
Covid19 - Euthanasia or Genocide


A two minute clip on an alleged claim that vicious forces are using the Covid Pandemic as a plan to euthanathise the elderly or conducting a 21st Century Genocide. How true are these claims? These are prominent people that put their reputations on the chopping block if they are found to be lying or misleading the public. They could be prosecuted for creating a public hysteria against state governments.

If they were to tell their versions of the truth, or the other side of the coin, in Singapore, would they be 'pofma'?

What is the truth? Who is lying?

Bill Gates had patent rights for hundreds of deadly viruses. For what? To infect himself or the human race? Why were the deadly viruses not destroyed? Why paying to register rights of ownership of viruses? Rights or licence to kill?

The viruses are WMD, weapons of mass destruction. Where did Bill Gates got them from? Fort Detrick, Ukraine bioweapon labs? Bill Gates and Soros are key members of the Mariupol Command Centre, their photos were hanging in the commander's office.


  1. Hmmm Talking about the 'Guardian of the "Gates" of Hell'. Truly co-incidental or freaky? This man is born evil.

  2. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Do NOT be surprised or SHOCKED that this is the Truths.

    Westerners of their own will in their behaviours bring up adverse happenings unlike the Asians.

    This Evil Agenda may be the Evil Works of the West especially the UAssA and their lap skunks/dogs/puppies of their Socalled Allies and Lackeys and Cronies/vassals may be a part of their Evil Scheme.

    In their closed doors meetings, they wanted to rid of the old folks of those countries in cahoots with them as they may be great burdens to them.

    So this is the way to rid of the old folks without anyone questioning them in this chaotic man made virus infected pandemic.

    So their vassals simply pressurised and cajoled all the dafts to have the vaccinations to their Deaths.

  3. Just to add now they seemed to tone down and this virus might be just a flu that may also killed millions world wide as a daily or seasonal occurence.

    So this is the fastest and the easiest way to extreminate the society's burdens aka the now non productive old folks of all countries.

    Needed headache lots of medical funds and works to take care of them.

  4. I used to tell my friends that the Doctors World Wide swored their "Hypocrates Pledge" which should be "Hypocrites Pledge" when they also kept mum and towed the line by not antagonising their Paymasters.

    Sigh that's life.

  5. https://rumble.com/v2658gm-caught-him-rebel-news-pummels-pfizer-ceo-with-questions-at-world-economic-f.html

  6. https://youtu.be/z9wYk2sbQB4

    This one also grilled Pfizer CEO but all kept mum.

    Knew their lies and guilts

  7. The Covid situation in America is getting worse, but the media is not saying anything about the situation. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/01/18/china-covid-crisis-holiday-lunar-new-year-nurses-collapsing-sick-watson-dnt-lead-vpx.cnn

  8. When a media editor looks at 10 pictures, some laughing, some crying, some dying, some having fun, some killing etc etc, he can choose one to print and technically he is not lying, but putting up his selective truth. 10 different scenes but he just uses one scene, not telling the other 9.

    This is media professionalism.

  9. The COVID situation in USA is only 127,000 infections as reported for yesterday. Nothing to worry about. USA already lockout China and asking its citizens to avoid China. What else can go wrong without China? Everything is under control.

    All will be well for the USA when the hot season comes. The virus will be gone like magic. I am really beginning to love and believe in magic, especially the wonderful stuff that magic brings. Including fulfilling fantasies.
