
Signs of an Empire in its last leg

 When the Qing dynasty was in its last leg, it was ruled by an illiterate woman. During her watch, a couple of young men was put on the throne but their lives were short span, attributed her meddling and mischief. Then for her own comfort, a child was put on the throne while she retained full power of the court. And the rest was history. The Qing dynasty fell with her death. There was no good reason for a dynasty to continue to thrive in the hands of an illiterate man or woman. Power without intellect is simply madness, an uncontrollable force heading no where, likely for the worse. Rarely would there be exceptions.

Today we are privileged to witness the end days of the American Empire and the crumbling of its close allies. All suffering from the same sad fate of having weak leaders. In Ukraine there is a comedian put into the seat of power who then surrounded himself with more questionable characters in the same profession. And they still believe that they are doing a swell job protecting the interest of the state and the Ukrainians and unable to see the dark hole they are sinking in, everyday hoping that tomorrow would be better.

Among the AngloSaxon countries, England was headed by a bozo in Boris Johnson. And the Brits could not find anyone better than him to be the Prime Minister, and hoping that this clown could turn the circus around. In Australia they had a most despicable man in Scot Morrison that most Australians despised and hated. OK, he is gone now. Can you believe that? Such a dubious character, or person of poor character, could be elected to be their Prime Minister to lead the country? Democrazy at its best. This is what democrazy would do for a country. Good, bad, ugly, never mind. Elected by the majority of ignoramous is good enough.

In Canada they elected someone in the same profession as Zelensky, a little boy with the lineage of a former well respected father Prime Minister. This was probably his only credit for the job. And see how he foolishly allowed the Americans to order him around to do America's dirty work by arresting an innocent woman executive from Huawei and put her under house detention for 3 years before releasing her, unable to coerce her into admitting a crime that she did not commit. What a silly joke and what a disgraceful thing for a leader to do. And this is not all. This boy did not learn his lesson and continue to be conned by the Americans to send his top general to do another piece of dirty job in Ukraine, to be head of a bioweapon lab with a grand objective of destroying Russia for good. Now this general, Trevor Cadieu is in Russia as a POW, standing trail that may cause his life.

And the icing for the cake, the Americans could not find anyone better to lead the Empire and have to make do with a senile old man or a crook. These were their best men for the Presidency of the number one super power of the world, to rule the world! They could not find anyone better, yes, and Trump thinks he is the best man for America and is making a come back. And that is not all. The vice President, next in line should the President falls in office, is a giggling lawyer that could not stop giggling when talking about national issues. And the next in line after her is a wicked old woman, known infamously as the witch, is no better than the Qing woman dowager. Her latest flirtation with death of millions on both sides of the Taiwan Straits in cahoot with another silly witch in Taiwan, would go down in history as the trigger for WW3. This disaster was only avoided by the restraint and wisdom of Xi not to engage and burn her in the air. She could not understand how insane was her act, but the millions of Chinese would not die just because of her stupidity and bitchyness.

What is happening America, the Empire that rules the world for the last 7 decades? Don't they have any able or decent men or women to be the President of the Empire? More than 300m people and they could not find better men or women to lead the country! Surely these must be the signs of an Empire in its last leg, still kicking to be alive but soon would be twitching before it is gone, forever.

When the inept, the crooks, the clowns, the boys or evil men and women are in charge, these are the sure signs that the end is near. There is no escape when these obvious signs are in place. The AngloSaxon Empire will be history soon.

The world just survived another day to walk away from WW3. The rabid Americans were willing to sacrifice two aircraft carriers and the lives of millions of people in the world, including Chinese and Americans, just to win a pyrrhic victory.


  1. How about the German PM any comment

  2. The Democrats in USA have an old 'Pu Yi's contesting November, chosen by probably being easily controlled from behind by the Neo-Cons. His approval rating is rock bottom and he needed to improve on that by flying all the way to the Middle East and making his desperate plea to the Saudis to increase oil output, carrying out the assassination of the Al Qaeda leader and letting the Witch visit Taiwan. We know what they want to achieve with all that. Unfortunately, that assassination caused not a ripple at home, despite the boast by Biden, while the Middle East trip did not turn out favourably with regard to increase oil production, resulting in only minimal in volume.

