
China is investing in countries outside the USA and EU

 That is why China is investing in countries outside the USA and EU. The USA is said to be un-investible for China by some, and Europe is equally risky. Xi's trip to Serbia and Hungary and the economic momentum coming from China's investments in these two countries is sending a stark signal to Europe. Italy is realizing its missteps in moving away from the BRI. Too little too late.

Serbia is neither in the EU or NATO and is safer for China to set up manufacturing and invest in the country. It is a blessing for Serbia, for not having its hands tied by being in the EU like Hungary. Hungary may be in the EU and NATO but is a lone voice against the policies of the EU in general.

However, that makes Viktor Orban a target for assassination like Robert Fico of Slovakia. Orban has to be really careful, more so with the latest cementing of ties with China and development plans that will send pangs of envy to other countries in the EU. The Anglo-Saxon Whites fear that trend taking root causing fragmentation in Europe.



  1. Chinese companies are going to treat investments in the USA like the plague, to be avoided at all costs. And that is also making investors from other countries really nervous, asking the question of who is next. The USA's behavior against Chinese investments is going to backfire badly on itself. And it is talking about re-industrializing itself and trying to attract foreign investors. What a joke!

    CATL was supposed to set up a battery manufacturing facility in Kentucky to provide batteries for EVs made by Ford and others. CATL has now discarded such a plan, which is causing problems for Ford. Instead CATL is looking elsewhere, in South America and Eastern European countries less hostile towards China, like Serbia and Hungary. And Volkswagen and Hyundai with facilities in USA are in the same boat as Ford, unsure of their future.

    It is the same story with a Chile conglomerate trying to open up a Copper-Nickel mine in Minnesota, that was killed off for good by a Federal Judge under the Biden Administration. Hundreds of millions had already been invested in initial funding, only to be killed with massive losses suffered by the Chileans.

    So, it is not only Chinese investments that are facing enormous risk in the USA today. What is dangled to lure foreign investments to USA that may be its desire today, is not followed by the USA walking the talk. Investments will be struck down tomorrow at the whims and fancies of the Establishment, whether Democrats or Republicans. Moreover, what is agreed to by one political party could just be put to pasture when the other party gets into the White House. No wonder some are saying that the USA is un-investible. That's a reality!

  2. Investing outside the USA and EU is cheaper, faster and safer for China.

    South America, Africa and South Asia are even gratefully appreciated and hungry for Chinese investments and are welcomed. Why invest in countries where you are not welcomed?

  3. South Asia but NEVER India.
