
American sanction that backfired and would bring down the American Empire


When WW2 ended and USA became the sole superpower by default, their policy of putting down competition lead to their own decline in technological innovation. Their successful stifling of competition from Japan and Germany gave them the arrogance that no other country is now able to compete with them technologically. And they stagnated.

The USA obviously overlooked China in their arrogance. How could the USA and the West promote China as an advancing behemoth, when the USA, the West and the MSM were drumming into the mindset of their citzens, the myth that China was poor, backward and underdeveloped. A dictatorship nonetheless, but one that puts people above wars and destruction. The USA and the West could not find a good excuse to downplay their lies that democracy triumphs communism, knowing what China had achieved with their communist system.

The internet and ease of travel demolished all that myth and it became a mad scramble to contain China's rise. Too little too late was the realisation. Now, the only way was by using demonisation, fabrication, inventing threats, utilising sanctions and rallying doggies to confront China.

Sometimes, using tricks too many times, like crying wolf too often, makes the same old trick failing to do it's dirty work and could instead be detrimental, and backfiring is the result. Take sanctions by using the US$ hegemony for example. Many countries were sanctioned heavily by the USA and the West, but as time goes by, countries learn how to circumvent those sanctions. 60 long years of sanctions failed to destroy Cuba. 70 long years of sanctions against North Korea made it stronger and nuclear capable. And what of Iran and Venzuela, now still as alive as ever.

Now the sanctions on Russia has unleashed the realisation that de-dollarisation is the only way forward from the rest of the world. And it has speeded up the process that led to the formation of BRICS to undertake the de-dollarisation movement. Saudi Arabia now holds the final key to free the world from the US$ hegemony. Moving the oil trade away from supporting the US$ hegemony will lead to it's free fall from global reserve currency status. A desperate USA may resort to desperate moves in desperate situatins to sabotage all this. MBS must be wary of the CIA.



  1. Likely he will be overthrown as usa can support the so many princes to choose from

  2. Inciting the other Princes and some Royals to overthrow MBS may be coming. There are said to be about 15,000 Royal Families in the Saudi Kingdom, all filthy asset rich, and many are vying for power.

    The sanctions against those Royals may start a revolt internally. Or just threatening to seize their assets, properties, yachts, investments and other reserves, most of which are in the West, would be another way to instigate dissatisfaction over what MBS is doing.

    Unless the Saudis attempt to join BRICS is confirmed, selling their oil other than in US$ must be treaded carefully, as it will lead to a global de-dollarisation on a massive scale. Once there are alternatives that can be exploited, sanctions will no longer work. Not to say that sanctions are working beautifully now.

    Right now, Iran is teaching Venezuela, under close co-operation, on how to overcome USA and Western sanctions. USA is pretending to be nice to Maduro of Venzuela, talking about lifting 'some' oil sanctions, hoping Maduro will produce more oil to overcome the global energy crisis. Maduro better think twice, as once the energy crisis ends, the USA will be looking at regime change again, as the USA had been eyeing Venezuela oil for a long time. Using their stooge, Guaido, and trying to put him in power had been the USA's intention for years, creating unrest, subterfuge and even using mercenaries to support their cause.

  3. Off topic

    The missile that was purportedly fired by Russia and killed two people in Poland has now been admitted by the West that it came from Ukraine. That missile was one of the bulk of missiles left behind by the Soviet Union and used largely by Ukraine. To claim that it was a Russian made missile is clearly mischievous and malicious. But that is the MSM's purpose.

    Did Ukraine fired that missile into Poland to start a false flag? It looks pretty suspicious that that was the intention. If it was indeed Russia that fired the missile into Poland, that will drag NATO directly into the war, which Zelenskyy is trying to do.

    Zelenskyy knows that NATO and the USA are now wavering in their support for the war and are tired of pouring weapons and aid into a black hole by supporting Ukraine. After all, NATO vis a vis the EU are already in trouble themselves, looking after their own individual interest.

    There are also reports circulating that the collapse of FTX, the crypto exchange, has also dragged Ukraine and Zelenskyy into the fiasco, alleging money laundering on a massive scale using FTX, and some are now wondering whether monetary support for Ukraine had been laundered elsewhere or even ended up in some people's pockets.

  4. Why hike GST despite cries of Singaporeans, then spend Singaporeans' taxpayer money on the rich Aussies ??

    [A 16-member team from the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s (SCDF) elite unit left for Australia on Wednesday to assist in rescue efforts after heavy storms over the weekend caused flooding in the south-eastern state of New South Wales] - ST Nov 16

  5. Latest news:

    China sold off another US$38 billion of US treasuries in September.

    Globally, countries sold off more than US$200 billion of US treasuries in September.

    Little Britain's inflation hits 11.1% in October, higher than the EU and Euro Zone. God save the King.

  6. Japan also sold off US$79 billion to prop up the Yen. October will be interesting.
