
The Anglo-Saxon US /UK Lethal threat to Non-White countries especially to China. PART ONE


 The Chinese Civilization and the Chinese people have since time immemorial hold the concept that "Throughout the Four Oceans and the four corners of the earth all men are brothers and everyone in this world must live in peace and harmony. The rich must always help the poor and the haves must always help the have nots."

But not so with the Westerners, the white men of Europe, especially the Anglo-Saxons of US, UK, Canada and Australia. The white men fallaciously claim that they are a superior race and by divine right they can lord over all non-white people. They cannot be more wrong as history has unravelled their most evil wicked deeds of massacre and genocide of natives of the Americas, Australia, Asia, Africa and New Zealand and God has now decided to punish them with retributions or Karma. Moreover they strongly subscribe to the Darwin governance  philosophy of survival of the fittest which is 'The Law of The Jungle" We see this in the most immoral and undemocratic one or two percent of the U.S.  elites controlling 98 percent of all the wealth, resources, lands and properties in their country while most of their millions of poor people live in squalid poverty of impoverishment and homelessness.

 For over 500 years the savage Europeans had abused and claimed that they were the chosen race of their Christian God who had empowered them to attack, invade, conquer and occupy all non-Christian lands and countries and to kill, massacre and genocide all natives of Asia, Africa, the Americas and Australia with impunity. During these over 500 years up to the present time they have been carrying out all kinds of atrocious, wanton and cruel diabolical deeds with impunity as they claimed they were sanctioned and empowered by their God. It is hardly from the truth as the true God will ensure they they would face terrible retributions for their brutal acts of killings, massacre and genocide of non-white people and their dispossession of the wealth, riches and resources of all the natives of their lost lands to the marauding savage white people. 

God has given the savage white men many chances to mend their evil ways but being recalcitrant they defied God and continue their wicked deeds to these days. It appears that God has decided evil white men must face retributions or Karma now. There are strong signs that either all or most white countries especially the Anglo-Saxons of US and UK are facing the wrath of God. The US is now a broken country with  irreconcilable severe internal strive, severe  racial divides and  conflicts, millions of homeless people, broken infrastructures, serious national bankruptcy in which its government is trying to shore it up with the printing of trillions of dollars of fiat currency with no back up with gold or other resources. In the meantime most European countries especially England and France are now facing more or less the same horrible and deplorable conditions as in the US.

But the white people especially the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the British are so recalcitrant that they insist on holding the whole world under white bondage of  their evil hegemony. Their satanic leaders in the corporate institutions, in politics in Washington and the Pentagon have openly declared that they will not allow any non-white country to rise up to become as rich and powerful as the U.S. So much so that they look at China's rise with jaundiced eyes and have set in motion plans to start a war with China to bring China down.

I have just received an email message from a netizen warning all Chinese people to beware of the desperate US intention to take down China and all Chinese people by all kinds of draconian means. The message is reproduced below. It is fairly long but it is important to read through thoroughly and to pass it on to every Chinese around the world.

The Message:


The United States has launched a comprehensive over-the- limit struggle against China, and China has no choice but to completely defeat the United States! The 1.4 billion people in China must abandon all illusions and fully and actively prepare for the arrival of all possible and impossible situations. This is a strutural and irreconcilable contradiction between the East and the West, and it is bound to collide with all forces. It becomes a heated battle until the winner is decided! It is not China wants to compete, but the Americans want to compete. 

What is the ultimate goal of the United States towards China? An old man spoke out 32 years ago! Time: June 9, 1989, the fifth day after the Tiananmen riots on June 4!

Venue : Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee in Zhongnanhai, Beijing.

Content: Deng Xiaoping's remarks on the events in Tiananmen Square:

This matter can be seen at a glance, unequivocally, clearly, it is two purposes:

1. Down with the Communist Party, Down with Socialism! --- to overthrow the Central Government.

2. To establish a completely Western model of the so-called Federal Republic of China.

The Tiananmen Incident of June 4 was part of the "Color Revolution" instigated and funded by the United States - CIA and its NGOs, and the other half was the fact that there were indeed short-term problems such as corruption, privileges and the expansion of the gap between rich and poor in Chinese society just after the reform and opening up.

