
CECA Effect - What would Singapore be like in the long term, 20, 30 years down the road?

CECA effect:
October 2, 2022 at 9:44 am (Quote)

Upon expiry of the 5-year CECA and resigning, India government will ask for more jobs right?. Initially signed in 2005, the beginning of mass import of them by converting all construction workers from Thai to India nationals, shipbuilding to India nationals, larger import than before of India nationals into IT, Finance/Banking jobs, then gradually you see a lot more of them in hospitals as doctors & nurses, in LTA, IDA, PUB, etc. stat

boards, R&D /academic institutions, restaurants & retails (correct me if I am wrong). There are also job schemes specifically for India nations such as SIA pilot training program aimed for employing SIA Singapore-India bound flight pilots, DBS special talent sponsorships/scholarships for India nationals (in IT right? Somebody can clarify and correct me) and not sure what else more.

In the 2005 CECA, india ask for 127 professional and semi skilled job types for a start right? Wonder how many now.

Are India nationals from India having the world class productivity, worker ethnic? I commonly read articles about them being 5 times slower than China in delivery (perhaps 3 times slower with presence of Singaporean supervisors). Our construction workers from India are renowned for poor productivity why continue to employ them (bcos of CECA?) when you have the very productive Thai workers that can help lower our construction costs thus our HDB prices! Do you think India national professionals and semi skilled fare better?

CECA has become a poor productivity (and perhaps quality) trap for our economy?

CECA effect:
October 2, 2022 at 9:54 am (Quote)

I thought Singapore is advocate for diversity? Why in many departments you see like 90% sometimes like 99% of professionals from one foreign country? What if they all coordinate to steal our data from database? Doing surface/fake work that one day crash our IT systems/infrastructure then you see 0$ in your bank account!

The above are two comments in a thread in TRE responding to a Simon Lim's article titled, 'More foreign indian doctors from India - I read it online with disquiet and trepidation that our Ministry of Health is looking to recruit about 240 foreign indian doctors from India.'

The discussions were mainly about the impact on Singapore and Singaporeans with this no holds bar import of CECA Indians in great numbers and across many professions. In this case, if the import of doctors in such numbers and repeated over time, how would it affect the medical profession and medical professionals. And not only doctors are recruited in large numbers from India, nurses are also coming in in great numbers. Would Singapore become more like another beautiful Indian city eventually?

What do you think?


  1. Long term effect? No need to say lah, it become like Indiapura or AhNehLand liao la ho boh.

  2. Without the Indians, Singapore would still be a third world country. Without the Indians, DBS would still be struggling to become what it is today. Without the Indians, Singapore's IT would be just like the third world IT. Without the Indians, Singapore's medical standard would have fallen, and there would not be enough doctors and nurses to serve the people.

    Without CECA, many Singaporeans would have no jobs. Without the Indians, many of the condos would be empty and condo prices would have fallen.

  3. Without the Indians Singapore would have problems finding good politicians to fill in positions like foreign minister, home affairs minister, law minister....

    Without the Indians, the banking industry would have problems finding top bankers.

    Without the Indians, the tertiary institutions would have problems finding lecturers and professors.

  4. In 20/30 years, all those responsible for this CECA thing would not be around to answer for it.

  5. Hello Anon 9.39

    I totally agree with you. Without CECA Singapore would be a dump. Without the help from India in all sectors, Singapore will not function. Singaporeans should say a big THANK YOU to CECA for all the glorious services brought in from India. Imagine what Singapore would be like without the Indian nationals in Singapore. The Indians from India are in Singapore to help make Singapore what it is today. So, this is a message to all Singaporeans who complain about CECA. BE THANKFUL FOR THE BLESSINGS THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED FROM CECA.

  6. The people that negotiated and signed the CECA must be nominated for National Day Awards for saving Singapore. They are so brilliant and far sighted.

  7. Must never complaint about CECA, otherwise you will be sent to the CECA (Criminal Entrapment Centre Agency).

  8. Jakarta has surpassed Singapore !

    The Jakarta-Bandung line, South-east Asia's first high-speed rail, will begin operations in November and Chinese President Xi Jinping may be one of the first passengers to ride the line.

  9. Well done, Jakarta-Bandung line!
    Keep improving. Bring all the good stuff for your citizens!

  10. India has millions of better qualified professionals than Sg can ever produce. They are also much cheaper to employ than locals, so our government wisely uses them to prosper Sin. Unfortunately, the Locals are just collateral damage

  11. One day, that day shall be very soon, the Papa Joes shall be kicked our as Collateral Damage too!

  12. In the not too long term, maybe in 10-15 years, Singapore will have not just an Indian president, but also an Indian PM, Indian cabinet and mostly Indian parliament, all of CECA origin.

