
Being friends of the Americans is fatal

 The number of catastrophes inflicted by the USA, on itself and others, is mind boggling. And that it is coming from the USA is unthinkable.

Just take the recent sanctions on Russia alone, which is killing Europe's industrial reputation in one fell swoop. Not only that, the economies of the EU countries are also going downhill and sinking like the Titanic. Instead of Russia suffering or collapsing, it is the EU that is taking the hit. And the USA is laughing all the way to the bank, with its oil and gas sales to the EU at exorbitant prices, and Europe's manufacturing being lured to the USA using subsidies. Talk about taking advantage of another's misery.

The Chips war is going to kill off the Chips Alliance. It is a blessing in disguise for China, as otherwise it will always be subject to blackmailing in the chips sector by the USA, Japan and South Korea. China has been forced to be self-reliant and is prioritizing its chip ventures. Never bet against the Chinese when they start to be serious about any new venture. China will dominate the chips sector the same way they dominated EVs.

However we look at it, or think about it, the Chips Alliance can never fulfill its objective of stifling China. When China controls the raw materials, the advantage of manufacturing scale and the domestic market, who can compete on the global market that it is also moving into? Remember that China controls the rare earth supply and processing facilities which the Chips Alliance does not have that big supply chain advantage.

But those Europeans, with their incurable stupidity, never learn. It is an irony that Africans are learning fast from their past under colonial rule, but the Europeans, supposed to be more intelligent and more advanced than the Africans are really turning into zombies. And that is never more evident than having leaders like Olaf Scholz, Annalena Baerbock and Ursula von der Leyen leading their country or region.

The same can be said of the USA itself. Just imagine two dementia tainted rusty old dinosaur are the best they can find to run for President from a country that is touted to have the best education facilities in the world. Oh, lest I forget, the best that came out of those highly touted Universities are almost always foreign students, not locals to be realistic. And they cannot be part of 'the cream of the crop' for the political establishment to choose from.

Even then, such talents may be accused of spying for China, in research facilities, academic institutions and in Government, at the whims and fancies of the USA Government. The moment those countries that these students came from are rising to compete with the USA, they are targeted. It does not matter whether they are from China or India. That is the reality and must not be forgotten.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If violence breaks out over the protest, and any crackdown resulting in deaths among students, that is going to be big trouble for Biden and Netanyahu.

Before the Vietnam War ended, University students did the same, with deaths among students that eventually forced the USA's military withdrawal from Vietnam. Other factors were also at play of course, particularly the body bags returning to the USA was not lost on ordinary USA citizens and difficult for USA citizens to swallow.

Any violence now among the students protesting at Universities that may result in firearms discharge and deaths will change USA support for Netanyahu, that is why he is rattled by the protest ongoing.

Internal pressure, more than external, will change USA's support for Netanyahu. External pressure can always be brushed aside, but internal pressure will always be there and detrimental for Biden and the Democrats.