Mr Deng's eyes were like a torch, and he saw through it at a glance, and set the tone for it. Putting down the chaos is absolutely necessary and taken for granted! 

After more than 28 years, the U.S. President Trump started and launched a trade war against China, a technological war, and a biological and chemical weapon war. Development, in fact simply speaking is still the same as what Deng Xiaoping said, even if the CCP is not in power, the United States still wants to defeat and eliminate or disintegrate China. Deng Xiaoping's vision penetrates time and space, and he has already stated the true purpose of the United States!

Looking at the evolution and development of the situation in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and even the United States and China and the new crown epidemic in recent years, it is indeed as Deng Xiaoping said that day: "This turmoil will come sooner or later. This is the international climate and China's own microclimate. When such a thing happens, it doesn't depend on people's awareness. No matter how you do things, it will still happen. It's just a matter of time, big or small. "The same is true for the U.S.-China confrontation. To stop China is to lose ten thousand dollars, no matter who is in power in China and regardless of whether China's political system changes. ( Russia is the current example, the world has no Soviet Union, has the United States let Russia go? ) The United States will still not hesitate. Everything must be done to defeat China, because this is the life and death struggle between U.S. hegemony and China. The Americans must decide whether to win or lose until one side surrenders and admits defeat. China has no choice but to "abandon illusions and prepare to fight to the death!" In all in the U.S. battlefield, Taiwan will be the the  watershed  between the U.S. and China in their struggle for hegemony! And the hands of the war clock will only go faster and faster! 

The situation facing mainland China is just like what Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said: "The United States wants Huawei to die!" We have nowhere to go except "victory"! Don't be fooled by the so-called "democracy, freedom and human rights" slogans in the United States, Europe and the West. When did the suppression and control of the two countries ever let go? Perhaps Beijing is unwilling to expose the U.S. conspiracy behind the June 4 incident based on the principle of fighting without breaking. I am no longer afraid to open my belly and let the world see and know the ugliness of the United States! Anyway, they will kill you, so what scruples and reservations do you have?


Even if the political system of China changes to the Western model in the future, and even is governed by the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, the ultimate goal of the United States is still to split China. To control China is a regime that is completely submissive to the United States, Europe and the West, and whether China Democratization has nothing to do with it all. All Chinese whether they are from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or overseas Chinese, it is time to abandon their illlusions . Only by fighting to the end can the Chinese have a way out!

The savage moronic and maniac satanic West led by the Anglo-Saxon U.S. is determined to impose a lethal threat to the survival of the Chinese people and Chinese Civilization and therefore every proud, respectable  and dignified Chinese must bear the utmost responsibility of helping to defeat and destroy the barbaric United States and its Western allies of savage hordes of mafia thugs and hooligans who are all psychopathic killers.

It is of paramount importance that this important message must be circulated to not only Chinese people but also to all non-white people and countries as the return of White imperialism led by the racist Anglo-Saxon Americans will eventually catch up with their destiny with even more dastardly and draconian system of wanton cruelty and dictatorship to force submission to their total control and hegemony.


Wednesday, 18th January, 2023

NB: PART     TWO : 

The Rise of China : A phoenix has risen from the ashes:  will be published on Friday, 20th Jan, 2023.


  1. Over 500 years ago,from 1492 the barbaric Europeans went on a rampage to attack, invade and occupy faraway lands of non-white people in all the continents base on their evil militant religious Doctrine of Christian Discovery. Under this evil Doctrine they claimed they were empowered under divine right to take away all non-Christian lands and to dispossess all the wealth, riches and properties of the natives. They had been invading, killing, massacring, genociding and robbing all the natives with impunity even to this day.However,it is time now that all non-white people and countries must unite and fight back and destroy all the parasitic white countries before they can do further danger to all non-white people and countries.

