
India will crawl to the G7 hoping to be recognised as half white, like Japan

 USA and UK are now openly supporting Canada in its dispute with India. Does that not indicate that India is going under the bullock cart sooner or later?

Whites will always support their own kind and India better wake up and remove those blinkers. Even its own celebrated Indian PM in Little Britain is taking the side of the Whites, so what else is left for India? The blindered Indians can keep supporting the G7 Whites now controlling the G20, and keep throwing spanners in the working of the BRICS and get its arse bloodied.

Just because the G7 invited India earlier to sit in the corner of their meeting does not mean they are India's friends. The G7's only motive is using India to counter China, nothing more, nothing less. The sooner India realises this, the better for it.

India is getting more isolated by cozying up to the USA and following its agenda. Not in the BRI and not in the RCEP, India is waiting for the USA to invest more in the country while proactively chasing away the Chinese investors.

India should realise that the USA is itself trying desperately to lure investments back into the country, to re-industrialise I would say, having lost its manufacturing sector to China over the decades. The USA is even prepared to sacrifice close and important allies like Germany to save itself, by using subsidies to lure European Manufacturing to the USA.

Sure, promises of investments have been made to India, but promises are always made by the USA to be broken. As with China, the USA and the West are thinking of benefitting from the low wages in India, making hay while the sun shines, but will accuse India of paying slave wages when this is over, and after making all the profits in India. Trusting the words of the Whites like Joe Biden is playing with fire. The USA is incapable of helping its own citizens and cares little about others. 



  1. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/singapore-to-build-india-skilling-centres-11697742545358.html

    Good morning All

    Apologies out of Topic but need to put here as most appropriate article.

    SinkiesLAND further extension of CECA?

    Thought Most Sinkies already sucked dry and high and RTS- I.e. Roam The Streets?

  2. By the way Teaching the Indians how to suck eggs ah?

    Thought they are already the World's Best Talents who superceded so many CEOs of Daft Countries and also be PeeAyam of Little Britain.

    Also Practically all the Plum plum Meaty professions in Sinking Land.

    They needed skills upgrading centres meh?

  3. The daft trying to teach the streetwise conmen how to survive in the real world?

    Or the daft paying to learn from the conmen?

    Singapore has been sold.

  4. India's future rise in manufacturing can only come about by being friendly with China, not the West, so as to attract Chinese supply chains to invest in India. And India can only rise with manufacturing as its base, not a service oriented economy.

    India still lacks the infrastructure to go big into manufacturing, lacks the supply chains to support such foreign manufacturers setting up facilities, and most of all lacks the skilled workers to provide the manpower for those foreign entities.

    India betted on the service sector like software and call centres catering to foreign companies, with its education system catering to those areas as well. Changing to manufacturing is not as simple, without producing the engineers and technical expertise. India is putting the cart before the horse, trying to compete with China when its manufacturing base is still in its infancy. But as we well know, Indians talk a great deal and boasted to high heaven before they even started on projects, but years later they are still stuck in the mud.

    India needs the BRI to improve its infrastructure, an essential element of any attempt to industrialise, in order for fast movements of raw materials and export of products, together with efficient and well managed ports. That is the first basic step, not the other way round of trying to attract manufacturing without improving infrastructure first. Apart from this India needs to clean up its corrupt administration, streamline and simplify its archiac laws, be open to investments from everyone and treat every investor on merit, not on ideology.

    1. How can it rise when it's reputation stinks to high heavens as the deathbed of investors?

  5. They are saying the rise in population is their advantage in years to come. Years to come could mean decades or centuries to come. At the rate of India's progress, talk and boasting comes first, results not important.

    I hope I have not made the Indians shake their heads in anger.
