
When the faces are fat and oily, and millions in the bank accounts... no time for competition?

 LKY once said if you are fully satisfied and well fed and had the notion that you had alreday arrived, then your downfall be soon very soon.

He meant that once you are no longer hungry to further your improve and kept going that you are still hungry then it will be your demise.

There are so many in the not so well developed and are the Third World Countries that are very hungry.

Still hungry, they be struggling to be NOT hungry and are fighting NOT to be hungry.

So they will worked doubly hard and innovative.

Those countries that are been fully fed for their good times will decline in time to come as their peoples will become too complacent and thought that these happenings will last forever

So the West, Japan, South Korea and Sinkieland will be in a M.O.T. be down hill.

Their generations will not be as hungry as their old generations and had long been pampered by the good lifes that they been enjoying.

Some been supported by even their parents etc had taken too much for granted their cosy comfortable lifes.

Even same as for China. See their now young generations are even laidback and wanted lepak lifes.

Likewise Sinkieland, our young had become a Strawberry Generation.

Unlike our old generations where we are happy to have a job even though not so well paid.

Also worked for three quarters of our lifes before even taking a break or holidays.

They will prefer to work in Aircond comforts been a MacDonald Server with bare minimum pay rather than be a tradesman or even a labourer in the hot sun to have a better salary.

Also, many like those prefered the gig gig platform workers on their own as somewhat's own time and work as works life balances not so stressful work lifes.

Some had no choices as I do not want to sweep all as such as they had no opportunities to secure full time employment.

The worse is that our own Government that was supposed to take care of own let so called market forces to the employers even our own locals to employ as their plans and wishes.

In a truly well knitted Nation, the peoples as citizens would firstly take care of own employing our own even though the bottom lines or even losses occurred in their enterprises as must as patriotic own that's their honourable duties.

In times of Wars and emergency to defend our Nation, most if NOT all will answer the calls forward.

But Sinkies Land been an migrant nation even till now with one another still having the same mentality that you die your business is NOT fully integrated.

That's why I reckoned why our Government is NOT too keen to have manufacturing those industrial factories economy.

As the young spoilt Sinkies, most thought that they had sound education and string of papers would not want these types of preceived low status jobs or professions.

Most wanted to be white collared and esteem jobs and professions even though they are pay lower.

How many these types of White Collared Jobs and Professions the Government can generates every year with thr influx of si many Graduates that come out into the Jobs Market?

With our small Service Economy?

So MOT if thr young generation do not change their mindsets to recognise that even blue collared high paying jobs are for them, then they be in future be in McDonalds and KFC and gig gig gila platform jobs.

Then later be buskers at the Markets and the MRT stations.


1 comment:

Virgo49 said...


Said Parents owe me a living.

To leak and idle that's living.

Happened nowadays in many countries usually those who had so called Arrived.

Strawberry no back bone generations.

Actually frankly had seen many in my time of our old neighbours and friends that whence they were young had very well too do grand parents and parents.

They were well fed and pampered without much worries of Suevivals like many of improvised us.

They are not hungry like us with low incomes families.

Now seen so many of their fore generations are so lepak and not to critise them in worse living conditions as compared to us.

They had too much luxuries and am too naive not to fight for a living.

Been too long had comfortable and luxurious lifes.

For they are NOT hungry like most of the poorer cohorts.

Sometimes I wondered if this is karmas that sometimes one's children are too smart and the parents are too ambitious for them to be well heeled and could be a sorts of pride and can boast to others of their children's excellent achievements in having a string of degrees and went overseas for their studies.

Many in my estate of our same generation used to lament that their smart smart children with degrees in Overseas are NOT back with them

They kept lamenting how sad and lonely they are.

Frankly, have seen some families where their children are just average wages earners with with average secondary or some post secondary education and they are so filial to their aged parents.

Many accompanying them for their medical checkups and visits to the Doctors when they are sick.

So see, the difference.

So some times it's blessings that you must not have too much ambition and prides on your children which may be curses on you.

The Saying First Generation Built with their sweats.

Second Generation will Consolidated.

Third Generation will Prosper.


First Generation Wealthy

Second Generation Enjoy.

Third Generation Suffered.