  13. India will then Re-establish the East India Company or Co-op.

    That will be the day where all Chinese either become neutralized or sent back to China, if China still wants them.

  14. In 20 to 30 years, Singapore will be renamed 'Indiapore'. The old man will rise up from the grave to set things right. Not to worry!

  15. In 20 to 30 years time, all the banks will be renamed. OCBC will become OIBC or Overseas Indian Banking Corporation.

    UOB will become UIB or United Indian Bank. DBS will become DBI or Development Bank of India.

    All signboards, shop fronts, will only be allowed to display Indian names. Majullah Singapura will be sung in Indian language with dancing added in and accompanied by Indian music. And everything will be 'Bolly Bolly Wood'. No shit!

  16. Better start learning the Indian language. The dark signs are there.

  17. Why are Singaporeans so anti-Indian? They are in Singapore to help the country achieve FIRST WORLD STATUS. Singaporeans should be more tolerant and less racist. Lets be fair, CECA is a good thing for Singapore and it does bring employment to Singaporeans and prosperity to many in the country. I say, CECA is the best thing for Singapore and hope it will go on forever. I also hope that many more such FTA will be forthcoming in the future.

  18. Is your blog infested by Indian trolls and bots?

  19. Without lndia
    Singapore will have
    problem with survival.
    The Singapore Government is wise to forge good relationship with lndia. It is going to be the largest market for Singapore and also the largest source for Singapore's talent search.
    India is also a nuclear power country which may help Singapore in its' defence.

  20. Yes Singapore will not survive without India's help. We are so very fortunate that India is willing to export its teeming multitudes of talented people here to help us reach first world status as we have slid to third world status now. Singaporeans have a lot to learn from them, eg how to obtain a degree without studying for it. We may even become a nuclear power with India's help.

  21. Be grateful to lndia to like Singapore so much.
    It is sending its top talents in every field
    to keep Singapore afloat.

    It is clear that with close relationships with the US, lndia and plausibly lsrael,
    Singapore is poise to be one of the most powerful country in the World by virtue of the allince.

  22. I want to obtain a degree without studying for it. Can someone recommend a university that can help me? How much is the cost?

    It seems from some comments that India is now trying very hard to be seen as a first world country. How well are their universities in the global ranking? Not knowing is bliss! Knowing is a disappointment! So, forget about the crowing of multitudes of top talents they are producing.

    After some browsing, from the Times World University Rankings, it seems that no Indian University is in the top 300. In the top 500, only 6 Indian Universities are in the list. Does all this mean anything?

    That, from a country that is touted to produce multitudes of top talents (most probably without studying for it). I rest my case.

  23. Only in little Red Dot are Indian universities ranked above all others in the whole wide world. Unique!

  24. Why then are top students all making their way into Western Universities instead of Indian Universities? Don't tell me they are stupid? Why are companies and Governments sponsoring bright students to study mainly in the West and not India?

    By the way, those Indians taking over top positions in Western companies are mostly educated in the West, not India. Give credit where credit is due, not blowing a fictitious trumpet. Indian Universities only produce super talents in scamming and banking fraud.

    Don't tell me the Chinese Government is also stupid, sending top students to USA and UK and now helping China with developments in Science and Technology? Companies and Governments must therefore also be stupid, right, sponsoring students to study in Western Universities and throwing good money chasing after bad qualifications?

    Fact is, if Indians from Indian Universities are so smart, why is their GDP just a fraction of USA's and China's? India and China started from the same starting line. Yet one is so far ahead and chasing the USA, while the other is still behind in development. Not realistic isn't it.

    I am also telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The Indian spell does not work on me by the way.

  25. Actually you made a strong case. Now there are two views. Which is right, which is wrong?

    Or which side is the stupid one?

    Or who are the stupid ones?

  26. Plse do not compare a 300 yr old civilization to one that's older than 5 thousand yr old.
    Will USA last for another 100 yrs?
    Can Sin lasts another 5 decades ?

  27. I like to ask all contributors above, If Indian Universities are not superior compared the ones in Singapore, why then is the PAP government so keen to recruit from India? Why are there so many Indians working in your country? Why are Singaporean employers selecting Indian applicants over Singaporean applicants? Maybe the Indians are more hardworking compared to the strawberry Singaporean? There must be reasons why the situation is as it is in Singapore. Please answer.

  28. Indian Universities are superior compared to the ones in Singapore? If the Indians say so, insist to be so, so be it. However, to be globally accepted, not just by Singapore, they should try to convince those people who compiled the rankings, and put Indian Universities all at the top, as the Indians think their Universities are best of the best. Satisfied?
