
Ukraine - White men speak with fork tongue

Secretary of State Antony Blinken slammed Russia's recognition of the separatist areas as a sign Putin had no interest in diplomacy.

Blinken said in a statement that recognising the territories' independence "directly contradicts Russia's claimed commitment to diplomacy, and is a clear attack on Ukraine's sovereignty".

"Russia's decision is yet another example of President Putin's flagrant disrespect for international law and norms," he said, adding in a separate tweet that the United States "will take appropriate steps in coordination with partners". CNA

See how treacherous the Americans are. Russia's recognition of two eastern region of Ukraine as independence from Ukraine is unacceptable, an attack on Ukraine's sovereignty, disrespect for international law and norms. 

Donbass and Lugansk are two breakaway regions of Ukraine just like Taiwan a breakway province of China. And who is the devil that is encouraging and supporting the breakaway of Taiwan from China, and not respecting China's sovereignty, international law and norms? The Americans are supporting and instigating the Taiwanese to break away from China but opposing the break away of Donbass and Lugansk from Ukraine. Why is one ok and the other not? Because the Americans said so, American exceptionalism and American 'rule of law', ie American's own interpretation of the rule of law as they like.

Russia's move to recognise the two provinces as indeppendent states is a slap in the face of American hypocrisy.  The Americans are saying, head I win, tail you lose.  They write and interpret their own rule of law and the world must accept it or be regime changed. In the Donbass and Lugansk case, most of them were Russians and should be free to choose their own future. The Taiwanese are Chinese, many came from China, with the same history and culture, and should be free to reunite with China, their mother land. Period.

The Americans are just troublemakers in both scenario. The Americans should go back home and stop interfering in other countries business. It is none of their business. These are not parts of the American Empire, to be ruled, controlled and dictated by the Americans. For poking their fingers into other countries' affairs, the Americans must have their fingers burnt.

Now with the witch Pelosi sneaking into Taiwan last night under the cover of darkness, no light was switched on when she emerged from the aircraft, indicating her fear of a sniper bullet through her thick skull. It was a sneaky entry alright, acting and behaving like thieves and knowing that it was a wrong and dangerous move.

China would now have to act.  Xi Jinping's hands are forced to act. Let's see what China would do in the next few days and how this crisis unfold. East Asia again is inflamed and tension has risen. China may just go further to reunite Taiwan by force with Pelosi trapped in the island to see the beautiful sight of bombs exploding all around her, air raid sirens, everyone running into air raid shelters.

It would be a perfect welcome for a witch, like a stake on fire.

PS. Chinese warplanes buzzed the line dividing the Taiwan Strait before her arrival. The Chinese military has been put on high alert and will launch "targeted military operations" in response to Pelosi's visit, the defence ministry said.

The Chinese military announced joint air and sea drills near Taiwan starting on Tuesday night and test launches of conventional missiles in the sea east of Taiwan, with Chinese state news agency Xinhua describing live-fire drills and other exercises around Taiwan from Thursday to Sunday.  CNA


  1. Rb the taiwanese were right nothing would happen. They now laughing that xi is a paper tiger lar

  2. Agree. China is too soft to the gangsters. If they did not take some tough actions these couple of days, then they would look very bad.

    Can understand they did not want to go to war with the Americans at this stage. But to let the Americans slap them in the face and not hitting back is bad.

  3. Very bitterly disappointed with Beijing after all their words of fury and then anticlimatically no real military action to hit Taiwanese targets, such as a missile strike on their Parliament house to eliminate some DPP secessionists.

    Conducting military drills is just for showcase. Even tiny Singapore can also carry out military drills for parade shows.

    Next time won't believe what the China Foreign Ministry spokepersons said. Just paper tigers blowing hot air!

  4. They should simply declare the area around Taiwan as live firing area for one week, no aircraft can come in or fly out and lock the witch in Taiwan then see how she dances.

  5. China and President Xi, now look like hot-air balloons. Too many talks and warnings no real actual actions take on the ground. This is highly unacceptable.

