
Washington clowns killing Boeing, like they killed the American dollar

 Other than the American Military Industrial Complex, Boeing is likely the biggest money spinner and employer for the Americans. And no one would think that this icon and great asset of the American Empire could fall so quickly and by self inflicted wounds. But after seeing how the goons in Washington killed the greenback as the international currency, anything can happen. The goons are so daft and desperate to kill all the geese that were laying the golden eggs.

How could Boeing destroyed its pristine records of producing airworthy and reliable aircraft that were earned over several decades? And all these are happening in the last couple of decades or so. If we put in all the bits and pieces together, Boeing is clearly caught in the politics of world hegemony managed by a bunch of clowns in Washington, things would become clearer.

911 could be the trigger that gave the clowns wild and dangerous ideas on what they could do to Boeing aircraft. Initially it was defensive in nature, to want to have a backdoor to control the aircraft should it be hijacked in the air. This defensive thought gestated into very wild and evil ideas in the minds of the gangsters and clowns in Washington. Yes, they weaponised the Boeing aircraft to not just wanting to wrestle control of the aircraft from hijackers, they want to control the aircraft and turn it into a military or political weapon.

The hi speed vertical dive of a Boeing aircraft in China, killing everyone in it, was an early indicator of something very wrong with Boeing aircraft. This was followed by a series of 737 Super Max losing control and sky diving, leading to several crashes, and killing a few hundred passengers and aircrew, were more ominous signs that something was grossly not right with the Boeing aircraft. Now Boeing 787 is also in trouble. 

Why are there so many technical and safety issues happening to Boeing aircraft recently? Were they due to human errors, sloppiness, poor workmanship? Screws were loose, improper screws were used, doors flying off, wheels falling off. Some were blamed on software problems, software created by degree mills programmers?


A former Boeing employee who blew the whistle on alleged safety problems at the aircraft manufacturing giant has been found dead.

John Barnett, 62, died on Saturday from an apparent “self-inflicted” wound, a coroner in South Carolina in the United States said on Monday." Al Jazeera.

In order to take over control of the Boeing aircraft on the ground, Boeing must have inserted software programmes into the aircraft control system to be able to do so. Could there be more programmes that were sneakily implanted into the aircraft control system to do anything the perpetrators with evil intent wanted? With such programmes, the evil perpetrator can simply seize control of the aircraft and fly the aircraft to wherever he wants, or crashes the aircraft intentionally. Yes, they can hijack the aircraft while on the ground and fly it anywhere... like MH370. Could it be?

With such programmes embedded in the system, accidents can happen when the control system is hacked, intentionally, unintentionally, or someone doing a test run without knowing that a Boeing aircraft is nearby. Many bugs could developed with so many unrelated to flying programmes in the system. These could explain why Boeing aircraft could go out of control and even dive uncontrollably.

And to make matter worse, the programmers hired to do the job could be degree mills cheats, incompetent and not fully up to it to do a proper job, leaving many loopholes and bugs that could crash the aircraft.

What do you think? The evil clowns in Washington would swear under oath that they would not do such things, that they would not lie, not cheat, not steal and not kill. 

The real victims of their dangerous and mischievous schemes are the American Empire, the American people, and of course Boeing and whatever organisations and corporations that ended up in their menu. Oops, don't forget the demise of the US dollar as an international currency and the end of printing toilet papers as money for safe keeping by nation states and big banks.

Be warned, Boeing aircraft are extremely dangerous, can be switched off any time by evil operators. Raimondo has given pre warnings in her Freudian Slip, that China can switch off EV cars, even ICE cars that have no software in them...because this is what the Americans are doing in American made commercial and military aircraft and EV cars. Who are still so ignorant to want to buy Boeing or American warplanes when the Americans can seize the aircraft from them at will, or switching them off in midair?


  1. I still remember the plane that Jiang Zemin bought from Boeing, which was later discovered to have 20 bugs planted by you know who.

    Imagine what they could do with the plane with Jiang Zemin on board.

  2. Would you trust Satan even if he swears about anything over his grandmother's grave?

  3. The Americans can strangle Singapore's financial system, George Yeo said.

  4. The yankee politicians would have sold all their Boeing shares recently knowing it's going to drop.
    It's hard to avoid flying Boeing aircraft as they've dominated the airline industry for so long. BUT, I think it's safe to fly their older aircraft like the 737 pre MAX series as they don't have as much electronics in the latest ones.
    Just my opinion.

  5. If my limited experience with electronics is anything to go by, trust me, their going haywire unannounced is nerve shattering. As chips gets tinier and tinier, the bet is that they become more prone to hiccups. More than that, chips have a lifespan of a few years. Hiccups on EVs on the ground are not as dangerous as planes in the air, carrying hundreds of people. We should be more worried about airplanes, especially Boeing planes, not about TikTok and BYD over the hyped-up and over-rated fiasco about National Security issues and trying to ban it.

    All said, what is the rational of claiming that quayside cranes and the like are spying on USA Citizens. I do not think China is interested in spying on the sex life of the corrupted and convoluted lifestyles of USA citizens. China is more interested in uplifting the lives of its own citizens. What do USA citizens have to offer China in terms of their knowledge and access to sensitive state information? Surely those formulating important policies of the USA are not going to be around those cranes. Therefore, what is the rational of trying to claim that China is spying on USA citizens to warrant a ban on Chinese products? Only the stupid gets conned.

  6. One or two more airbrushes and Singkapore Airports would be Ghosts Buildings and Terminals.

    Air hostesses would be Ahmas in hospitals again.

    That's what's you have for the Dead End Sunsets Industries.

  7. Air Crashes lah!

  8. Computers can go haywire. We have seen that in the big banks, big and small companies, transport operators. Trust the electronics at your own risk. It is difficult to avoid nowadays, take it or leave it, but best to keep this in mind.

    But these are not life-threatening issues when electronics suffer hiccups, unlike airplanes.

  9. Latest, some clowns in Washington warned that garlic from China is also a security issue.

    America and Americans are sick to the core, lying and lying and lying to preserve their dominance as an Evil Empire.

  10. The USA ruling elites are mentally sick, retarded and out of touch with reality. They are so fond of lying that they now believe in their own lies. They are not called the 'Empire of Lies' for nothing.
