
American and western main media spreading more lies than social media

 Whether socialism is better or not has been laid bare for all to see. Unlike in the past without internet and social media, where information is tightly controlled with only the MSM monopolizing information, it is a different world today with foreigners visiting China and posting videos on Youtube showing the world the reality as against the propaganda trotted out by the USA and the West. The reality cannot remain hidden forever.

China does not need to counter the USA and Western propaganda machine officially and just let social media do the puncturing of the fakery. Just opening up China to foreign visitors to let them see the real China is a masterstroke by China. If China were to counter officially, it will be brushed aside as propaganda pieces. The impact is less credible.

Likewise, Russia is not talking about the collapse of the EU or even Ukraine. It is the USA and the West propagating the collapse of Russia years ago and fabricating Putin's health issues. Russia just needs to grow faster and stronger than the EU to put the truth on the table. The world can judge the result.

Trying to ban TikTok is an indication of what they tried to do to stifle information, but it will fail. The truth is hurting some people. TikTok reveals warts and all the failings of the USA and the genocides in Gaza that the USA and the Israelis are trying to contain.

The USA can try sanitizing information to suit their agenda on Youtube as most people have found out, but not on TikTok which is beyond their control short of banning it altogether. It is a battle between mainstream propaganda and side stream reality. The fact that they have to try to ban TikTok indicates who is winning the information war.



  1. The USA is fighting wars not just in Ukraine and Middle East. It is fighting an economic war against China and Russia. It is fighting a de-dollarization war against BRICS and the Global South. It is fighting a space war against China and Russia and wants to weaponize space. It is fighting an influence war in Africa, South America, the Middles East and Pacific region against China, Russia and Iran. Can the USA win them all?

    I think de-dollarization has moved a knot or notch faster in the face of all these wars. Putin's visit to China has made it clear that relationship between the two countries is moving even closer, despite the attempts of Blinken and Yellen to sour it. Some in the USA are blaming Biden for pushing Russia towards China. Now that they have realized the consequences, what are they going to do about it? Now the USA is pushing Iran into the arms of Russia and China as well.

    With Russia check-mating NATO in Europe and Iran consolidating its influence in the Middle East, the USA has to confront China to keep its credibility in focus. Militarily, it is not an option as that will destroy both countries with Russia threatening in the background as well. The economic option is all that is left, and sanctions are not going to work. Trying to ban Chinese investments in USA is counter-productive and harms the USA more than China.

    The USA is not the only destination for Chinese investments. There is a wider world in South America, Africa and Middle East. That visit by President Xi to Serbia and Hungary is showing the USA and the EU that there are alternatives for China. And Italy is the first to realize it. Why is Italy's PM Giorgi Meloni rushing to visit China ahead of others? China should not trust her anymore after her act of pulling Italy out of the BRI. She was warned, but she persisted, under pressure by the USA. She should go to Biden for help now, not China.

  2. For propaganda wars to work, you must first have an audience. Losing credibility and audiences is making propagandas less effective today. The USA is the biggest propaganda perpetrator in the world. Without the counter on social media, the USA would have gotten away with anything they propagate. That is not happening today, as site like TikTok are puncturing the propagandas.

    Propaganda also must have some semblance of credibility, not wholesale fakery. People can see what is believable and what is blatantly fake.

    But some propagandas are so well constructed, they even fooled the experts. The Iraq War was a perfect example.

  3. Often it is not the effectiveness and convincing propaganda that works. It is the mentality of the silly believers that just want to believe even when the facts proved otherwise.

    A good example is the western educated so called elites that are nothing but unquestioning imbeciles that would believe everything the Americans said and did not want to ask and did not want to know the truth. They are just blind believers.

  4. I guess having been indoctrinated by having their education in the West prevents them from 'thinking out of the box'.

  5. This is more elementary than thinking out of the box. It is a case of silly blind believers.

    Read Channel News America, everyday repeating the same catchphrase, China is aggressive, China is expansionist, BRI is debt trap, Chinese economy collapsing, foreign companies fleeing China, etc etc

    China is good, but, but, but.

  6. Any topic where any Western leaders can use 'goldfish diplomacy' of opening and closing their lips (like a goldfish) is about China, countering China, China is aggressive, China is a national security threat built into anything made in China, China is using pigeons, solar panels, washing machines, lawn mowers, quayside cranes, toilet seats, weather balloons to spy on USA citizens. And also arresting Chinese academics and researchers and accusing them of spying for China. The list is now as long as the number of sanctions on Russia.

    African leaders do not like the West, particularly whenever they talk on any topic, it is about China's bad behavior in this and that. If the Africans can see the agenda of the West, it is sad that well educated people in Asia are still swallowing their propaganda. Wake up people!

  7. Channel News America with all their BUTs by who else Nirmala Ganapthy on New China envoy finally arrives in India BUT defrosting ties will be tricky.

    They with their shut up adversary mentalities sure tricky what's!

    Unlike the Chinese with an Open Mind.

    Aiya don't waste time on these imbeciles.

  8. Oops this one on the Shits Times.

