
Proud Maldives kicked out Indian soldiers

 India has always been treating its smaller neighbours as its protectorate and meddling with their internal affairs and at its extreme, took over their foreign affairs, with India deciding who can be their friends and who they cannot have relations with. Bhutan is like a happy canary inside a cage set up by India. For many years, India was happily stationing Indian soldiers in Maldives, treating it like an Indian colony.

President Mohamed Muizzu fought and won the election on the promise that he would free Maldives from foreign soldiers, to be fully independent. He has given an ultimatum for India to withdraw its soldiers from Maldives soil. India reluctantly accepted the demand of the Maldives govt but crept in with so called 'civilians' to replace the uniform soldiers to continue to remain in Maldives on the pretext of servicing two helicopters and a light aircraft. The Indian presence both in aircraft and soldiers, now 'civilians', is as good as having a military base in Maldives. Would Maldives be contented with the change of attire of the Indians, wearing civilians are not soldiers, and accept this position as being free and independent, without foreign forces in its land?

The trade mark of Colonialism and Imperialism is to have military bases in their colonies. With the end of WW2, there was a rise of Nationalism at a time when the colonial powers were weakened and unable to hold on to their colonies. Many new nation states gained independence and rid themselves of the presence of colonial military bases. The luckier ones were completely free of the control of western powers. A few that were defeated had no choice but forced to allow foreign soldiers and bases to remain in their soil, in a way becoming semi colonies of the foreign powers. No amount of national pride could hide the shame of having foreign military bases in their land, a violation of their sovereignty. 

Some thought they were free and have become independent nation states only to realise that the western colonial powers are still colonising and ruling over them in other indirect ways. Many African and Middle Eastern states are now trying to free themselves today, but still unable to do so. All proud and nationalistic people would want to be truly independent from the control of foreign powers, to run their own countries and chart their own destinies.

But there is an anomaly. Some states are happily reinviting foreign powers to set up military bases in their country in the name of freedom and independence, protecting themselves from imaginary enemies. And they ended up effectively becoming colonies of foreign powers but pretending to be free nation states. Japan and South Korea have no choice, the Americans would not leave. 

Many European states are in this state of affair, thinking they are free and independent but actually protectorates of the American Empire. A few SE Asian states are also in the same boat, with the Americans controlling their foreign policies, with American soldiers and military bases in their soil, and everyday parroting American fabricated lies, and being set up by the Americans to be enemies of other nation states against their own national interests.

At least little Maldives has the gut and pride to stand tall, to boldly and bravely tell India to remove its soldiers and military base in Maldives. But India, having a foothold in Maldives, would not go quietly.

PS. African states are also starting to kick out foreign soldiers in their land. French troops in Africa, on the pretext of fighting terrorism are being kicked out and Macron is fuming. Iraq and Syria are also telling the American occupation forces to get out of their land. Only shameless leaders, actually traitors, are inviting Americans to set up bases in their own countries, like inviting Americans to be their colonial masters.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    India as a Hot Air Show Off Good for Everything actually GON i.e. GOON as Good For Nothing tried to be a SUPER Power.

    Own country eighty percent still in slums.

    Foolish Leaders built up own country at least ninety percent before can act Borak Borak.

    Still as a doggie to the White Barbarians when they instigated them to provoke China by having more cannot fight troops at the borders with China.

    Many of the lands that were once China's and purposely let them in disputes as purposely washed their hands by the White Barbarians when they retreated from these Areas.

    Wanted to act as Big Bro to those surrounding small neighbours that now looking to China for more protections.

    China and Russia have no ambitions to take over and rule another foreign country as they have enough on their plates to just take care of their vast countries and peoples.

    Also to have perpetual problems and worries to monitor and control an occupying peoples.

    China only in the willingness of that host country and also in their interests to protect their investments had stationed their troops there to safeguard their businesses. NOT to colonize that country.

    But Hot Air Indians had EVIL motives to take over that countries.

    That's why they even wanted the daft Taiwanese to willingly reunified with them as then they be willing peoples as ONE.

    Now many small and REAL independent nations are trying to rid off these parasites that wanted to control them.

    Some, however, after even years after Liberation are still enslaved to their Colonial Masters.

    Even the same Euro Nuts.

    Fine examples are the Pinoys, the Japs, the South Koreans and also Sinkeland.

    Many are doggies to them and some worse puppies.

    Woof woof!

  2. For all we know, the Imperialist Colonizers may be behind the creation of terrorism so that they can have a reason to station troops in the land they want to occupy. Russia would not have taken their present stand had NATO not been expanding its reach Eastward to the Russian border, and the intention of Ukraine joining NATO was the final straw that broke the camel's back. The USA had all along been playing up the Russian threat against NATO in order for them to exert unending control over NATO and keep their troops on the pretext of protecting NATO countries, even after the Cold War. The clear expansion of NATO towards Russia, agreed not to with Gorbachev after the breakup up of the former Soviet Union, was brushed aside and unmitigated expansion was all the while on the cards and mindset of the USA. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Terrorism creates instability in countries and weak Governments fall for the ploy of the Angel of Death coming to their aid. And for all we know, this is still happening in many African States as well as in South America and the Carribean states like Haiti. What can we say about the Israel/Hamas war and the USA playing both sides? Does that ring a bell?

    The USA had been breeding terrorism using radicalized Muslims in Xinjiang for quite a while, until China put a damper on it. After putting in so much effort and resources by the USA and its allies via the CIA in Xinjiang, failing to succeed in their objective to destabilize Xinjiang and later China, in tandem with the CIA instigated unrest in Hongkong then (also in conjunction with their plan) was a hard pill to swallow for the Anglo-Saxon clique.

    Now the USA, if I gathered correctly, is said to be thinking of putting into play their plan to ban their citizens from visiting Xinjiang and preventing their citizens from finding out that they had been lied to big time by the Western Media, painting a totally fake and misleading face of Xinjiang. The proliferation of such videos on Youtube recently by both USA and citizens from other countries during their actual visit to Xinjiang is making the Anglo-Saxon clique really nervous about letting the cat out of the bag. Their lies about mistreatment of the Muslim Uyghurs will fall flat on their faces. The USA is totally desperate trying to take this step.

    Let me also touch on the death of Navalny whom the USA and the West had also spent a fortune investing in and building up their Russian opposition asset to create unrest against Putin. Navalny's death dealt a severe blow to their intentions. Just listen to all the crying and howling in the Western Media regarding his death. Navalny is not even a credible touted leader of a country, so why is he being praised to high heaven in the West? What has he done for the people of Russia, other than being a traitor to the motherland and trying to create instability over there. And just look at the song and dance being made to raise the stature of his wife to be the next opposition leader in Russia.
