
America is a corrupt and dysfunctional fake democracy run by a bunch of clowns and gangsters

 US is so drunk with evil power that it thinks it can take down both Russia and China at the same time. Rather the signs are all there the evil empire will clearly meet the same fate of the Roman and the British empire. The evil empire will definitely end violently in its coming second civil war which the world can witness very soon in the next few years.

Instead of taking care of its millions of homeless the American rogue politicians are creating ever more wars overseas. It has been poking at the Russian bear for a long time and also the Arab camel. It also has been simultaneously poking at the Chinese Dragon. US rogue political leaders are all insane and mentally deranged.

With so many pressing problems and debacles at home the rogue American government should stop messing with other countries and rebuild its own country. US leaders are all insane neurotics.


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