    The fall of empires is always the result of getting less and less capable people and using the same old people to follow the same old playbook that is not working, like the sanctions and creating never ending conflicts. The world is sick and tired of forever wars, a waste of resources and human lives.

    1. This is best time and opportunity which China has been waiting for that stupid old lady act. It’s a Blessing in Disguise. China carefully planned using Chinese Art of war to execute their plan to literary surroundings the whole of Taiwan without firing a single shot to save lives.surely the whole got nothing to say. Now Taiwan is literally in China’s hand. No one will there to provoke China. Even Us keep condemning China but their fingers are pointing to themselves. What a fool and stupidity Of US. They are bringing themselves down and soon no one will ever Trust s and Believe in them.

  3. The German PM is standing behind the girl FM. The girl FM is the de facto German PM.


    Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is a display of Washington's desperation to win by provoking Beijing to fire the first shot. Beijing firing first will allow Washington to claim moral victory and hammer China with sanctions similar to those dished out to annihilate Russia. That's Washington's playbook to cut-off China before it overtakes America both economically and militarily.

    It is unlikely Beijing will fall for the FIRST SHOT TRAP. Chinese military manoeuvres are sabre rattling that distracts and hides Beijing's next moves. Military confrontation with the US is an assured mutual destruction. An unwise move only suited for desparate last resort.

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves", Confucius.

    Beijing leadership understands too well that beating Washington with military confrontation means it will have to dig two graves - one for Washington, another for Beijing.

    Instead, Beijing will use its strength, non-military diplomatic and economic means, to hit Washington where it hurts most. Two major events are worth noting

    1. American mid-term election in November 2022

    2. The much anticipated US economic recession either in late 2022 or 2023.

    Diplomatic protests, expulsion of American diplomats, attaches, journalists... from China, closing diplomatic offices are par for the course.

    Carefully dumping US Treasury bonds AT OPPORTUNE TIMES (of Beijing's choosing) to force sudden hikes in US interest rates will inflict inflationary damage to Wall Street and America's electoral underbelly. By helping to prolong the US economic recession, Beijing will undoubtedly suffer collateral damage but the damage will be far less severe than kinetic wars.

    Or, by selectively disrupting export shipments to the US (while minimising harm to Chinese exporters) will empty out supermarket and Home Depot shelves. Long queues for sustenance to maintain the American way of life will inflict social discontent and destabilise American social fabric. The supply-demand inflationary bubbles will wreck an already weakened US economy surviving on intravenous drips flowing from the money printing press.

    Other measurez may include selective disruption of essential minerals or essential components exports from China to the US. Or switching export payments to Yuan. Or Beijing shift to gold-back Yuan...

    As Xi Jinping and Wang Yi has repeatedly warned, those that play with fire will suffer burn.

    There are more ways to skin Washington sloooooowly than risk bombs raining down on Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen...

    Unless the Washington fires the first shot, Chinese countermeasures are unlikely to happen tomorrow, or the day after. 5000 years of Chinese civilisation says the countermeasures will happen BUT at a time of Beijing's choosing. When it happens, it will deal blows so severe the blowbacks will knock China off its feet but crippling for the enemy.

  5. Last three months have seen China unwinding Treasury Bond holdings. The records are only up to May, 2022, so June and July are not yet reported. Since November 2021, there has been a US$100 billion drop, but this could accelerate now that the wheels are coming off in relations.

    China must make haste with unwinding, as the USA is looking for war and sanctions will follow that will freeze China's holdings. It is a logical step in the right direction.


  6. Rest assure that the PRC knows how best to deal
    with the US and its' Stooges.
    At the Worst, both the PRC and US shall suffer huge damages. The PRC shall ultimately prevail as Russia and North Korea shall back ip China should war happens between China and the US.
    Of course, NATO will join force with US and l believe Russia will take care of it.
    Geisha Pelosi has given justification for China to deal with its Taiwan Province. This is a blessing in disguise.
    A few months of isolating Taiwan shall wake up the Taiwanese People
    to the Consequence
    of betraying their Motherland.

    Hope all ends well with minimun damages.

