
Mariupol today in pictures


Photo credit to RT

Any silly leaders want to turn their country into another Mariupol, Ukraine? Very easy. Just join the American camp and start another war. The sight of their country would be as beautiful as Mariupol, Ukraine. What a beautiful sight to behold! Taiwan's DPP want to turn Taiwan into one?

Independent reporters' tallied, Ukraine has lost more than 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead and 150,000 incapacitated.  Russia lost only 25,000 soldiers. Many of the soldiers fighting for Ukraine are foreigners with the Poles among the majority. So, Ukraine winning the war? 

Now crying father and mother for more weapons. If they are winning, no need to cry. The Americans would be the first to blow the trumpet. Now at best only produce fake news.

The Americans believe in peace. See how peaceful Mariupol, Ukraine is today.

Anyone still believe this is a war between Ukraine and Russia? Or is this a war between NATO and Russia? Or an American Russian War?

PS. Today's report on Germany and US sending tanks to Ukraine is good news. Ukraine is asking for fighter aircraft. If the request is granted, it would be better news. Now every NATO country has contributed in kind in all kinds of weapons. 

Let's hope the war keeps escalating. The Americans love it, the Europeans love it. Make it a bigger war. But just keep it in Europe. This is what the rest of the world is waiting for. Thank you very much.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    They can send all their Leopard and Tiger and Donkey and Elephant Tanks as depited as the Icons of the Americunts Democrats and Republicans which are actually very apt as they are either Donkeys or Elephants king size sponging on the Rest of the World that fed them with their non stop printing of fiat monies, Putin would be at the same time just missles them into scrap irons

    What can their tanks fight against Russia just killer drones as supplied by the Irianians?

    Or their No need ballistic missles.
    The Urukians mostly hand guns needed to train and don't be shocked that they dived into their own ditches or even fired against their own and start blaming the Russians.

    Wany to escalate the war, then North Korea and China can also supply Russia with their arsenal's.

    Why you can supplied Urukiane we cannot supplied Russia?


  2. It seems the Taiwanese are getting the message, rejecting Tsai-led DPP at the recent polls as they learned from the Ukraine tragedy caused by the US puppet clown president.

  3. The continuation of the war in Ukraine is going to affect the whole world. Lets hope it ends soon. Sending more armament to Ukraine will only cause more suffering to the people of Ukraine. Lets all hope and pray it will end soon.

  4. The white men have been starting wars everywhere for centuries, killing coloured people. This is the first time they are fighting among themselves without the involvement of coloured people. Let them be. Let's encourage them, support them, to destroy each other. When they destroyed themselves, the world would become a better and more peaceful place for everyone.

    Hope no silly coloured countries be dragged into this white men's war. Japan can join in, that's ok. They are all warring tribes, savages in suits. Their basic instinct for war and killing has no change despite the passage of time.

  5. Some Taiwanese may reject the DPP, but many Taiwanese are actually Japanese or half Japanese. Look at DPP new leader William Lai. He looks exactly like a Japanese.

    Taiwan would become the next Ukraine if they allowed the Japanese and half Japanese to take over the country. Their interest is to become a colony of Japan. The independence movement is just a hoax. The real intent is to be a part of Japan, to become Japanese.

  6. The Europeans really had it front and back. Raped from the front and sodomised from behind!

    On the front side, they are dumping weapons into a black hole in Ukraine. Every time they send different weapons they claimed it is a 'game changer'. Nothing changes. The only thing that changed is Ukraine losing more territory. Do we honestly believe those animal named tanks will change the game? And Russia will forever remember what Nato did, just like Asians not forgetting what the Japanese did during WW2. That is baggage that Nato has to carry forever for trying to threaten Russia by aiding Ukraine.

    On the back side, the Europeans are solely bearing the brunt of the energy crisis. Sure, the USA is supplying energy to fill the Russian gap, but at what price? On the surface, the Europeans are sanctioning Russia's energy exports, but discreetly, they are still buying Russian energy via the back door from China, India and even Saudi Arabia.

    China, India and Saudi Arabia actually have no necessity to even go to that extent of trying to resell Russian oil to the Europeans by stealth. China for example is in fact using the cheap discounted Russian oil and gas for domestic consumption, while reselling their oil sourced from the USA under long term contracts, and reselling them to the Europeans at big profits. The USA oil does not even have to be shipped to China, but goes straight from USA ports to Europe. And that is also what the Saudis are doing, using cheap discounted Russian oil for domestic usage, while selling their own oil production to the Europeans. There are always ways of getting around man made problems and hurdles. It is only a question of thinking out of the box.

    Russia sells its oil to China and India at 40% discount, which is well below the US$60 a barrel price cap. China and India are making hay while the sun shines, being able to consume cheap discounted Russian oil and gas domestically and laughing all the way to the bank by reselling oil from other sources to Europe at huge profits. Don't blame them, as the USA is doing the same thing as a close ally of the Europeans. Europeans are not allies of China or even India, just trading partners.

    And that is causing serious problems for European industries and hollowing out their industrial base for good. This will be a long term problem for Europe, because the European energy market now belongs to the USA, and energy will no longer be as cheap as piped gas from Russia. Moreover, Russia is unlikely to divert cheap oil and gas sales back to Europe, even if the war ends in Ukraine. Russia, even if it does do so, will not sell energy so cheaply anymore to Europe. That is a given, in order to compensate for the unreliability of the Europeans as a market for energy.

