
The hammer is about to fall on Ukraine:


'One of the biggest surprises of the Ukraine war, is simply the lack of preparedness on part of the US. One would assume that if the foreign policy mandarins decided to “lock horns” with the world’s biggest nuclear superpower, they would have done the necessary planning and preparation to ensure success.

Clearly, that hasn’t happened. US policymakers seem surprised by the fact that the economic sanctions backfired and actually strengthened Russia’s economic situation. They also failed to anticipate that the vast majority of countries would not only ignore the sanctions but proactively explore options for “ditching the dollar” in their business transactions and in the sale of critical resources.

We see the same incompetence in the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine. How do we explain the fact that the NATO nations have been frantically scraping the bottom of the barrel to find weapons for Ukraine? Did US leaders really start a war with Russia not knowing whether they had sufficient supplies of weapons and ammo to fight the enemy? That appears to be the case.

These aren’t trivial mistakes. The level of incompetence in the planning of this war is beyond anything we’ve ever seen before. It appears that all the preparation was focused on provoking a Russian invasion, not on the developments that would happen soon afterwards. What’s clear, is that the Pentagon never “gamed out” the actual war itself or the conflict as it is presently unfolding. Otherwise, how does one explain these glaring errors in judgement:

They never thought the sanctions would backfire
They never thought they’d run out of weapons and ammo
They never thought Russia’s oil receipts would skyrocket
They never thought that the majority of countries would maintain normal relations with Russia
They never figured they’d actually need a coherent military strategy for fighting a ground war in eastern Europe.
Is there anything they got right?

Not that we can see.

Let’s summarize:

The media is “overestimating the (effect of) Ukrainians’ regionally limited offensives”. In short, the Ukrainians are losing the war.

The Russians are winning the war. (“The Russians are clearly advancing. They will probably have completely conquered the Donbass before long.”)
Weapons alone will not change the outcome of the war. (“the martens and leopards are not enough.”)
There is no evidence that the west has clearly defined strategic objectives. (“Do you want to achieve a willingness to negotiate with the deliveries of the tanks? Do you want to reconquer Donbas or Crimea? Or do you want to defeat Russia completely? There is no realistic end state definition. And without an overall political and strategic concept, arms deliveries are pure militarism…Military operations must always be coupled with attempts to bring about political solutions.”)

Why US is in the predicament today, because the policy is in the hands of deranged fantasists. Does anyone seriously believe that the Ukrainian army will recover the territories in east Ukraine that have been annexed by Russia?

Bottom line: While Washington and its NATO allies do not have a coherent strategy for winning the war in Ukraine, it’s clear, the Russians do.

The stage is now set for a conventional ground war the likes of which no one in Washington ever anticipated. We expect that the outcome of this conflict will reshape Europe’s outdated security architecture and force a realignment that will mark the end of the unipolar era.

Link to article:


  1. https://www.youtube.com/live/fUeP9Jz2SWk?feature=share

    War Criminals in George Galloway's Latest MOATS.

    Germany sending Leopard Tanks?

    Putin said tanks crossed Dunbas that is now Russians Terrority and our Hypersonic Ballistic Missles will hits Berlin.


  2. Olaf Scholz says Germany will send those Leopard tanks to Ukraine only if the USA does the same.

    Scholz knows Putin is not bluffing about hypersonic ballistic missiles hitting Berlin.

    1. https://youtu.be/y37woMqeXFs

      Right you are Anon 4.49

      Scholz told the US that you send then O send and you taste Putin Missles First and let me know how's the Taste.


  3. Was the helicopter crash that killed the Ukrainian Interior Minister and 13 others a sabotage?

    If that had been a Russian helicopter, I believe they will spin it into a Russian pilot unhappy and revolting against Putin by a suicidal act in order to kill his own Interior Minister. And the verdict will be immediate and instanteneous.

    In this case of the Ukrainian helicopter crash, they say they must investigate. Or should I say need some time to concoct a cock and bull story about engine failure or any other bullshit. They will never admit the Russians shot it down. They already discounted Russian involvement.

    Ok, ok, just conspiracy theory again.