    Raja Muthu

  2. They openly formed gangs to contain the rise of China, calling China enemy. And they spread the lie that China is aggressive and expansionist when China is doing none of these but building roads and ports.

    But the stupid will believe in the white men's lies. They are trying to contain China within its own territory, with gun boats sailing along the coasts of China, provoking and threatening China but with the fake narrative called freedom of navigation.

    China would learn from them and one day would be sailing along the coasts of American with Chinese warships.

  3. Raja, tell Modi to make friend with China. China can help India to build all the high speed trains, bridges and ports as part of the BRI. Asian should not fight with Asian. Win win.

    Maybe Modi is just putting on a show letting the Americans think he is on the side of the Americans, but would join China and Russia to take down the evil American Empire when the time comes.

  4. They are partly to be blamed. But some silly Asians chose to believe in their lies, cannot see how aggressive and warlike the white savages are, how many millions of coloured people they have killed in all the wars they started.

    It is by a stroke of good luck, or divine intervention, that they are now killing themselves in Ukraine. Let's hope no silly Asian countries or African countries would be dragged into it. Never if Japan wants to join in. Let the Russians terminate them.

  5. When is Sunak going to gouge out the big diamond in King Charles' crown and return it to India?


  6. Oh! Yeah! the psychopathic white Americans are in East China Sea and the South China Sea to protect its whores Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. But what about Taiwan which is an integral sovereign part of China and needs no American interference in Chinese internal affairs. The naked truth is that the United States is using South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines as pawns to contain China's peaceful rise and development so as to maintain its insidious world hegemony.

    But let the wicked Americans be warned that if they want to confront China now it will definitely meet its nemesis. China will destroy America and obliterate all the Anglo-Saxons from the north America continent and return the land to its rightful owners the native indigenous red Indians - the sons and daughters of the soil.

    Fair play and be righteous or face doomsday - a warning to all maniac white people.

  7. The Red Indians should hold an international conference in Beijing to call for the return of their land and compensation for the genocide against their people. China should stand up for the Red Indians and other natives that had their land stolen by the white men and massacred by the white men, including the Philippines that lost 1m men in their fight for Independence.


  8. The West led by the obnoxious Anglo-Saxon United States always demonize China as an autocratic state which oppreses and suppresses its people unlike the Western liberal democracy in which the people has freedom and human rights.

    Well let's examine the facts on the ground. China's leaders are selected through many layers or stratas of society. In Communist China's governining system there is no such thing as 'Natural Aristocrats' as one of ASEAN's countries prime minister like to claim and boast about. In China all leaders must go through many years and many rounds of testing and only the best and most capable are picked and chosen to be leaders to serve the country. Thus China's governing leaders come from all stratas of society and has the most democratic system.

    In Western liberal democratic system all scums of society, like crooks, rogues and scoundrels, charlatans, cheats and imposters can at any time bluff their ways through and take office as President, senators, lawmakers as congressmen and members of the House of representatives so long as they have the gift of the gap in demagoguery. Once elected these rogues and scoundrels and charlatans can entrench themselves for years and decades in the government. It is a fake democratic system in which the elitist government only look after the interests of the elitists while the rest of the population can only hope to swim or sink in such dog eat dog society.

    The difference can be seen in China lifting over 800 million people out of poverty whereas in the United States tens of millions of citizens live in abject poverty in homelessness.

    In China the government builds first class infrastructures. Chinese cities big or small everywhere are very bright and shiny and glow with glorious splendour day and night. Chinese societies everywhere are full of high spirit, vibrancy, joy and happiness and the people feel safe to go everywhere and anywhere.The people are happy and satisfied with the government. Can the Western liberal demoracies dare to compare with China's Communist Party system of governance which centers around the well being of the people at large and really takes care of the country.