    From now on, whatever China or President Xi says, nothing can be taken as truth. Period.

  6. The USA wants a war with China right now, today if possible. The reason being they still have a military advantage and have to do it now, otherwise a couple of years down the road, this would be to their disadvantage when China stockpiles more nuclear weapons and more fighter planes, hypersonic missiles, nuclear submarines and warships. Right now, nuclear missile wise, China is still far behind in numbers, and they know that. This is the viewpoint of some analyst.

    Short of an major accident, I do not think China wants a war with the USA today. Victory cannot be a guarantee. When the chips are not in the USA's favour, they will turn to the nuclear option in desperation. Forget about the agreement made by countries that a nuclear war is not on their minds and not on the cards. Annihilation of mankind is a certainty when things gets out of hand.


  7. The evil empire wants to start a war with China to stop China's advancement and development. But it has to find an excuse for starting a war with China. It wants to find a way to let China attack first. In other words the evil empire mmust create a 'Pearl Harbour Attack' syndrome in which President Franklin Roosevelt induced Japan to attack US first in 1941 so that America could find an excuse to enter the war against Japan.

    Thus it can be seen the itchy bitchy Pelosi'ck witch's illegal visit to Taiwan is all planned to create a 'Pearl Harbour Attack'syndrome scenario to induce China to fire the first short so that the wicked monstrous evil Americans can have an excuse to start a war with China to stop China's rise in its track.

    It has been my fervent hope that China should not fall into this trap. The fact that China's PLA does not shoot down the bitch's plane is an exercise in wisdom of the Chinese government and its leaders and not of cowardice. The Chinese leaders are well versed in the teachings of Sun Zhi Ping Fa - Sun Zhi's Art of War. But the day will definitely come when China will know it's the right time and high time for China to take the offensive to defeat and destroy the Anglo-Saxon Americans. When that day comes the fetish fanatical warmongering barbaric Americans may be so fearful of the mighty dragon that they may just turn tail and scoot of without a fight. That day will be a heroic day for China and all Chinese people.

    It is of interest and amusing to note that the bitch Pelosick had to make a sneaky way to land in Taiwan via a much longer route in detour from the eastern side of Taiwan. And when her plane landed, the airport was dimly lit for fear of being targeted for assassination. That's the unheroic fearful way of a villain.


  8. Exactly my thinking SouthernGlory1. The time is not yet ripe for China to take the offensive. But as you say, the day will come.

    China endured a century of shame and humiliation at the hands of the Whites and Japanese. But when the time came, they took the initiative and drove the barbarians out of China.


  9. China is avoiding to plunge humanity to a catastrophe.
    A war betwin China and the US means
    quite the End of Humanity.
    The Taiwan People should be prescient that the Mainland Leadership shall
    avoid harming any of them and has thus far did not take Taiwan by Force.
    China could take-over Taiwan within Months and maybe even sooner if it wants to. However,
    the Whites will be most happy to see others killing amongst themselves and shall add more fuels to stir shit.
    No country shoild fall into the heinous scheme of the Evil Whites. In fact, the Non-Whites should and must see through the Evil Ambition of the Whites to rule the World.
    It is only natural for beings to
    want all territories, it is the Nature of Beings,
    even within the Same Species.
    As such, conflict and war are unavoidable.
    Question is what will be the Consequences?
    Humans are thinking beings and should not behave like wild animals.

    prevails for humanity to live in peace for a meaningful existence.


    As such, war

  10. Non White countries must learn to avoid killing each other if at all possible. You could clearly see how the Whites are siding with the Whites against non Whites in many parts of the world, even in the USA itself. That is very telling sign and the non Whites must not be blinded by petty quarrels and fall into the White Men's trap of creating wars for them to kill each other.

    And the Native American Indians have this to say: When you see two fish fighting in a pool of water, look around and you will see a White Man standing nearby. He is hoping and waiting for the two fish to kill each other. He is waiting to eat the two fish for lunch.

  11. It is true that without war China would overtake the Americans and the West in every thing and be richer and stronger, while the Americans and the West would just wither away to oblivion.

