
Covid19 - Is this fake news?



Is this fake news? If it is, then they should be 'pofma'. If not, those jabbed with mRNA vaccines be warned. 2 minute clip on the nurse that fainted after a mRNA jab. Do you know what happened to her? Why was this hushed up? No main media reporting about it.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Read that now they reported 413 had adverse effects and claimed against the Government with payouts of nearly two millions.

    Also that nurse who had stroke and yet to recover.

    If this is the happenings then don't think that there are no adverse effects on all who are vaccinated.

    MOT, more would in time to come start having unknown and sudden adverse symptoms which they will claim own underlying sickness and natural deaths.

    Wonder that unfortunate baby that passed away recently had also this connected effects of the vaccines to the mother?

    Aiya, all these are easily covered up by their own as they needed to protect each other.

    Also claimed Classified Info and kept secretly and quiet until exposed

    Have to hide in lorries in Sinkeland and not in Covette in garage.

    And in Melanie's G strings.

  2. 99% of the healthcare workers issues were not with the vaccine.

  3. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-cdc-still-looking-potential-stroke-risk-pfizer-bivalent-covid-shot-2023-01-26/
