
Too many marbles in American pocket

 Furiously trying to build a toilet when the urge to poo is so intense cannot be the right way to do things. Now the USA and the West are trying to set up refining facilities for rare earth, lithium and bauxite that are needed to support their EV, semiconductor and weapons manufacturing, which China is already moving far ahead and taking control of all the raw materials decades earlier.

In the end, those facilities will probably end up as white elephants if China, with its 'industrial overcapacity' choose to flood the market with identical products at much cheaper prices. That word 'overcapacity' hangs like the 'Sword of Damocles' over the heads of investors. That is why Janet Yellen is making such a big deal about China's 'industrial overcapacity'. Therefore, to build those refining facilities or not really takes time to decide.

How much work does it take to build up the logistics and supply chains to back up the plan to be self-sufficient in rare earth elements alone is mind boggling. There is also the time factor of maybe, optimistically speaking of 5 to 10 years to consider. Can the building of military equipment be put off in order to align with that kind of timeline? There is an ongoing war in Ukraine. There is a big war coming in the Middle East. Can Zelensky and Netanyahu wait for the weapons to be manufactured in the meantime? Iran and Russia are non-negotiable in terms of having a ceasefire of 5 years. That is nonsensical and preposterous.

Overlooking Iran and underestimating its rise is just like the USA and the West taking its eyes away from China to concentrate on terrorism, trade wars and instigating and creating real wars. All the time harping on Iran's nuclear ambitions, while ignoring the other areas that Iran is innovating fast, like drones and missiles.

Iran, or Persia is as much an old civilization like China and India, and certainly has the wisdom to rise as a world power. The USA knows this and had been trying for decades to suppress Iran from rising using sanctions. Indonesia is another country that will rise to be a global power, and Indonesia will figure prominently in the depression agenda of the USA going forward.

In fact, the moves in Papua New Guinea of military co-operation does not augur well for Indonesia. Claiming that this kind of military alliance is part and parcel of the defence structure to counter the influence of China is an insult to the intelligence of Widodo and Prabowo. They fail to see China making moves against any country around the region, not to say in PNG. Moving towards China is a very wise decision for Indonesia.



  1. Today Russia. Tomorrow Iran. Next change China. Coming soon Indonesia. This is the way it is lined up by the gangsters to keep up their 'forever wars' doctrine.

    I am just using the old adage of cinemas announcing their line-up of movies, so that viewers know what to expect.

  2. Iranians or Persians are no easy pushovers. History will testify to that.

    Like the Afghans, the West better not tangle with them. Afghanistan is not called the 'Graveyard of Empires' for nothing and is not a joke either. Iranians are just as tenacious as the Afghans. They are like pitbulls, that will not release their bites once they attack, no matter what.

    Israel, by bombing the Iranian Embassy in Syria is going to find out that Iran will definitely retaliate. I think they know, calling their citizens to stock up on toilet rolls and water. That attack is basically an act of war.

    1. Hey stock up Toilet papers im case u Israelis scared until lau sais

  3. This war is a time to test if Iran has the nuclear bomb.

    Israel can drop the bomb first and wait to see if Iran would drop theirs.
