
The ganging up of the Butchers of humanity

Japan rearms for war: What it means for Asia  - By Timur Fomenko, political analyst

Tokyo is working to assert itself as a global military power and could destabilize its entire region in the process....

While the United States has always seen Japan as the bulwark of its power-projection in Asia, a position it consolidated during the Korean War, it is now allowing Japan to “escape the leash” of its post-war military limitations, hoping it will help in the containment of China. The Biden administration has established a strategy of creating coalitions to target Beijing, such as for example, the Quad and AUKUS. The US aims to counter the rise of China through granting allies extended military capabilities and capacity that they did not have previously. Such as, for example, allowing Australia to gain nuclear submarines through AUKUS or, in this case, giving leeway for Japan to expand its military reach, such as building new air bases in Okinawa.

In doing so, Washington increasingly understands Japan as a critical asset in a Taiwan-related contingency with China, with Japanese territory being effectively 100 kilometers or so east of the island itself. Thus, Japan now recognizes the island as a critical variable in its own defence policy, because if Taiwan falls to mainland rule, Japan will be militarily ‘checkmated’ by China, which will subsequently change the balance of power in Asia against the US....

What is notable is how Japan is not just turning to the United States for its own military expansionism, but to other countries too. This includes deeper relationships with the UK, Canada and Australia, amongst others. For example, Japan will build a “next generation fighter jet” with the UK and Italy which will involve the use of AI. While it is clear that the United States is pushing its allies to work together to try and contain China, on the other hand such moves also set out how Japan is attempting to reassert its own strategic independence with a view to establishing itself again as a military power in its own right, something it has not attempted since the 1940s.... RT

The above is from RT. The world's two most barbaric nations are ganging up together to start WW3. Oops, actually 3 most barbaric nations, the third is UK. Between the 3, many millions of people had been massacred and genocided during the colonial days and the two World Wars.

The lying savages of Japan invaded Russia, South Korea and China. South Korea was colonised, China almost colonised. None of the victim countries had ever invaded Japan. But the sneaky and dishonourable Japanese are faking threats from China, Russia and South Korea as reasons to justify its remilitarisation. This is reported in a slanted article by an ignorant western author in the ST on 19 Jan 23 by the name of Denny Roy, Hawaii. Or was the author lying and being mischievous. He cannot be so ignorant of the history of Japan against its neighbours. Typical lying Americans in cahoot with the barbaric Japanese. Japan was the threat, the invader of China, Russia and South Korea, not the other way round as claimed by Denny Roy. 

This time if Japan attack any of the three countries, hope they will finish off the Japanese for the good of humankind.

It is the same American fake logic that China or Russia is a threat to the US, or the herdsmen of Afghanistan are a threat to the US, North Korea is a threat to the biggest nuclear power in the world. The real threat is the US to the rest of the world. The world's number one terrorist state. Now the number one terrorist state is ganging together with another two terrorist countries, UK and Japan, to want to start WW3, to attack China, Russia and countries they lied and branded as their enemies.

And the whole world is dumb, not saying a word, cannot see how these butchers of humanity going to start another round of killings around the world.  White men and half whites have the right to start wars and to kill. No condemnation from the UN or the rest of the world.  Their wars are for peace?

Below are some comments in RT on the remilitarisation of Japan.

Isn't it clear what the US is up to? They let Europe take over against Russia and let the allies around the Pacific start a conflict against China. All are weakened vis-à-vis the US, which keeps its distance.

Good - China needs not seek any excuses or reasons to avenged the infamous of The Rape of Nanking!!!

Anyone not seeing how the west is arming itself for a world war is only kidding him/her self, it's on the cards people, and "if" after they let's pretend they beat Russia and China then we're all next.

"Japan rearms for war: What it means for Asia" Trouble again, that's what it means for Asia. When a warlike nation arms itself to the extent that Japan is doing it means they are not doing it for peace. The land of the rising Sun will become the Sun. Does anyone doubt they have been secretly working on nuclear weapons?

nobody realizes the WEST is in a world war with brics and friends, because russia doing great job at disarming the west in ukraine

It is highly necessary to send Japan at least 50 to 80 years behind…of course Japan would be the only country to be nuked twice by US and once by China …and of course to settle horrific past war crimes by imperialist countries..