    In the United States which practices liberal democratic governing system ( which is actuallly most undemocratic as it restricts only to two equally evil self-interest and self-aggrandizement parties of the Republicans and The Democrats ) only the one or two percent elites live in glory and splendour while more than 50 million citizens live in abject poverty of homelessness with no assurity of food on the table day in and day out. American roads are so worned out with full of potholes and the railways and trains are bone shakers very unsafe for travelling. American cities are old and shabby,dull and liveless and the people never feel safe everywhere they venture out.

    America is a crappy society full of danger and unsafe to go out as you can be mauled down by gun fire at anytime and at any moment.

    There is indeed no comparison between a broken down and out American liberal democratic system and the glorious Chinese Communist Party system. The former system takes care of the elites while the latter takes care of the people at large and the country.

    Glorious China : Yang Rong Nan

    In the United States


  9. When China defends its sovereignty in the East China Sea and the South China Sea the United States and its Western mafia gangsters claim China is assertive and aggressive. When China takes strong action to control and put down U.S. instigated and funded riots and color revolutions in Hong Kong, and Xinjiang the the U.S. Terrorist state accused Chjina of being autocratic. But the Anglo-Saxon white American governmment is so righteous as it can do its meanest to trample and tread on its millions of deprived non-white citizens with brutality. Moreover American soldiers have raped and killed thousands of women and school aged girls in the Middle East and Afghanistan and Okinawa while at the same time committingendless unspeakable warcrimes all under the cloak of its glorious manner of fake freedom and democracy and human rights. And now U.S. feels free at anytime to demonize China as a big bully when China clamps down CIA instigated and funded riots and color revolutions. The West led by the Anglo-Saxon United States is really revulsive, obnoxious and didgusting.

    Pro Asian citizen of Thailand: Sunarat.


  10. The American politicians must look themselves in the mirror when they try to shape the world in its own image. First they are not even qualified to govern themselves being wild and savage in nature. How dare do they think they can govern the non-white countries with their racist system of governance.

  11. The USA cannot tolerate good leaders like Putin and Xi. It is a proven fact that the USA also dislike strong leaders like LKY and Mathathir. The USA wants regime changes introduced into Russia and China, in order to install their stooges, basically aka clowns to run countries, so that they can control them. Well, Ukraine fits nicely doesn't it?

    What is even more atrocious and hilarious is that Biden is telling Putin that he can remain as Russia's President if he withdraws from Ukraine. Biden really thinks that he is ruling over Russia and having a hold over Putin as President? This Demented Crazy Old Joe really has lost his mind.

    The USA is paranoid and hysterica that Russia is in the hands of a good leader like Putin who is perfectly capable of challenging the USA sooner or later, like the Soviet Union under Nikita Kruschev before its collapse. Then, the USA was a filthy rich country while the Soviet Union was poor as a church mouse, and could not compete with the USA in spending on its military. Putin had apparently succeeded in taking Russia out of the glut and into a position of potential contention.

    The USA therefore tried to destroy Russia, starting with Trump's involvement with Russiangate, all fabricated and unproven till today. And in using NATO to expand eastward towards Russia's border was the other tactic being employed to confront the Russians, culminating in the war in Ukraine, which the USA thought it could easily win with Nato's help in sanctions and weapons that will really destroy Russia.

    The USA is even more paranoid and behaving like a rabid dog after realising China is progressing so fast and overtaking the USA soon in GDP, and in many fields of technology. Thirty years was all that was needed for China to rise up from a poor country into the second biggest global economy. That really rattled the USA and they tried to sabotage China using underhand tactics, the Taiwan issue, technology sanctions and rallying doggies to support them. Such underhand tactics that they used earlier against Japan and France were successful beyond comprehension. They succeeded in reducing these two doggies to size and thought they could do the same to China.


  12. The United States is going the way of the Roman Empire. It has overstretched itself strategically and is extremely decadent on the inside which are sure signs that The U.S. will eventually disintegrate and disappear into oblivion.


