
Rogue Based World Order, a matter of principles

 The Americans are trying to con the world about Rules Based World Order as the panacea for peace and stability. Some scholars have tried to explain this Rules Based World Order as an American World Order, with the rules written by the Americans for the rest of the world to follow but the Americans, being the rule maker, are above the laws. In reality, this American so called Rules Based World Order is more like a Rogue Based World Order.

The Americans and their predecessors, the savages from Europe, practised this Rogue Based World Order from the time they set out to conquer and rule the world by force, by wars and killings and plundering. The savages from Europe ganged up to divide the world among themselves. They cut continents like Asia, Africa and the Americas into pieces and shared among themselves. The rest of the world belonged to them by the use of force. They were very successful in doing that with no opposition as they had the monopoly of modern weapons, the guns and big cannons and warships. As long as the rest of the world became their possessions, the people of the world and their lands and assets belonged to the Europeans, directly or indirectly, it was peace and stability under the European Empire, with the rest of the world serving and prospering the Europeans. The world was their colonies.

The Europeans ruled the world under their Rogue Based World Order. They are the superior beans. They are the top dogs, they deserved the best. The rest of the world would be the smaller dogs and cannot be richer and better than the Europeans. Any country that attempts to be better and richer than the European countries would be taken down. Japan tried but was cut down. 

In the recent decades, things have changed dramatically with many countries of the world getting richer and stronger. And this is unacceptable to the European powers, especially the Americans. According to the Americans, no one is allowed to be better, richer and more powerful than them. They would come down hard to take down any country that tried to do that, even going to wars. They proudly said that China cannot be allowed to be richer and better than them. Is this kind of rogue behaviour acceptable? Why is it that no one is condemning this rogue behaviour of the Americans, that a stronger state can not only bully a weaker state, but can also stop and prevent a weaker state from becoming richer and stronger?

In a smaller way Singapore had experienced what it was like when bigger states decided that Singapore could not be richer and more prosperous than them. To stop Singapore from prospering, to keep Singapore down, Malaysia under Mahathir refused to sell sand to Singapore, threatened to cut off Singapore's water supply, even talking about war. What Mahathir did were exactly what the Americans are doing and saying to China. China cannot be richer and stronger than the US and the Americans think it is right and proper to take down China by all means.

Can the world live with this rogue principle that bigger and more power countries have the right to bring down countries, to keep countries poorer and weaker than them? It may be unpleasant and undesirable for countries when in competition, to not want to trade with another country. But to go all out to cripple another country, to put obstacles against another country, to threaten to go to war, to form gangs, to bring down another country, is a totally different proposition. If this principle of interstate relations is acceptable, then smaller and weaker countries would never have a chance to be richer and better than the big and powerful countries. Accepting this rogue principle would be saying it is ok for our neighbours to put obstacles in our path to economic growth and prosperity, blocking our trade routes, ganging up to put us down, to keep us poor and weak. Can small countries like Singapore live with this rogue principle and think it is ok?

The Rogue Based World Order hyped by the Americans is exactly about using force and unfair and unethical means to put down another country. They are openly saying it, forming alliances with Japan, with India, and with other AngloSaxon countries and European countries to stop China's economic growth, to stop Russia and many countries they declared as enemies, with economic sanctions and threatening wars. And no country is principled enough to stand up and say this rogue principle in international relations is unacceptable. The UN is also very quiet about it and condoning this rogue principle, that the Americans can go about crippling China or any country from becoming richer and stronger, by foul and unethical means.

How many countries think this Rogue Based World Order is acceptable and willing to live with it, to live with the rogue principle that the big and powerful can use might and force to prevent other countries from becoming rich and prosperous through peaceful means and hard work?

The American Rogue Based World Order is based on the principle of rogues and savages, of gangsters and mafias, that they can decide who can be rich and prosperous, and how rich and prosperous to be determined by them, definitely cannot be richer than them.

What do you think?


  1. What do I think? I think that the Americans must be taken down. I think that they are the actual trouble-makers for the whole world. I think that their use of force and violence against whoever dares to go against them must be dismentled.

    How then can the world dismentle this big big bully, this biggest mafia, this gangster if giganteur size?

    Remember David and Golliate? One can't hit it openly. But one can slowly infiltrate into their organisations. From within, one can do a lot of havocs. This is what they fear the most. This is what the whole world can do.

    By hook or by crook, the Rogue Based World Order must be dismentled. If there is a will, there is a way.

    1. What do I think? I think the savages must be sodomized jialat jialat then they know

  2. Russia, China and India for one will not follow this fallacious 'Rouge Based World Order' among other countries in Asia, South America, Middle East and Africa. It is tantamount to the USA putting a rope around their necks to squeeze them when the time comes. What the USA already did with the US$ hegemony and SWIFT is an indication of what they could do with the 'Rouge Base World Order' that they formulated.