Does the nips still lust for Empire in Korea and Russia far east? They still Believe they are superior and entitled to slaves in those areas?? Especially the women? They believe that other Asian people are sub human yet today their atrocities are forgotten and white washed. Westerners seems to admire their combat abilities and war- like culture as it fits our own. America - - - you are buddies with another type of Talibans.

Memories of Japanese military atrocities are coming back to Asia. Oh there’s lots and lots of people with axes to grind with Japan, and those deeds are never forgotten nor forgiven. No one took action against the Japanese solely because it committed to a pacifist philosophy, now it wants to rebuild an offensive military? Be prepared to face enemies from all directions in Asia.


  1. Fiddling while the US Empire burns to the ground:

    'So when is the Russian winter offensive going to begin? Some thought it would be in December, when the ground had frozen. Now we are nearing February.

    Russia is not in a hurry. The only ones in a hurry are in the West. They need this conflict to finish and soon, because the West is on the verge of social, economic and political chaos.

    As a result, the Kiev regime is pleading with certain countries in the West for more tanks.Right now the divided West is reluctant to give the Ukraine anything, apart from sweet words. Promises, promises…they are so cheap, especially when you are so short of cash and you know the Russians will probably destroy most of your donated equipment before it even gets to the front.

    While Washington and its NATO allies have no strategy to win the war in the Ukraine, let alone an exit strategy, the Russians do. In the four months since Russia ordered partial mobilisation, 300,000 additional reservists have joined their units in the east or along Ukraine’s northern border. Meanwhile in the south the Russian Black Sea Fleet patrols. So far Russian infantry have not really taken part in this war. So far most of the work has been done by local anti-Kiev Ukrainian (Donbass) freedom-fighters and the Wagner contract group. The stage is set for a ground war, either from the east, or from the north, or from the south, or maybe all together. Washington’s nightmare. For nobody in Washington, used to fighting ill-trained, suicidal fanatics armed only with kalashnikovs, ever foresaw this. 500,000 + armed Russians are waiting on the borders of Kiev-held territory to liberate their Ukrainian brothers and sisters from the US puppet regime in Kiev. And the only ill-trained, suicidal fanatics here are the Kiev forces.

    Let us not forget that the conflict in the Ukraine is about the struggle of the United States to maintain its dinosaur’s status as the world’s last superpower. More exactly, it is about America’s attempt to destroy China as a rival. For since China, allied with Russia, is unbeatable, China has to be attacked through Eurasian Russia. In this crazed neocon video-game fantasy, the USA has overlooked Western Europe. In one sense that is understandable, since its leaders are just a pack of mindless Pavlovian dogs, intent on copying their master in Washington – and a pile of dollars greatly helps their salivating capacity for imitation. However, the US mistake is as usual to look only at its puppets. This was the same mistake as in Baghdad and Kabul, or for that matter in Tehran and Saigon, not to mention in Manila and a host of capitals in Latin America. Appoint an English-speaking yes-man, give him a Swiss bank account full of dollars and a US passport, ensure he has control over the capital and its TV and radio station and then you will control the whole country. Only Hamid Karzai didn’t and you won’t either.

    Once Western Europe, including even the UK, has gone, the end of the short unipolar era will be here. The domino effect, from Kiev to Dublin, is surely only a matter of time. Remember the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989? Within twenty-five months the whole of the Soviet Eastern European Empire fell, one country after another, until in December 1991, the Soviet Union itself fell. Berlin to Vladivostok. Well, the time is now up for the American Empire in its turn. It will also fall, and for the same reasons. The SU (Soviet Union) went. So will its reverse, the US (United States). Red stars, white stars, they have both had their time. Keep your eyes on Western Europe.

