
US versus China - Fake Democracy versus Real Democracy

The West led by the obnoxious Anglo-Saxon United States always demonize China as an autocratic state which oppreses and suppresses its people unlike the Western liberal democracy in which the people has freedom and human rights.

Well let's examine the facts on the ground. China's leaders are selected through many layers or stratas of society. In Communist China's governining system there is no such thing as 'Natural Aristocrats' as one of ASEAN's countries prime minister like to claim and boast about. In China all leaders must go through many years and many rounds of testing and only the best and most capable are picked and chosen to be leaders to serve the country. Thus China's governing leaders come from all stratas of society and has the most democratic system.

In Western liberal democratic system all scums of society, like crooks, rogues and scoundrels, charlatans, cheats and imposters can at any time bluff their ways through and take office as President, senators, lawmakers as congressmen and members of the House of representatives so long as they have the gift of the gap in demagoguery. Once elected these rogues and scoundrels and charlatans can entrench themselves for years and decades in the government. It is a fake democratic system in which the elitist government only look after the interests of the elitists while the rest of the population can only hope to swim or sink in such dog eat dog society.

The difference can be seen in China lifting over 800 million people out of poverty whereas in the United States tens of millions of citizens live in abject poverty in homelessness.

In China the government builds first class infrastructures. Chinese cities big or small everywhere are very bright and shiny and glow with glorious splendour day and night. Chinese societies everywhere are full of high spirit, vibrancy, joy and happiness and the people feel safe to go everywhere and anywhere.The people are happy and satisfied with the government. Can the Western liberal demoracies dare to compare with China's Communist Party system of governance which centers around the well being of the people at large and really takes care of the country.

In the United States which practices liberal democratic governing system ( which is actuallly most undemocratic as it restricts only to two equally evil self-interest and self-aggrandizement parties of the Republicans and The Democrats ) only the one or two percent elites live in glory and splendour while more than 50 million citizens live in abject poverty of homelessness with no assurity of food on the table day in and day out. American roads are so worned out with full of potholes and the railways and trains are bone shakers very unsafe for travelling. American cities are old and shabby,dull and liveless and the people never feel safe everywhere they venture out.

America is a crappy society full of danger and unsafe to go out as you can be mauled down by gun fire at anytime and at any moment.

There is indeed no comparison between a broken down and out American liberal democratic system and the glorious Chinese Communist Party system. The former system takes care of the elites while the latter takes care of the people at large and the country.

Glorious China : Yang Rong Nan



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Why that Mr Yang Rong Nan in his description of the Shits Conditions in the UAssA still lives there?

Must be an attache staff in their Embassy and no choice but to complete his tour of duty.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oops, I just amended by deleting, In the US.

Yang Rong Nan is Southern Glory.

Anonymous said...

A country that called itself a democracy may not be democratic but even autocratic and imperialistic. A country that did not call itself a democracy may be more democratic than a fake democratic country.

Off hand one can easily name several so called democratic countries but are really dictatorial or autocratic. The US is one of them.

Anonymous said...

USA democractic system means only the super rich have the resources to stand for election. The cost of campaigns alone makes the attempt totally out of bounds to the poor but talented. That is why so many awfully tainted and mediocre people have sat in the White House. One is so cranky, claiming that he talked to God directly and God asked him to invade Iraq. I guess you know who he is.

I honestly fail to believe that all USA Presidents have such high IQs as reported. They do have high IQs in lying, and that, I think is their forte, no doubt about that. Just go back and watch the speeches by Biden in the past and today. All totally at odds with each other and their stand on issues changes diametrically. Not only that they keep lying and making up lies to cover their earlier lies. And yet I also fail to understand why USA voters still support him. Stupidity really has no cure.

Anonymous said...

Don't play play hor! Dementia crazy old Joe is warning Putin that he will be allowed to remain as Russian President if he leave Ukraine. Crazy old Joe is really cranky as well.

Anonymous said...

We are struck by the blatancy and egregiousness of the US’s plundering of Syria… Such banditry is aggravating the energy crisis and humanitarian disaster in Syria,” he said, citing Syrian government statistics purporting that “over 80% of Syria’s daily oil output was smuggled out of the country by US occupation troops” in the first half of 2022.

