
Who are the allies of the USA?

Who are the allies of the USA? Basically the Europeans and the Japs of course, are the only true allies left. Coloured people are deserting them in droves. All of these Anglo Saxon countries, every one of them, are involved in colonising every nook and corner of the world and stealing global resources, commiting genocides, creating conflicts for others to fight against each other, using debt traps to keep others poor and backward, using force to make them obedient and under control. And all the Anglo Saxon allies have been tagging along and benefiting by hanging on to the coat-tails of the USA and its evil hegemonic agenda. They would have wanted the US hegemony to last forever.
The fall of the USA hegemony also means the end of the good old days of those allies as well. It means the end of their colonial style bullying, their fake show of unity, fake narratives about upholding their bullshit democracy and preventing any other power from any other coloured race from rising.

That is why they are now hysterical, paranoid and basically unable to deal with the global rush to de-dollarise and the ensuing geopolitical changes. Putting down Russia and then China seperately would have allowed them to carry on with the status quo. But with Russia and China closing ranks, and with Iran, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Mexico joining BRICS, it became a whole new ball game for the Whites.

The USA and its allies were initially so confident of taking down Russia in Europe. Now it seems their whole game plan backfired badly. Unable to take down Russia and now pivoting towards China is a very desperate move for the USA and its Anglo Saxon allies. But for them it is a make or die situation.



  1. You forgot to mention the tokgong allie Sinkieland..haha

  2. The USD is finished..by Charles Nenner:

    Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles are going up. Nenner also predicted a few years back that, at some point, the U.S. dollar cycle would be headed down—way down. The future is here, and Nenner explains, “We have known each other for many years, and I said the dollar is going to hold up, but not anymore, not anymore. It is really in trouble. There is actually no reason to be in the dollar. They especially underestimate this BRICS situation, and all the countries will be forming an anti-dollar. . . . Saudi Arabia is coming onboard, and that means the end of the dollar as the reserve currency.”

    Link to podcast:

  3. Tokgong is playing both sides and is even more dangerous. Danger can come from both ends. We never can know if it will happen. And there is no room to manouvre when it matters.

    Like the USA and EU sanctioning Russia, they thought that was the ultimate smart move, the smartest move ever and a sure thing, as gloatingly broadcasted by dementia Joe, to bring down Russia. Well, it misfired badly. How could so many smart people in Washington and Brussels be outflanked by just one person, Putin? The only explanation as we know, is that 'too many crooks spoiled the coup'.

    Anyway, I believe crazy old Joe already forgotten his ill advised bad dream and dropped the stone onto his own feet. The EU basically dropped their stone onto their heads. That feat can only be matched by the 'Missions Accomplised' fiasco of George W. Bush. Georgie later admitted it was a premature pronouncement.

  4. Allies of US are in reality Ass-wipes and Lapdogs to the US...UK, EU, Canada, Australia, NZ, Japan, Sg. Singkies need to ask themselves whether this is true of those lording over Red dot...have they surrendered all their self respect and sense of what is right and wrong to UltraSatanicAmerica (USA)?

  5. The USA and the West took their eyes off BRICS for a time, confidently brushing aside the importance of the rising clout of BRICS as overblown, and thought that nothing could overturn the US$ hegemony. Not with still such a wide usage of the US$ among global countries, which they confidently predicted and assumed, is another of their 'exceptionalism monument' that can never be taken down. Now the reality is dawning, but maybe too little too late to start countering. The whole global South is turning to BRICS.

    That was also the situation they had before China's rise, bordering on arrogance and over confidence. China's rise was never taken with much fanfare and probably looked upon with disdain, and also brushed aside as overblown. No, China was never expected to rise to such a level as to compete with the USA, as China was then so backward, poor and underdeveloped. How could China ever compete with the USA, a first world country so developed, so advanced technologically, with democracy triumphantly flooring communism, and still the only superpower that controls the world? Didn't Gordon Chang kept hammering on the collapse of China for over a decade, lending credence to the belief that it will come true just by repeating? If 2022 it did not happen, maybe next year it will come true.

    That is still the mentality of most USA citizens today with regard to China, who were fed with all the propaganda by their Government and MSM for decades. It was only with the advent of the internet and proliferation of Social Media, that US citizens and those around the world slowly became aware of the lies they were being fed.

    Those who had the opportunity to go to China to do business, people like Cyrus Janssen, were able to see the rapid changes going on in China, and together with other like-minded business people from the USA, desiring to continue doing business in China and wanting to tell their own citizens the naked truth, embarked on a mission to counter the perception being ingrained in the minds of ordinary USA citizens and elsewhere. Together with Youtubers like Gweilo60, Jason (Living in China), Barrett and many others, it is slowly working and changing the way people look at China, as evidenced by the expansion of BRICS.

    Now BRICS is showing its effectiveness in attempting to bring about de-dollarisation, in the mode of the impending rise of China as a competing global superpower. With important global players like Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Mexico, with their rich resouces also joining BRICS, trying to play with the same overblown self comforting thought is not going to work anymore for the USA and the West.