    Those countries not agreeable with the 'Rogue Based World Order' accounts for more than half the world's population, if not three quarters. And the USA thinks it can continue to dictate to the rest of the world?

    The 'Rogue Based World Order' is all fabricated to ensure that they can continue to dictate and ride roughshod over everybody else. Many countries will beg to differ. The harm the USA and the West have wrought against the rest of humanity have not gone un-noticed. Enough is enough.

    Why should those countries blindly follow the 'Rouge Based World Order' knowing it is going to put them in even greater jeopardy. Most countries are not as dumb struck as the Europeans, shooting their own feet over Ukraine.

    The USA does not even follow the 'UN International Law' right now and is doing what it thinks fit, using the UN as a rubber stamp. Finding it more and more difficult to have their way with the UN rubber stamping, it is trying to wriggle it's way out of the 'UN International Law' rulings, coming up with this fallacious 'Rouge Based World Order' hubris. They think the world is foolish enough not to see through the real motive of such a self-made tool for the USA global control agenda.

  3. Singaporeans look likely to be influenced to become pro US to being being Sinophobia, just like the Australians, Britons. Just look at the many opinion pcs on China in the Shit Times sourced from the American media, NYT, Bloomberg, WSJ. Needless to say all have been tilted against China in their articles

    Singaporean academics are just the same, especially those from a govt think tank with one academic persistently sending anti China tweets. He even has a Ukrainian flag emoji in his his avatar so his bias can be ascertained.

    1. Not only shit times, the Chinese
      evening paper also full of shxx

    2. He's also anti Russian too and sometimes quoted by western media. And he never talks abt the harm the warmongering US and West have done and still doing to many countries.How on earth can such baised academic be considered respected in his field? ASPI ,Hudson Inst would be proud to have him.


  4. More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good

    BY Joseph Mercola
    TIME: October 4, 2022

    Cardiologist calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good.

    A scientific review in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, written by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good.

    Data from Israel shows myocarditis post-jab is occurring at a rate of 1 in 6,000. Hong Kong data from male children and teens found a rate of 1 in 2,700.

    Data from the British Yellow Card system shows 1 in 120 people who have received at least one mRNA injection suffer an adverse event “that is beyond mild.”

    In Norway, the rate of serious adverse events post-jab is 1 in 1,000 after two doses of Pfizer.

    Researchers looking at data from the FDA, Health Canada and the Pfizer and Moderna trials concluded the absolute risk of a serious adverse event from the mRNA shots was 1 in 800, which massively exceeds the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization found in randomized controlled trials.

    Leaked audio from a June 2022 meeting between Israeli researchers and the Israeli Ministry of Healthy reveals the Pfizer jab causes long-term adverse effects and is associated with more severe side effects upon rechallenge (i.e., with repeated doses). While the researchers wanted to warn the public, the Ministry altered their final report to say that adverse effects are mild and short-lived. The government then canceled any further research into adverse effects.

    The COVID jabs are an absolute disaster, with injuries and deaths piling up by the day. Yet so-called health authorities, doctors, media, drug makers and many of the jabbed themselves claim there’s nothing to see here.

    Ever since their release, brave medical professionals have spoken out against them, calling for a more cautious approach.

    Now, a peer-reviewed scientific review, published in two parts in the Journal of Insulin Resistance calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good.

    According to this paper, “Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Through Real Evidence-Based Medicine,” authored by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra:

    “In the non-elderly population the ‘number needed to treat’ to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomized controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalized from COVID-19.

    Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety.

    Mirroring a potential signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was seen in 2021, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group.


    It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.”

  5. Well, people like Southernglory are educating those who did not know history. The trouble is they are so well brainwashed they refused to accept the facts, and prefer to listen to the fabrications.

    And well, the Asians are also laughing at the Europeans right now. Are they not equally stupid to follow blindly the USA and got themselves into serious trouble? The UK is going bankrupt. Germany is in an equally bad position right now with Ukraine ambassdor calling Schulz 'a liver sausage' and later apologising. Elsewhere, most in Europe are not being spared, welcoming an unwelcomed winter.

  6. There is one country that stands up for 'Principles'. Can't remember which country? LOL

    But what Principles they stood for is always one sided. Otherwise this country could be standing up for the rest of the world on 'Principles'.

    1. Shzzzzz.... Country (actually just a tiny nation of mainly foreigners) very close by. I think I will help you to remember - it is called Sinkingland, isn't it?

  7. So far no country is standing up to speak against this Rogue Based World Order, oops, oops, Rules Based World Order. So it is an acceptable principle for big and powerful countries to stop smaller and weaker countries from getting richer by the use of force and unfair means.

    Small countries that did not speak up must not complain when big countries break their legs to stop them from becoming richer.