    Link to article:

  2. The Americans would like to destroy Russia but also fear the nuclear might of the Russians. They would contain the war in Ukraine. Any reckless move across to Russian territories would lead to an all out war across Europe. And worst, Europe and the Americans know that they cannot win as Russia would use nuclear arm should it face defeat. Period.

    The Americans thought the Ukraine War would be over in a few months with the economic sanctions on Russia. This proved to be a wet dream. Now it is who can sit it out for as long as it takes. As the war drags on Europe would end up in an economic crisis and hoping for support and supplies from the safe haven in US homeland. From the look of things, the Americans would bill Europe for everything it is going to send to Europe, including food as well.

    Russia would have a more reliable partner in China, the factory of the world, that can provide it with reasonably price goods and essential supplies. Who can outlast who?

  3. It time to nuke the jap to the stone age.

  4. One example of what the West learnt from China was gunpowder, which they reinvented into dynamite and used that for weapons to kill. Guns were the ultimate weapons they possessed to commit genocide against the Native North Americans, that were still using bows and arrows. Every weapon today evolves from the Chinese invention of gunpowder, and the West evil minds, since then, were only thinking of using it for destruction. Yeah, remember the Guy that tried to blow up Parliament House in Little Britain? That proves the point.

    The other Chinese invention was the compass, copied by the West, without which navigation on the high seas would be difficult, if not impossible.

    The third Chinese invention was paper making, which in turn revolutionised printing, which the Chinese were already adapt at. And the West claims they invented the printing press. Without the invention of paper making, where do they print on? On their backsides?

    The forth Chinese invention was the process of printing itself. That is also a Chinese invention. When the USA continues to print fiat money, they forgot to thank the Chinese for inventing paper and printing.

    Aside from the above four important inventions, the Chinese also invented the seismometer, for detecting earthquakes. Not to forget that the Chinese were already mapping the heavens, making exquisite porcelain, building large ocean going fleets that were already transversing the high seas under Admiral Cheng He, among many others.

  5. The USA thinks that with the support of Nato, it can destroy Russia with sanctions and that it will not take long, but almost a year has gone and still no sign of Russia collapsing.

    The most significant miscalculation of the West surfacing is that they did not expect the war to drag on this long, and were ill prepared and ill planned for this kind of conflict. Russia on the other hand were well versed to endure long grinding conflicts, an old inheritance from the former Soviet days.

    More than that, Putin had eight long years putting his plan into place before stepping into Eastern Ukraine to free the Russian speaking Donbass region from the harrassment of Ukraine using the neo Nazis, and instigated by the USA.

    Sending more weapons to Ukraine is not going to make Russia collapse. It will just escalate the war and may directly involve Nato and even turn nuclear. Nato keeps falling into the trap of pleasing the USA by complying with more arms for Zelenskyy whenever he barks. And the media is giving him plenty of air time to bark. Including Channel News America.

  6. The Ukraine War is anything but a US Russia War. Let's not lie about it. It is the Americans fighting the Russians. So prepare for nuclear bombs flying all over the skies between Europe and USA.

    The Americans are on a reckless war path with Russia. They think they contain it by limiting it in Ukraine. Fat hope. It would just keep on escalating. The first to die would be the Ukrainians. Next would be the Europeans and the Brits. Actually many are already dying in Ukraine, pretending to be civilian contractors.

    Contractor is a term they used to deceive the world. Contractors are mercenaries and uniformed soldiers in civilian clothes. The Americans can keep on lying but the world can see what is going on in Ukraine and all over the world.

  7. After the return of the top rocket Chinese scientist, Qian Xuesen, to China in the mid 1950s, American rocketry could only go on for another decade and subsequently stagnated till today. They could not progress much without the input from the Chinese mind.

    Chinese rocketry on the other hand has been advancing in leaps and bounds and is charging ahead of the Americans.

    Can you imagine that till the 1980s, China did not build an indigenous aircraft. Now it is coming out with more advanced aircraft than the Americans.

