
Covid19 - Who is lying and why are they lying?

 'A Closer Look At The COVID Mortality Rate'

'One of the most consistent efforts made by “experts” during the early stages of the pandemic was to attempt to impress on the public that COVID was an extremely deadly disease.'

'While “experts” could be forgiven for being unsure about the death rate of a brand new illness with very little data available, the fear-mongering and world-altering policy enacted based on these estimates has caused incalculable damage.

It’s now widely known and accepted that these estimates were wildly incorrect, off by orders of magnitude.'

'But a new paper out from one of the world’s leading experts confirms that they were off even more than we previously realized.

John Ioannidis is one of the nation’s leading public health experts, employed at Stanford University as Professor of Medicine in Stanford Prevention Research, of Epidemiology and Population Health,” as well as “of Statistics and Biomedical Data Science.”'

'He also took part in the infamous seroprevalence study conducted in Santa Clara County, led by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.

That examination, which looked at antibody prevalence in the San Jose area, came to the conclusion that COVID was already significantly more widespread by March and April 2020 than most people realized.

This had wide-ranging implications, but the most important revelation was that the estimates of COVID’s mortality rate used by “scientists” and the WHO were almost certainly much too high.'

'Ioannidis and his co-writers reviewed 40 national seroprevalence studies that covered 38 countries to come to determine their estimates of infection fatality rate for the overwhelming majority of people.'

'So what did they find?

The median infection fatality rate for those aged 0–59 was 0.035 percent.

This represents 86 percent of the global population and the survival rate for those who were infected with COVID pre-vaccination was 99.965 percent.'

'For those aged 0–69, which covers 94 percent of the global population, the fatality rate was 0.095 percent, meaning the survival rate for nearly 7.3 billion people was 99.905 percent.

Those survival rates are obviously staggeringly high, which already creates frustration that restrictions were imposed on all age groups, when focused protection for those over 70 or at significantly elevated risk would have been a much more preferable course of action.'

'The researchers broke down the demographics into smaller buckets, showing the increase in risk amongst older populations, and conversely, how infinitesimal the risk was amongst younger age groups.

Ages 60–69, fatality rate 0.501 percent, survival rate 99.499 percent
Ages 50–59, fatality rate 0.129 percent, survival rate 99.871 percent
Ages 40–49, fatality rate 0.035 percent survival rate 99.965 percent
Ages 30–39, fatality rate 0.011 percent, survival rate 99.989 percent
Ages 20–29, fatality rate 0.003 percent, survival rate 99.997 percent
Ages 0–19, fatality rate 0.0003 percent, survival rate 99.9997 percent'

These numbers are astounding and reassuringly low, across the board.

Yet now we have another piece of evidence suggesting that the initial WHO estimates were off by 99 percent for 94 percent of the world’s population.

'If sanity and intellectual honesty still existed, these estimates would be front page news for every major media outlet in the world.

Instead, because the media and their allies in the tech, corporate, and political classes promoted and encouraged lockdowns and restrictions while censoring dissent, it’s ignored.'

Link to article:


But they’re almost nonexistent for children. 


  1. This article is an Anti-Climax of many other other articles, that's the reason that it was excluded.

    When something is bucking up the trend, one has to be very careful.

    Firstly, one has to ensure that it is 100% verified through all means possible.

    Secondly, it has to be certifiable.

    Thirdly, the words of a single person's study is just a study. It does not prove nor disprove anything.

  2. Similarly, just because many believe in something, even the majority believe in something, it does not make that something true or good. With so much propaganda in the main media, so many lies are being spread as truth.