  8. Alec Kinnear
    ZFOREVER, Artificial bird flus were released in China a few years ago by the US to cripple Chinese food production and foment unrest. Bioweapons released in China (Iran, Russia) does not stay in China unfortunately for the West. What goes around comes around. Bioweapons research should not be allowed, let alone their deployment.

  9. The most powerful man in the world? The Saudi Prince would not even want to pick up his telephone call when he wanted to beg for more oil, and he had to fly to Saudi Arabia to meekly tender his apologies for calling the Saudi Prince a 'Pariah'.

    Biden claimed he does not deal with or support dictators, but what is he doing prostrating in front of a de facto dictator with a begging bowl? That is their most powerful man in the world, not in my eyes!

  10. South Korea fired a missile during a military exercise with the USA and it failed and caused panic to the South Korean public when it fell back. Fortunately, or unfortunately it did not explode. How come it did not explode is something to ponder.

    So, we now know the standard of rocket technology of USA and South Korea. NASA's Artemis rocket had repeated failures and now South Korean rocket suffers the same fate. Hope they don't anyhow blame Russia or China for stealing their backward rocket technology. It will be shameful to say the least.

  11. This is great news. South Korea has finally got its missile, albait a faulty one.

  12. Why the need for South Korea to develop its own missiles? Why don't the US deploy some of their missiles in South Korea?

    From the way it looks, South Korea will take another few years to perfect its technology, may be? .

    Why the US did not deploy their missiles in South Korea but instead are deploying them in Japan?

    Perhaps, the US predicts that South Korea will one day be over-run by North Korea. That could be the reality.

    What about Japan?

    Japan will one day be saturated by missiles from China and Russia. That is also a probable reality.

  13. Those that did not know history, did not know how the white men invaded and plundered China, started the Opium War and made China pay war reparation until bankrupt, would not know the devils that destroyed China and their ancestors.

    There is a Chinese saying, 认贼做父。

    The white men must be laughing themselves silly at such stupidity.

  14. China must make the Evil Whitea pay for their SIN, the murders, the massacres, the pillage, the thefts, the plundering, the rapes, and numerous other atrocious activities.

    China was a peaceful nation, never involved in the Western murderous activities, minding its own but the Western Whites came and divided the country into pieces so that they could exploit and plunder, so thay they could rape and raze the country to the ground whenever they wished. This was how they exploited and plundered. This debt must be paid one day.

    You can't come and take whatever you want and hope that no repercusions will befall you. You have to pay for what you have stolen, what sufferings you have caused and all the atrocities activities that you have committed. Period.

  15. Demise of the Petrodollar in sight??

    'Washington’s attempt to neutralise Russia accelerated in 2014, when they imposed economic sanctions via Ukraine in tandem with driving down the price of oil. Both of these strategies failed to deliver because Russia had already seen what was coming and began to diversify their trade, in non-dollar terms, and were able to weather the storm associated with falling oil prices.

    Saudi Arabia clearly saw what was happening with Russia, and how the US were also behind attempts to destabilise Venezuela, Brazil, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and perhaps most importantly the failed coup in Turkey. Unsurprisingly, the House of Saud has begun to suspect that a similar attempt to destabilise their regime might be on the cards.

    Washington’s attempts to control the emerging markets via oil prices has proven to be yet another abysmal policy failure. Furthermore, they have in the process seriously damaged their own shale oil and major oil corporations as oil prices hover around $40-45 mark.

    So what is the real significance of this agreement between Russia and Saudi Arabia?

    Firstly, it will enable these nations to stabilise the price in a range which will suit them and ultimately other OPEC nations, whilst seriously damaging the US oil industry. The OPEC meeting in Algeria could well signal the complete re-drawing of the geopolitical alliance amongst the OPEC nations and Russia. Is Russia going to usurp the US and become Saudi’s primary partner in that region? Is this yet another nail in the petrodollar which has been the cornerstone of the Western financial system, since the demise of the gold standard in 1971? Will oil nations begin to trade exclusively in non-dollar terms?

    As ever as we move towards the new paradigm, the context of meetings is lost on many analysts and commentators because they are unable to see an end to US hegemony and the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. History will show us that such seemingly innocuous agreements were in fact critical moves on the geo-political chessboard. In closing, we should take time to reflect on the words of Khalid Al-Falih and Alexander Novak mentioned in this article and what they are really conveying to their intended audience.'

    Article at:

  16. Kiev wants to make new Russian city ‘unlivable’ – top official
    Ukraine is trying to disable the gas-fired power plant in Energodar and leave residents without heating, the local leader claims.

    This is the mentality of silly small countries thinking that with the Americans behind their backs they could punch above their weights. Russia is still holding back from flattening Kiev to Stone Age. When Russia shits on Kiev, there would be no place to hide.
