
What is China? Peace or War?


The above two pics from Global Times simply tells the story of China, what is China and what is not China. 

The hundreds of towering cranes is about construction and building. The second picture is the massive Xiiongan high speed railway station in Hebei, a completed product of Chinese construction and engineering.

China is all about building, building and building. Not about war, war, and war, unlike the warmongering and war demons of the white savage West.

China is marching across the world with their tractors, cranes, heavy construction equipment, to build a new world for the rest of the world, peacefully, without the need to fire a bullet.

Countries of the world can see with their own eyes. If they want infrastructures to be build, they can turn to China. If they want wars, want weapons of wars and destruction, they can turn to the Americans and the West.

Make your choice. Who are the destructive warmongers? What are the builders, the constructive force to build a better and peaceful world?

Who is fighting wars everywhere? Who is at peace everywhere?

The Americans and the West would keep on harping about China as a threat when they are the real threat. They go everywhere to destabilise and to start wars. They tried so hard to get China into a war, so far failed as China would not want to be dragged into any war if it could avoid it.


  1. Talking about parasites, I personally know of 2 separate Sinkies whom have been working in China and HK for almost 18 years to date. I know they cant find work here, and the disgusting thing is they have been biting the hands that feed. Each time they come back it is just China-bashing!They hate the people, hate their authorities, hate their buildings...etc. These are the typical Ugly Singapore with no gratitude but educated with loads of ego. Spreading their ugliness abroad to tell everyone there we are unique and better.

  2. "One More Mass-Killing Incident:

    'Like a battle zone': Witness describes scary moment shots rang out at Highland Park parade

    Suspect in custody after deadly Illinois July Fourth parade shooting.

    At least six people were killed in a shooting in downtown Highland Park, Illinois, during a July Fourth parade, and dozens have been injured, officials said.

    Police have taken Robert E. Crimo III into custody Monday evening. He was being sought for his "alleged involvement" in the shooting, according to the FBI.

    The alleged gunman appeared to fire shots from a rooftop, authorities said, and a "high-powered rifle” has been recovered from the scene. Witnesses described frantically fleeing when they realized they heard gunshots, not fireworks. Highland Park is located about 25 miles north of Chicago."

  3. Would you believe some Western Morons telling China not to be fall for Russian lies? Those morons must be sleeping under a rock to say such things. They think the people of the world are all dumb like the Europeans.

    So, China should believe in only the USA and Western truth? How truthful were they regarding the Iraq War? The world was led to believe in such blatant lies about WMD and Chemical Weapons in Iraq, that the UN had to rubber stamp the invasion and after finding out all the blatant lies, nothing was done to punish the liars. Should China follow blindly like the Europeans and even going all out to tell the world to believe in those lies?

    1. Right Anon
      George Galloway had said that three quarters of Brits are so ignorant that they only know how to eat, sleep and fark that the daft Asian natives who are smarter than them at still in awe of them.
      They don't even know where the Red Dot is. Next to Hainan Island.
      That's why even the stupid International Tribunal awarded one rock to Singapore and another to Malaysia.

  4. The Empire of Lies - Julian Assange.

    Many idiotic bananas still cannot accept this truth. You can find a lot of them in TR Emeritus.

  5. They are so used to lying, they probably do not know what is the truth. And when the truth is out, they could not handle it and had to fabricate more lies to substantiate their lying.

  6. The bananas have been believing in the various lies that the West have been dishing out all these years. That's why when they were told the truth, these bananas just can't handle it!

    Therefore, they add to the whole confusion by giving their own interpretation of "truth" that they have understood and painted a "rosy" picture to con all of us. One good example is the Covid-19 Pandemic. Even until today, the idiotic bunch of imbeciles are still going at it.

    Got screwed left and right, and from below and above, yet they continued to sing the same sad song (that many have already disregarded)

  7. So used are they to lying about the 'tooth', they forgot how to appreciate the 'tooth'. Without the 'tooth', every word that comes out of their lying mouth becomes 'lou hong' or 'punctured'.

    It is now so bad, that all the White countries are left singing from the same songbook of 'We lie, we cheat and we steal'.

  8. Looks like the USA can only now succeed in lying towards the Europeans, who will believe every word they say. No more majority of countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and all non White countries now believe in their lies.

  9. HK star Andy Lau sang this song during the recent 25th Anniversary of HK returning to 祖国:


  10. Andy Lau is a patriot and very proud of his motherland. And being Chinese.