  8. Arrogance breeds stagnation. That is happening to the USA. Try as they might to contain China in technology and other developments, it will backfire badly.

    For China, it is turning into a blessing in disguise with all the sanctions and sabotaging, but is pushing the Chinese to be more determined to succeed. And succeed they will if you look at their space exploration, jet propulsion improvements, rocketry, hypersonic missiles, super computers, artificial intelligence research and development, electric vehicles and components, and infrastructure developments.

    They are only behind, but not for long, in high end chip manufacturing, but do not bet on their inability to bypass its competitors. The USA, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea can remain arrogant and form their chip alliance to sabotage China, but not for long.

  9. There are so many top scientists that have returned to China over the last few decades just to contribute to the rejuvenation of China, not for the money as they were offered millions to stay on in the US, UK and Europe. They found more meaning to be part of the rise of China and to help China catch up and surpass the West.

    There are great pride and dignity in these great men and women of China.

    This is spirit of the Chinese top talents and intellectuals, with of a mission that is more than what money can buy. They are the patriots, heroes and heroines of modern day China.

  10. Japan is gearing up for war. And it needs war to reboot its stagnant economy, that had been wallowing in stagnation for more than twenty long years. Japan managed to reboot itself after the second world war, but this time it is not going to work. Japan is facing a much, much stronger China, without civil conflict, and a strong leadership. The consequence of entangling with China today and compared to the past are diametrically different.

    All the signs are there of Japan rearming itself? For what purpose? To protect Taiwan? And we know who is behind and pushing for that. All the accusation of threats from China are just a distraction from their evil designs. Japan has to reinvent itself because everything has failed to resusticate its economy - Stimulation, Abenomics, Kishidomics are just attempts to flog an already dead horse.

  11. China or Russia or even North Korea could hit every corner of Japan without having to send a single soldier there.

  12. Never forget that Japan had aligned itself with Germany and Italy in the past, rather than with other Asian countries. The Axis of Power they called themselves, under the Tripartite Act.

    Now, Japan is steering, slowly and surely, along the same path of aligning with non Asian countries, particularly the UK, Israel and Australia among others, all the time chanting the mantra of containing China. The only other Asian country that Japan is closely aligning with today is noticeably India.

    Other Asian countries still have not forgotten the atrocities committed by the Japanese during WW2, but India was relatively spared and holds no baggage against the Japs and the Japs know that. The Japs also know the historical animosity existing between China and India and hopes to capitalise on it like the USA. For Japan to coax other Asian countries to tow their line is a fruitless attempt as their trust of Japan does not exist today, knowing that Japan does not even admit to their atrocities committed during WW2, and are even trying to whitewash it and attempting to rewrite history.

    That is why China has to be very

  13. Japan is seriously trying to join AUKUS. But it is not an AngloSaxon tribe.

    If they allowed Japan to join, then it would become JAUKUS, pronounce as Jokers.

  14. Japan is China's most dangerous enemy. China must take this extremely seriously and not just pivot attention towards the USA alone.

  15. When China tried to strengthen its military, the USA and the West became hysterical like rabid dogs barking and howling day and night of a China threat. When Japan wants to rearm itself, all is quiet on the Western Front. They even supported that. Can the world see the hypocrisy of the West?

  16. China was America's friend during WW2. When American bombers were attacking Japan, they were told to fly to China when they ran out of fuel, and taught to say '我是美国人' when they landed in China.

    On the other hand, Japan did a sneak attack on Pearl Harbour, killing more than 3,000 American sailors. Now the two devils are in bed, wanting to attack China.

  17. The Americans and the Japanese are threats to everyone. The Japanese are eyeing to recolonise the two Koreas and also Taiwan. They may also be thinking about all the Pacific Islands and Hawaii as well. The Solomon Islands were captured by them in WW2. Nearly captured Australia as well.

    The Saudis and all Arab countries are worried when the Americans would let loose Israel to attack them.

  18. North Korea alone can take care of Japan.

    Want to colonise Both North and South?

    Must be dreaming! Or Nightmares?