The level of US greed in stealing resources from Syria is as striking as its “generosity” in giving out military aid often in the amount of billions or even tens of billions dollars.

“Whether the US gives or takes, it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster, and the US gets to reap the benefits for its hegemony and other interests,” he added. “This is the result of the US’s so-called “rules-based order.””

Anonymous said...

Stealing Syrian oil to sell to Europe and make obscene profits.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 9.40

I differ to say that the Rich Americunts able to stand for Elections.

See Dotard Trump even as a socalled Billionaire still have to gather what's nonsense Elections funds not coming from his pockets to campaign for the Presidency.

The UAssA Scoundrels that are in their Senate and Congress are corrupted in canvassing election funds from those Corrupted Americunts Oligarchs and Corporations to support them.

When they are in then they will start giving favours to them for their supports.

Likewise the South Koreans and the Taiwanese though not to a certain extent.

That's why Sinkies Land Candidates must declared their election funds from whom and where.

They may be sponsored by the Foreigners to create chaos and favours

Anonymous said...

American's version of legalised corruption is called lobbying. Everyone can pay the senators or congressman to speak or fight for them. Or also can call it donations. Donate and then gain differential and preferential access to them for support.

Anonymous said...

What LKY saw, more than half a century ago, about the dangers of foreign funding for opposition groups and their intention to interfere with Governmen policies, and that forced him to put a stop to that. However, that is not a lesson that the USA wants to follow. In the USA, both parties are controlled by corrupt corporate lobbying groups, like big oil and pharmas and also the Pentagon, and their policies can never change. Such groups make up the Deep State that dictates the policies of the USA Government, both domestic and foreign.

The two parties are just performing the USA's long drawn out soap opera of one party being asked to sing the low notes, while the other party will have to sing the high notes. That, by the way, is what they call democracy at work, and they have been putting on good shows for decades.

Now, it is still about January 6th riot, Trump's documents, Russiangate, Biden's documents and Hunter Biden's laptop. Surprisingly Chinagate has still not erupted into a hot topic yet in the USA, though the embers are ready to burst into flames. As long as the voters like to hear the singing and the long running soap opera, everything is fine and according to plan.

Virgo49 said...

Right Anon 10.09 and 10.23

The South Koreans Assembly's Men and Women and even the President are beholden to all the Chae Bos Bosses and Corporations that they can commit all sorts of crimes and goes mostly Scott free.

Even when they are jailed with special treatments and be pardoned when the time comes under their what's nonsense amnesty.

That's why China's Leaders don't want yo fall onto this trap and would not favour their oligarchs no matter how wealthy they are.

So if you were to do thus just like the UAssA and the South Koreans then MOT your country would-be I'm ruins.

Under their mercy and balls.

That's why Jack Ma thought that after living so many years overseas and became Wealthy thought that he may be a influence to the China's Leaderships to have special favours is being brought to earth when he found that he is not.

So now in a way in exile. The China's Leaders are not in this kettle of corrupted fish that could be brought over easily by Wealth as their mentality is to leave a Good Name for their descendants to be proud of them.

Also they had learnt their past lessons of their old imperial Leaders of their corrupted and decadence lifestyles that had brought so much sufferings to their own peoples.

1.4 billions people in poverty and chaos is no joke.

That's why someone commented that if the UAssA with her POP of China would be in chaos with her style of incompetent and corrupted Leaderships

Anonymous said...

China's USA treasuries holding unbelievably went down by just another US$7 billion in November, compared to October, after some massaging of figures for October, which previously stood at around US$903 billion but now reported as US$877 billion. In other words, the fall between Septmber and October was more drastic than originally at US$56 billion. But it makes the fall in November less drastic than real. They are hoping no one notices the slight of hand.

Yellen has warned of serious economic consquences following the dumping of treasuries over the last couple of months by many countries, big and small. That was the consequence of the interest rate hikes by the Fed. Now the problem of the USA is whether to strengthen the falling US$ with further big hikes, which will definitely cause a fall in countrie buying US treasuries, which is a big problem to contend with. Support for US treasuries is certainly needed right now, with the debt ceiling needing to be raised as well.

