
China Saudi Arabia, China GCC and China Arab World Summits Agreements


Pic copied from Global Times.

The joint statements sealed a series of cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia and the Arab states. These would bring about closer relations and developments in the Arab World. This template is also for a new Africa that would scare off the Americans and the West. To them, Africa must always be underdeveloped fo their to exploit the natural resources while keeping Africa poor. The American's formula for world domination is to incite difference to create instability and wars to keep countries locked down in mutual destruction instead of economic development, wasting money on weapons and killing each other. The China Arab World template is for peaceful development and cooperation among states.

The years of neglect and sidelining of developments in the Arab World by the Americans and the West, manipulating and sinking the Arab World into one crisis after another, from one war to another, literally disintegrating their economies and stagnating growth, with their attention distracted by wars and supporting wars, wasting time and resources buying weapons of wars, would now  change to positive developments for the Arab states.

If the Arab World can bring their acts together, not be misled or instigated to continue in disruptive warfare, in 10 to 20 years, it would be a totally different and progressive Arab World with a higher standarrd of living as developed states. With peace and development, the riches and wealth of the Arab World could be translated into a better tomorrow for the Arab people.

Peaceful development is what the Arab World has been missing for centuries. This is a new beginning for the Arab World and Africa. Anyone still wants war? The Americans fake to talk peace but perpetuate wars!

 Caveat, the evil Americans and the West would not allow the Arab World to be free and live in peace. They will continue to stir shit and create instability and wars among the Arab countries.


  1. Biden is pushing for closer ties with 49 African leaders by having a meeting with them. Too little too late. Even promises of aid by the USA must be taken with buckets of salt. Promises can always be broken and agreements discarded, but real infrastructure developments on the ground, in many African countries by China, can already be seen in abundance. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

    When the Anglo Saxons colonised those African countries, all they thought of was stealing their resources by force and keeping them poor with debt traps for easy control. Since 1870 or thereabouts, the Brits especially, were already exploiting Africa but doing little to lift them out of poverty. To add insult to injury, the descendants of the Brits, the USA, even engaged in the slave trade, kidnapping young male Blacks to work as slaves in USA.

    China was already helping African countries fight colonialism, when it was still relatively poor, and long before it became the second largest economy in the world. When China started the BRI foray into Africa to help develop the continent, with infrastructures, it elicited positive response from the Africans and this put the Western countries in a bind. Added to that, African countries are now partnering China to extract important mineral resources together and this is not good news for the West.

    What is Biden's motive by calling the meeting is not difficult to guess. It is all about countering China's influence in Africa. African leaders are not foolish enough not to see through the ploy. They want progress, not inviting more conflicts onto the continent. Who would they choose, when the meeting is over? Just ask Mohammed bin Salman and the other Arab countries.

  2. Hi Anon

    This wastage of time meeting the African Leaders.

    They, the Africans would just goes thru their motions and have a pleasant trip to please the Americunts.

    They had seen the ME so many jount venture with China and wont be so stupid to trust that UAssaA.

    Don't be surprised a few outspoken ones will lambast that Idiot Bidamn and also that Blinking Idiot Blinken.

    Also, they will tell that Blackie Lies touting Spokeswoman NOT to keep telling lies and lies to the Press.

    Do you know that your Grandparents are captured here in chains as slaves to work for your now White Cruel Masters?

  3. The USA is about to provide Ukraine with the Patriot Air Defence system, which is touted as another 'game changer'. As with other 'game changers' we heard over the months, will this really change the game, or just provide Russia with more target practice?

    The Patriot Air Defence system already proved a failure in defending the Saudi Arabian oil installations against Houthi rockets not long ago. And it needs trained personnel to operate the system. The Ukrainians are not yet up to it. So, what game are they talking about that needs changing again?

    As reported, Ukraine claims to have already shot down more than 80% of Russian missiles, just using old Soviet Era anti missile systems. Those are probably already better than the over-rated USA Patriot Air Defence system, if what the Ukrainians claim is true. Or just hot air?

  4. This Ukraine War is an American versus Russian War. The Americans are fighting the Russians but pretending not to be, using the Ukrainians as pawns.

    Hope this war would last for 20 years to bankrupt the Americans and Europeans. Sorry Ukrainians. Hope there would still be Ukrainians left in 20 years time.


  5. The Ukraine People are leaving their Motherland by the Millions to be Second Class and Lower lnhabitants of other countries.
    Zelenskyy himself shall be a refugee himself.
    he must be punished for his deeds of destroying Ukraine and its' people, preferably by the Ukrainians themselves.

  6. This is a big mistake. They should not have hold it during the world cup. Not many people will watch this.

  7. @Patriot - what are you drinking? Please share. Ukrainians will rather be second class in any other country than be under the Russians.

  8. You misquoted Patriot. Patriot said the Ukrainians leaving their country to be second class citizens in other countries, not to be in Ukraine. He did not say anything about being under the Russians.