  7. victorious1
    '' This, however, was solely the result of “Russia attacking Ukraine,” according to the chancellor. He accused Moscow of waging an “imperialist war.” He must not know that Merkel spilled the beans on the filthy deceit of the sham Minsk treaty, and the 8 years of slaughter of 14,000 ethnic Russian's, the West wrote book on Imperialism, history is nothing but Imperialist propaganda.

    Abbie Hoffman
    "This, however, was solely the result of “Russia attacking Ukraine,” according to the chancellor."

    Brilliant logic! Russia attacking Ukraine is now the same as Russia attacking Germany. So, if Israel attacks Iran, Germany will send weapons to Iran...

  8. All the narrative on MSM is about the illegality of Russia's Invasion, and they conveniently leave out the reasons that lead to the invasion. They do not talk about Ukraine sidelining the Minsk Agreement, the massacre of the Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine, the neo-Nazis attempted genocide against those Russians living in Eastern Ukraine. They also do not want to talk about Ukraine ditching the agreement reached between Ukraine and Russia during the early stage of the war and why that agreement was also sidelined after interference by Boris Johson under the dictate of the USA.

    That is how they are constantly attempting to whitewash the actions of the attempted genocide, which Putin is trying to stop. Had there been no RT, Alexander Mercouris, George Galloway, Brian Belectic, Natali & Clayton Morris, Cyrus Janssen and even Angela Merkel of all people, the truth will never be able to see the light of day.

    Is the narrative on Ukraine any different from what was fabricated on Iraq? The truth will only surface with the defeat of Ukraine. And we better hope Russia's action will succeed and results in another dent in the credibility of the evil Satanic State and its equally evil satellites.

  9. Putin is worthy of being worshipped as a deity.

    History will record Putin as the true liberator of the world's oppressed as he leads the fight against the evil hegemonic West.

    God bless Putin !!!

  10. Germany declares war on Russia ...again:

    Link to article:

    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock bluntly declared war on Russia.

    'Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova seized on the comments, saying this is yet more proof that the Western allies were planning a war on Russia all along...

    "If we add this to Merkel’s revelations that they were strengthening Ukraine and did not count on the Minsk agreements, then we are talking about a war against Russia that was planned in advance. Don’t say later that we didn’t warn you," Zakharova said.'

    George Galloway: German #tanks racing across Ukraine to confront #Russia. Remind you of anything?

    According to good ol' George; those 100 odd German tanks and the tank crews wouldn't last very long against 1500 Russian tanks and air superiority.


  11. Hi Anon 10.49

    Good ol' George said that the Pesi Cola Pelosi sold her millions dollars Rubbles Stocks with her insider knowledge that senile Bidamn is planning to start the war with Putin and now instead of losing her wealth now lost most of them as Rubbles are up and their own bananas dollar's are going to be waste papers.

    Let them be papers and have China and Putin send them leftover scraps.


  12. Overrated GeRman Leopard 2 tanks:

    'The Leopard 2 is often compared to its near contemporary, the M1 Abrams: in truth the two designs share broadly similar characteristics, including a scale-tipping weight of well over sixty tons of advanced composite armor, 1,500 horsepower engines allowing speeds over forty miles per hour and, for certain models, the same forty-four-caliber 120-millimeter main gun produced by Rheinmetall.'

    'However, in the fall of 2016, Turkish Leopard 2s of the Second Armored Brigade finally deployed to the Syrian border to support Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkey’s intervention against ISIS. Prior to the Leopard’s arrival, around a dozen Turkish Patton tanks were destroyed by both ISIS and Kurdish missiles. Turkish defense commentators expressed the hope that the tougher Leopard would fare better.'

    'This was shockingly illustrated in December 2016 when evidence emerged that numerous Leopard 2s had been destroyed in intense fighting over ISIS-held Al-Bab—a fight that Turkish military leaders described as a “trauma,” according to Der Spiegel. A document published online listed ISIS as apparently having destroyed ten of the supposedly invincible Leopard 2s; five reportedly by antitank missiles, two by mines or IEDs, one to rocket or mortar fire, and the others to more ambiguous causes.

    These photos confirm the destruction of at least eight. One shows a Leopard 2 apparently knocked out by a suicide VBIED—an armored kamikaze truck packed with explosives. Another had its turret blown clean off. Three Leopard wrecks can be seen around the same hospital near Al-Bab, along with several other Turkish armored vehicles. It appears the vehicles were mostly struck the more lightly protected belly and side armor by IEDs and AT-7 Metis and AT-5 Konkurs antitank missiles.'

    Link to article:

  13. Leopard2 tanks can be easily destroyed by Russian tactical nukes.

  14. Today, tanks are very vulnerable from the ground, anti tank missiles, from the air, anti tank missiles from choppers and fighter bombers. And without air cover, they are just sitting ducks. Pity the tank drivers. They are priority targets. Once in sight they would be destroyed. They have no chance against one man operated over the shoulder missiles. And worst against choppers.

  15. I bet $10 all cannot even do 3 pushups. :) Pumping position...... Down!