  13. The United States and its Western allies want to create an eastern Ukraine syndrome war across the Taiwan Straits. But they must know China is an Asian giant now not to be trifled and messed up with. China must strike at the Americans so fiercely that it must be made to realize that when China hits back it is going to be hurting and lethal.


  14. US will eventually meet the same fate of the Roman Empire.
    In trying to take down China US will meet its nemesis.

  15. The US and other European countries are not sincere and have double standard when it comes to dealing with Asian countries. No one asked them to come to China or India or Singapore or Philippines or Indonesia. Better to welcome Japan than the whites. Even Australia is not naturally white. They stole the land from the aborigines.

  16. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/blinken-pay-long-awaited-china-visit-early-february-3212436

    That Blinking Idiot Blinken now the UAssA had to beg to visit China.

    Why, Want to borrow monies?
    Want China to buy their bananas Tresury Notes and Bonds?

    Begged China not to dedollise the fake US Dollars?

    See the photo of ex Finance Minister Wang Yi arrogantly looked up and scorned that Pinky.

    That's should be the way to treat these savages.

    In the final episode of "Yip Man" the Chinese Kung Fu Practioner told hid daughter not to kneel to the White Men even he was beaten to the ground.

    The PRCs of today will never ever kneel to the White Savages even they are seemed to be losing.

    They would not want to be humiliated and goes to the same Hell again.

    Prepared to fight to their Deaths.

    Likewise the North Koreans.



  17. US should stop making troubles all over the world. Instead it should take care of the millions of homeless at home. It has so many pressing problems at home that requires urgent fixing. Instead US is illogically and neurotically messing up with other countries affairs. The United States has been poking the Russian bear and the Middle East Arab camel. And now it is poking the nuclear armed dragon. US leaders are all insane and mmentally deranged with camatose brains.

  18. How many Nato countries on behalf of the USA are now propping up Ukraine against Russia alone? In fact all of them and including many non Nato countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Despite that, a Ukraine victory is a far fetched dream, that only exists in the imagination of the MSM.

    How many Asian countries will support the USA against China over the Taiwan Straits? Only Japan and South Korea. South Korea is not even sure how to deal with the North and in a conflict of USA against China, South Korea will be more worried about itself than aiding the USA.

  19. Foreign Not Finance.

    Now Foreign Minister of China Qin Gang is even more eloquent and fluent in Mandarin and English and.can out spoken that Blinking Idiot Blinken.

  20. No, not the barbaric Japanese. They are evil to the core.


  21. China should declare martial law and arrest all Chinese traitors in Taiwan and put them on speedy trials for treason and sentence forthwith with death.


  22. The American politicians are guilty of wanting to destroy Russia and China so as to maintain American hegemony in the world.

  23. The Americans and the West have monopolised the media to drown out Asian and coloured voices from around the world. It is important that more Asians and people of the world speak out against the white savages and their crimes against humanity, and war crimes against the coloured people.

    The coloured people of the world must be confident to stand up and to speak out against the white savages. Do not be cowed by them, do not be intimidated by them.

  24. A terrorist is sneaking into this blog using sneak attacks. That RB's blog is targeted means that the truth put forward by RB really hurts.


  25. The United States is guilty of endless criminal acts, but they try to shift the guilt to others like Russia and China. The West adversely exploited Africa for over 400 years, but now they try to accuse Russia and China of the same guilt.

    The US is good at shifting blame from the guilty to the innocent and engaging in widespread disinformation and demonization is one of US most successful insidious trick.

    The wicked Americans and its European allies now use mercenaries to do the dirtiest and most harmful things in Africa.


  26. The cause of today's complicated and turbulent international situation is the U.S. / West clinging to white racist and white supremacist mindset, priding their own US / Western values as the absolute truth and wantonly insist on imposing their ideology and their decrepi democracy on others. In short US and its Western allies want to rule the world under their dictatorial hegemony.

  27. RB's blog is one of the few Asian blogs that dares to expose the evilness of the Americans and the West and tell them as it is. No holds bar.

