and evil deeds.

    For they know that there is no guarantee that they be elected again.

    Especially the Americunts BS systems where they are sponsored by corporations and Oily Gourds and have to obey as their doggies and gave them the favours and demands.

    They raked as much corrupted monies as much as possible not a damn yo the voters who voted them.

    Abusing all their powers to have favours to their cronies and sponsors.

    Whilst China's Socialism tried to even the have nots and the haves.

    Their Congress and whatsoever Parliament are men and women chosen and elected by their respective states and counties to represent them.

    Even their minority groups and tribes.

    They are been sieved carefully before be Members of the Congress and Parties.

    They have to guard their dignity and names even when they are no longer in their Service as they had proud to serve.

    Also NOT to be curse or damn and spoilt their family names and reputations.

    Whereas the Whites and those following them don't give a damn.

    Strike whilst the iron is hot to make as much as possible and if not elected again them retired to have luxurious decadence lifes

    One fine example, Nancy Pesi Cola as Corrupted Main Bread Winner and husband goes for Arseholes Gays.

    Not even service her.

    What's a joke!

    1. https://youtu.be/BDmceAtpnBM?si=e-HPGjRXwpRybDDX

      See this video even their Condoms Management Committee also made corrupted monies on their tenants and owners.

      Whites Robbers

  3. When USA politicians know that after four years in office they may not be elected again, promising what they will do before being elected are all hogwashes.

    Biden has promised the moon and the sun to his allies and supporters about global infrastructure investments, trade corridors, digital transformation, most of which will be forgotten when Trump or another takes over. That is why the EU is nervous about a Trump victory in November. And that is why Zelensky is also worried about being dumped by the USA under Trump.

    And what all USA leaders do is that they will just make hay while the sun shines. Trump was touted to be paid just US$1 as salary during his term, but the reality is he took more than that as his salary with his golfing adventures and tax evasion plans.