    There must be a lot of restraint on the part of China today not to be drawn into a war with such provocation by the Americans. The Americans are all ready to go to war now. They have nothing to loose, just like a syphilis patient, the little stuff would wither and drop off no matter what. So they would want to drag China down with them now.

    It would be nice if China could find a way to slap that witch without risking a war now. The Americans are sniggering now that they are able to pee on China's head and getting away with it. Of course China would have the last laugh as such silly antics did not make any tangible gains.

    China would win this war without fighting, just wait and see how the Americans bankrupt themselves and become the rogue and beggar in the not too distant future. Putin is dragging them down to bankruptcy with China standing firmly behind him.

  12. China may want to avoid shooting down Pelosi. But on her way out to Japan, there is no guarantee that the Japanese would not shoot her down and blame it on China.

    Actually China must ensure her safety and to protect her from being shot down by the Japanese. or even the Americans themselves. Both have very good reasons to want to finish her off, making her a martyr and an excuse to attack China. They must be very desperate now that China had seen through their devious scheme and agenda.

    What does it take to bring down Pelosi's plane if China refuses to do it to avoid falling into their trap? Does Pelosi know that she is just a bait to be sacrificed?


    1. Anon 3:14pm;

      Very Hood Theory and a very possible one.
      Removing a Geisha is no big deal,
      however, the Motive to have her killed, shall fulfill the lntention and Purpose of her killer.

      Pelosi is a sitting duck an one that thinks she is a heroine.


  13. Compare to the 1996 cross strait crisis, the relative strength of China versus the US has changed in China's favour. In that crisis, the Americans were confident enough to sail their aircraft carrier through the straits of Taiwan. China could not do anything then, not able to hit the aircraft carrier or be bashed to pieces by the Americans. China then was at the mercy of the American's overwhelming military might. The Americans sailed several battleships and an aircraft carrier through the straits in a show of force. China backed down knowing it was unable to take the Americans on.

    Today, the two aircraft carriers were parked far far away from the Taiwan island for fear of being too close and sank by the PLA. China has gained so much military power and parity that the American aircraft carriers are at the mercy of China, could easily be sunk by China.

    This could be the last confrontation and provocation by the Americans albeit in a smaller scale than 1996. There was no show of force this time round.

    The Americans would not dare to do it again give and take 5 to 10 years when China would be the one confronting them and daring them to start a war. By then it would be China's turn to show who is more powerful militarily in a show of force in the region.

  14. This display shows that both sides, China and USA, are not willing to go to war. This is exceedingly clear!

    The Evil USA has restraint itself to deploying only two battle groups, far away from the Chinese reach.

    China, on the other hand, has shown a lot of restraints. Given its military size, it is only and simply conducting exercises around the Taiwan coastal regions. Not other actions shall be taken.

    The ideal time, for China to take direct military actions against Taiwan has not arrived. It would take at least 3 to 5 years for China's military to achieve the complete transformation of its land forces into an operational-ready Amphibious Task Force, with the certainty of success.

    Moreover, the pro-unification forces, in Taiwan itself, have yet to form a formidable size. Loosely, they may seem sizeable but as a operational unit, I doubt it has even achieved much. All the past years have been wasted in local political haggling.

    Therefore, I see this showmamship as a mere political ploy by both sides.

  15. There were protest, said to be by younger Taiwanese, in front of the Hotel that Pelosi stayed, so not all in Taiwan support the ruling party. Younger Taiwanese, most of whom are also Chinese, do not want to be pushed to fight against their Chinese counterpart. They have different perspective of the political divide. So, as time goes by, support for Tsai may dwindle knowing how dangerous she is courting disaster for their future.

    The USA wants a war now, the sooner the better, when they are still holding the edge, despite China now coming close. A couple of years from now will be a different story and the USA knows that very well.

    Have no fear. They can't put China down just like that. They tried that same trick a century ago, also militarily much stronger, and all ganged up together with the Japs. That they failed shows the resolve of the Chinese population. Then the UK, as strong as the USA then, was ruling much of Asia and the World.