    The Americans and the West cannot believe what they are seeing. Asians standing up to the Americans and the West. Tearing and shredding their fabricated lies to pieces.

  28. Sunarak, Chong Liat and Raja Muthu all descended from Adam and Eve lah. But how come different colours? And was Jesus white or Middle Eastern? Funny still debating about this. Not right.

    1. Talk cock Adam and Eve?

      So all White Savages?

      Just a bullshits fable and all sillies beieved this fable.

      Stupidity really No Cure

  29. Everybody is descended from Grandma Lucy in Africa, lah. Any colour only depend on the weather. The barbaric core is the same for all colours whether it is white man, black man, yellow man or green man.
    Anyone can pretend otherwise, but that is the facts, bro.

  30. Relac Usually the Brownies lingo and yet their own kind brutally killed and mained by the White Savages still sucked up to them and curry them.

    What's a Traitous Lots!

  31. The hammer is about to fall on Ukraine:

    'One of the biggest surprises of the Ukraine war, is simply the lack of preparedness on part of the US. One would assume that if the foreign policy mandarins decided to “lock horns” with the world’s biggest nuclear superpower, they would have done the necessary planning and preparation to ensure success.

    Clearly, that hasn’t happened. US policymakers seem surprised by the fact that the economic sanctions backfired and actually strengthened Russia’s economic situation. They also failed to anticipate that the vast majority of countries would not only ignore the sanctions but proactively explore options for “ditching the dollar” in their business transactions and in the sale of critical resources.

    We see the same incompetence in the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine. How do we explain the fact that the NATO nations have been frantically scraping the bottom of the barrel to find weapons for Ukraine? Did US leaders really start a war with Russia not knowing whether they had sufficient supplies of weapons and ammo to fight the enemy? That appears to be the case.

    These aren’t trivial mistakes. The level of incompetence in the planning of this war is beyond anything we’ve ever seen before. It appears that all the preparation was focused on provoking a Russian invasion, not on the developments that would happen soon afterwards. What’s clear, is that the Pentagon never “gamed out” the actual war itself or the conflict as it is presently unfolding. Otherwise, how does one explain these glaring errors in judgement:

    They never thought the sanctions would backfire
    They never thought they’d run out of weapons and ammo
    They never thought Russia’s oil receipts would skyrocket
    They never thought that the majority of countries would maintain normal relations with Russia
    They never figured they’d actually need a coherent military strategy for fighting a ground war in eastern Europe.
    Is there anything they got right?

    Not that we can see.

    Let’s summarize:

    The media is “overestimating the (effect of) Ukrainians’ regionally limited offensives”. In short, the Ukrainians are losing the war.

    The Russians are winning the war. (“The Russians are clearly advancing. They will probably have completely conquered the Donbass before long.”)
    Weapons alone will not change the outcome of the war. (“the martens and leopards are not enough.”)
    There is no evidence that the west has clearly defined strategic objectives. (“Do you want to achieve a willingness to negotiate with the deliveries of the tanks? Do you want to reconquer Donbas or Crimea? Or do you want to defeat Russia completely? There is no realistic end state definition. And without an overall political and strategic concept, arms deliveries are pure militarism…Military operations must always be coupled with attempts to bring about political solutions.”)

    Why US is in the predicament today, because the policy is in the hands of deranged fantasists. Does anyone seriously believe that the Ukrainian army will recover the territories in east Ukraine that have been annexed by Russia?

    Bottom line: While Washington and its NATO allies do not have a coherent strategy for winning the war in Ukraine, it’s clear, the Russians do.

    The stage is now set for a conventional ground war the likes of which no one in Washington ever anticipated. We expect that the outcome of this conflict will reshape Europe’s outdated security architecture and force a realignment that will mark the end of the unipolar era.

    Link to article:

  32. China's U.S. Debt Holdings Hit Near-13-Years Lows

    China's holdings of U.S. Treasurys fell to 870.0 billions of dollars in November last year, its lowest level since May 2010, according to latest data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