On the other hand, raising interest rates further will lead to economic gloom, now that companies cutting jobs are getting even more pronounced. And with further rate hikes, inflation will certainly get worse, not better. It is either about saving the falling US$ or fighting inflation. The choice is between a rock and a hard place, both not palatable.

Anonymous said...

When the dollar is stable, higher interest rate would attract more buyers of Treasury notes.

When the dollar is no longer stable and reliable, it would be like banana currencies. The higher the interest rate, the more volatile is becomes and more risky.

The American dollar is heading in this direction, to become a banana currency. The dumping is gathering speed. It is Dump, Dump, Dump. Soon it would be panic station and countries that are too slow in dumping the dollar would end up with dollars that no body wants, no value dollars.

It would be like a bank run.

Anonymous said...

The stupid and arrogant Americans did this to themselves, digging their own graves.

They had it too good for too long, feasting on the sweat and toil of the rest of the world. Then they over stepped and plunged into the endless pit by brazenly confisticated other countries money and weaponsing the dollar.

That was the death bell for the dollar. The world no longer trust the Americans and the dollar. It is good riddance to the dollar.

There is no turning back. To hell with American oppression and domination.

Virgo49 said...


Just for info. She don't want to be a lackey of Bidamn

Virgo49 said...


Another one bites the dust.
UAssA mostly scams starts ups to con the dafts.

Virgo49 said...


Anonymous said...

American democracy is a sham. Minorities like blacks and native Americans have no say. Minorities in China are protected species.

Anonymous said...

Yes, minorities in China have special privileges, exemption from population control, free education, extra credits for university admission, free meals for children etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Careful of the terrorist hiding behind the kind words.

Anonymous said...

China must have dumped quite decisively its holdings of USA treasuries in December as well, so much so that Yellen is trying possibly to put a brake to it by meeting Liu He in Davao. There is no other plausible reason why she wants to talk to Liu He and also mentioning about the need to communicate on economic relations. Really? Why suddenly so chummy and diplomatic?

Sounds too good to be true when in the past USA only dictates and threatens more than just wanting communication. Trade wars, technology sanctions, chip sanctions were all started by the USA and China was never given any leeway to change the USA behavior?

China must not be taken for a ride and regret giving help by buying more treasuries this time. Those treasuries are really toxic investments in times of conflict. What happened to Venezuela, Afghanistan and Russia are very important lessons for China and all other countries.

China must continue to liquidate more USA treasuries, using the proceeds for helping poorer countries in infrastructure developments with loans. USA Treasuries can always be seized like reserves, but infrastructures built by China in other countries are like the Pyramids of Egypt and too heavy to be stolen. In fact right after the outbreak of COVID19, the hardliners in the USA were already talking about seizing China's holdings of treasuries.

China will reap gratitude and thanks for such infrastructure developments in other countries, instead of buying treasuries to help a snake that always harbour intentions to destroy China. After all, going forward, with de-dollarisation gathering steam, China does not need to hold too much US$ denominated assets.

Virgo49 said...

Now the best opportunity to nail them.

If help then later mark my words they will still bite China when the crisis is over.

The leopards would not change their spots.

They wanted to weaken Russia by using that stupid Zelenskky as their cannon fodder and now China should also smashed their teeth so they cannot bite anymore and have to make plastic false teeth.

Virgo49 said...

On second thoughts also had COLD FEET thinking of the Collaspse of NZ and the West.

Better chabok and still leave a somewhat good feeling legacy when she was the PeeAyam.

Anonymous said...

Jacinda Ardern had always find it hard to act out of step with the other five eye countries against China without getting brickbats for doing so. She tried being less bias against China and was taken to task not long ago. She had to tag along.

Despite what she claimed as having the best years of her life as PM of New Zealand, I believe she is stressed out. At 37 years of age, she appears much older and clearly drawn out. But at least she, like Merkel, has more marbles than Morrison in making her stand.