
India and China pursued different paths to development

 India and China pursued different paths to development, starting from the same base line. India went for the service industries like call centres, computer programming, systems servicing, and an education system ill suited for manufacturing. China went the way of manufacturing and thankfully betted on the right horse. India is now trying to change horses in midstream, but lacks the right educated manpower to carry the burden.

China's education system made radical changes more then 30 years ago, focusing on producing scientists and engineers en masse. Not like the old system of producing scholars excelling in poetry and the art of Government. There was little need to produce highly rated politicians and scholars to run for office. It paid off handsomely, producing highly skilled engineers able to helm its manufacturing base and providing skilled manpower for its infrastructure needs.

Infrastructure is a paramount requirement for any country eager to develop fast, enabling industries to move raw materials from ports and finished products to ports for shipment to foreign destinations. Never underestimate the importance of infrastructure like roads, rails and ports for poorer countries to improve their economy. That is why countries in Africa and Latin America saw the need for infrastructure developments, which only China is able and willing to provide, with loans and engineers to carry out projects all in the house. No third party costs, LOL. 



Anonymous said...

For India today, countering China and Pakistan seems the top priority for the Indian Government, never mind what the state of the country is in.

Now even countering BRICS and SCO takes center stage, and the USA and the West are salivating over the Indian stand against China's pivotal standing in BRICS and SCO. It is countering for the sake of countering, not caring about the benefits to have a strong BRICS and SCO.

But perhaps some Indians have realised that the USA is in fact now playing India against Pakistan and vice versa. Indians are now hysterical, accusing the USA and Pakistan of having forged secret deals to provide Pakistan with military weapons, that will be detrimental to India.

Anonymous said...

It is a blessing in disguise that India is not in the BRI and RCEP, otherwise these two groupings will be facing the same Indian subterfuge.

Why do I say so? These two groupings run counter to the USA agenda, long a thorn in the eyes of the USA as it infringed on their superpower standing. And not being under their control and dictate, and now competing against their US$600 billion 'Partnership for Global and Infrastructure Investments' or PGII, and their alternative plans for its own economic co-operation bloc among the Asian Pacific countries, all this warrants their keeping BRI and RCEP ineffective and constrained. And using India, had it been inside the two groupings, will provide the trojan horse for the USA to carry out its vile agenda.

The Indians will do anything for its own benefit, wanting the cake and eating it, and the USA knows the Indian appetite is simply greed for deed.

Anonymous said...

U.S. re-engagement with China reflects confusion of priorities

In the shadow of the protracted conflict in Ukraine, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has made an inconspicuous but substantial shift in its policy toward China.

An examination of recent trips by several cabinet members suggests the administration is having trouble formulating a consistent global security strategy.

It is evident that the Biden administration decided it was necessary to diffuse the tensions that escalated in February when the U.S. Air Force shot down an alleged Chinese reconnaissance balloon that had traversed the continental U.S.

It may be that Washington felt taking a low-key diplomatic approach would help in pressing China not to cooperate with Russia's war effort in Ukraine. But given growing signs that the war still has a long way to run, and that it will continue to require significant fiscal and military resources, it seems the U.S. has decided now to seek to secure at least China's benevolent neutrality in relation to the confrontation with Moscow.

In May, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met in Vienna with Chinese Politburo member Wang Yi, who last month returned to role of foreign minister, for some 10 hours of "candid, in-depth, substantive and constructive discussions," in the words of a senior administration spokesperson. In June, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met in Beijing with Wang and Chinese President Xi Jinping for another five hours of "candid and constructive" talks.

The atmosphere of the Beijing talks was captured symbolically in much-circulated photographs in which Xi is seated at the head of a meeting table, while Blinken is seated on the side of the table, positioned as a dutiful listener.

America's top diplomat was compelled to go to Beijing and negotiate from a position of weakness due to the strategic circumstances that Washington faces. In short, the lavish military aid that Washington has provided to Kyiv to sustain its fight against Russia has severely undermined U.S. military preparedness.

During the Cold War, U.S. military hegemony presupposed Washington's possession of sufficient military prowess to simultaneously dominate the three geostrategically vital regions of Western Europe, the Middle East and Northeast Asia. In effect, this meant a capability for full-power projection for two concurrent major regional conflicts while holding position in a limited regional conflict on a third front.

Anonymous said...

Would Beijing bite the USA's desire to strike a detente with China? The USA had been saying one thing but doing the exact opposite many a time, and China knows perfectly well that the USA cannot be trusted and is never to be trusted.

Once the USA gets back on its footing of rebuilding its depleted military stockpile and improving its financial resources after the Ukraine War, it will certainly revert to its old stance of dictating and still expecting China to be playing second fiddle to its interest. Those neo-Cons in the establishment will make sure the same old anti-China stance continues to be played according to the their playbook, whoever sits in the White House. Staying on as the unipolar superpower is always in its mindset, and it will never be content to live with being second or even sharing the superpower title in a multipolar world.

For all intents and purposes, China and Russia are perfectly serious in de-dollarisation, having sold the idea to so many Global South countries, that going back to the old days of further succumbing to probable sanctions under the US$ hegemony once again, will be a great misfortune and let down to the other BRICS countries, not to mention China losing its credibility. That is unlikely to happen.

With Taiwan's return to China in the crosshairs of USA/China relations, and the USA continuing to use Taiwan as a pawn to antagonise China on and off, the issues between China and USA will be difficult to resolve.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This is a pretty long piece. The American administrative leaders, more like a bunch of clowns, are getting more naive and silly by the day. They still believe the leaders of the world are stupid and can be manipulated by their silly words.

Kissinger was successful to win China over to the American side against the USSR was not because the idea was brilliant but the circumstances then gave China no choice and breaking away from Russia was to the benefit of China. The same trick cannot be used over and over again especially when the situation now favours and demanded that Russia and China must close ranks for their own survival against a treacherous US whose only goal is world hegemony. It is now Russia and next China, to be destroyed for good. Even if Biden, Blinken or Sullivan would to kneel down in front of Xi to beg for forgiveness and to side with the Americans, it would be the most foolish thing to do and would not change the position of China and Russia.

The evil Americans have not only opened their cards too early, but have deliberately, intentional or not, to force China and Russia to stay together for their own good. Nothing else can change this. And nothing else can change the position of states that had been victims of American aggression, threats and sanctions.

The Americans have arrogantly made themselves enemies of the world, even enemies of Europe. No one trust the double faced Americans anymore. Only the stooges and cronies that thought they could ride on the American coat tail as doggies feeding on leftovers by the Americans.