  16. Win-win-win-win for Ah Q.

    Win 1: Auntie Nancy don't visit, shows Uncle Sam is just big mouth, weak and inferior to China.

    Win 2: Visit went ahead, shows Uncle Sam needed a feeble grandstanding to pep up the allies and distract the US public from the state of the economy.

    Win 3: Visit went ahead, China respond militarily. Shows a confident and determined China

    Win 4: Auntie Nancy visit, China does not respond militarily. Shows China does not do the blind impulse thingy, takes a calm and measured approach denying Uncle Sam from distracting the US public with an adventure in foreign lands.

    If memory serves right. Ah Q was an unadmirable fellow - he bullies the weak and cowers before the powerful, despised and mocked by the villagers and yet consoles himself as somehow "spiritually superior" to everyone. But maybe just maybe, Ah Q and Uncle Sam are not woeful satirical caricature of the respective national characters - maybe they are both smart and the smart colluded. Auntie Nancy visits and shows the middle finger to Ah Q to please the cowboys back home. Ah Q responds very loudly which happens to be very useful to distract all the little Ah Qs from all those woes of lockdown, real estate meltdown, eye watering rate of youth unemployment etc etc etc...... Auntie Nancy's little adventure is useful to both.😉


  17. The Whites are yearning for all countries that are not friendly to them to kill amongst themselves.
    China is not
    falling into the Trap.
    As for not taking
    down the Plane
    Pelosi travelled in,
    the Chinese has a saying
    In a war, battle, there shall be no
    killing of visiting
    enemy negotiator/diplmat.
    the PRC Restrain is a
    wise move, time is an
    Avantage to China.
    Very wise for China to be patient.
    Btw, Russia and North Korea have expressef their supports to China and this should worry the US.

  18. In many ways the Chinese are still reacting like Ah Q. Trying console oneself after being hurt. In this case the score is 1-0 in favour of America. China lost the first round.

    If China continues to yelp and yelp and takes no strong action, then the Ah Q fits very well.

    We will watch the following days, weeks and months, what China would do to prove it would do what it said.

    On the ground, Chinese military exercises have closed in on Taiwan shores, and all around Taiwan. Initially announced for 3 days. Some economic impact but not much. If this continues, extended to 7 days or a month, it would put a lot of pressure on Taiwan. It would become a lockdown on Taiwan.

    China appears to hit Taiwan directly and let Pelosi have her pyrrhic victory moment. Strategically it is much easier to squeeze Taiwan's balls. The military exercises and inching closer to Taiwan shores could get more serious, flying and sailing into Taiwan airspace and sea could intensified.

    The preparation for a reunification by force could have started with a nearer deadline.

    The scores to settle with the Americans could be dealt with separately. Looking at the strategic consideration, swallow some pride, take the slap, but avoid having a war on its doorstep could be a bigger reason.

    Mao used to say, let them fight their battle, we fight our own battle. They choose where and when to fight, we choose where and when to fight. Ukraine would be the best battle ground to deal with the Americans. The Pelosi trip has hardened China's position in supporting Russia more openly to slap the Americans in a battle zone that is favourable to China.

    Together with Russia, fighting from a position of strength and advantage, the Americans are going to feel the pain. Shooting down Pelosi may look good, everyone wanting China to stand up to the Americans would feel good, but would put China in a less favourable position to take on the Americans and turn Taiwan into another Ukraine.

    There are man talk and children talk to be one up on the enemy. But for national leaders, they have to be more considered and look at the bigger picture.

    China must make it up for this slap in other ways and must be evident to all that it acted to avenge this humiliation. Let's wait an see. In the case of separatists in Taiwan, it has just received its final nail into its coffin. The pressure and action will be fast and fierce. There is no return to the slow and courteous approach of negotiation and peaceful reunification.

    China and Xi must prove to the world that it is not Ah Q.

  19. Wonder whether junior Lee had told the old hag in the face not to visit Taiwan to avoid escalating tensions when she was here a couple days back.
