
The 4th of July is White Americans day of joy; But the Indigenous Americans Day of scorn and mourning.

    Today the 4th of July is the day of scorn and mourning for the indigenous native Americans. The white invaders will celebrate and honour the birth of the illegal and illicit state - the United States and pay homage to brutal white conquerors while abandoning the perspectives of indigenous native Americans. On this day every year the native American Indians will mourn and condemn white men for genociding millions of their ancestors and destroying their tribal nations. 

On this day , Native Americans remember their country was taken from their ancestors by the brute force of the white invaders. They know the robbing of their lands has not stopped even today and that white colonialism is still very much alive. 

Native Americans have suffered various severe deprivations. The whites have deprived them of their homelands, education, health care, employment and their rights to their natural resources as well as a host of other issues facing the native community. 

Every year on this day, 4th July, the native Americans are made to realize that white imperialism and colonialism is not dead but very much alive impacting on their lives by the white government's insidious anti-native rulings and regulations. The Native Indians realize they are still living in a precarious still-hostile white dominated America.

On this day 4th July the United Nations Organisation and the free world of the non-white countries should help native Americans to fight for social justice and freedom. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and other Latin American countries should organize, support and fund the North American natives to fight for an independent Indian State. 

In their conquest of North America the white invaders mainly the Anglo-Saxons British only rule of brutal warfare was to kill and massacre all Indian 'Savages'regardless of all ages, sexes and conditions.

As whites expanded their territories they burnt and pillaged all native Indians'homes across the whole of America.

As white population increased by leaps and bounds through immigration from Europe the indigenous population decreased greatly along with loss of tribal homelands and cultural freedoms.

The Anglo-Saxon white US government native Indian policy which was extremely anti-indigenous people was responsible for the loss of Indian culture and land.

In the 1880s US government enacted several anti-indigenous policies. One of which was the Religious Crimes Code of the Federal Office of  " Indian Affairs Code of Indian Offences" that prohibited American Indian ceremonial life. It was a policy of religious and cultural oppression and suppression, as indigenous Americans  are not allowed to practise and enjoy their culture and ceremonial life. They were not allowed to play tribal music, sing tribal songs or perform cultural tribal dance.

The Code was strictly enforced on all native tribes  throughout America especially on Indian Reservations, euphemism for Indian slave or labour camps. The Code banned Indian ceremonial dances, warrior dances and feasts, disrupted religious practices and destroyed or confiscated sacred objects under threat of severe punishment and imprisonment and the witholding of treaty rations.

The Secretary of the interior issued the regulations from 1880s  to 1930s, and Indian superindents and agents implemented them with strict enforcements.

In response to this policy of cultural and religious suppression some tribes take the risk of using the annual 4th July, to secretly conducting their own important ceremonies.

Over the years these secret cultural ceremonies became the day of their tribal homecomings  when Indian veterans were welcomed home as modern day followers of warrior traditions. The natives make good use of the day , 4th July, to honour their tribal veterans. On this day tribal veteran songs are sung and native tribal dances are conducted all in secrecy for fear of the white government anti-natives Code.

The free world of the non-white countries and the United Nations Organisation need to take up with the White government of the United States to stop suppressing the religious and cultural lives and tribal ceremonies of the indigenous native Americans. The evil racist US white supremacist government must henceforth immediately repeal the oppressive Code against the native Indian customs, religious practices and tribal ceremonial celebrations. 

The satanic White American Anglo-Saxon government of the US should stop being hypocrites and pretend to be angels championing democracy, human rights and the rules of law when they are actually satans committing the worst travesty of all the aforementioned. They should stop all the ill-treatments of native Americans and stop circumscribing their tribal ritual, religious and cultural lives and activities with scornful evil Codes proscribing against the natives.


Monday, 4th July, 2022


  1. The indigenous Americans should unite in solidarity and form an indigenous political party to fight for its own independent state. It should then give a prominent indigenous name to this party and appeal to the world for help and support.


  2. The white dictatorial governments of the US, Canada and Australia had since the 1970s adopted a new genocidal policy in new forms so as to deceive the world of their evil deeds.

    They have since the last few decades adopted a system of separating natives children from their parents under a purported false agenda of caring for the children under the governmment in religious Christian dormitory schools. However, in these schools native children were hardly taught anything but were always kept in poor health without any health care and were often undernourished and starved to death. Thousands of native children were ill-treated and starved to death in this manner.


  3. Mass murder of indigenous people doesn't matter to evil white people.

    No apologies or remorse for generations of crimes. That speaks so much for white men's democracy and human rights.

  4. All of them thinks that killing Arabs and Muslims is fun. Not a single thought of remorse or guilt. They even joked and laughed about it.

    And they pretended to care for the Muslims in Xinjiang but ordered all their allies and lackeys not to buy goods produced by the Muslims in Xinjiang, to undermine their income hoping to provoke them to rebel against China.


  5. China has 56 ethnic groups of which the largest is the Hans, followed by the Miaos, Tibetans, Mongols and the Uyghurs.

    All the 56 ethnic groups have representatives in both provincial parliaments and the country's PRC's National Peoples Congress.

    How many indigenous ethnic racial representatives are represennted in the parliaments of the US, Canada and Australia. There are practically none at all and they want to talk about democracy and human rights. It is just hogwash and unashamed hypocrisy.

    Eagles Eyes

  6. Copenhagen shooting could be white man shooting at coloured people.

  7. The investigation so far did not point towards a racist motive or otherwise, but this could change, he said.

    They always tried to cover it up as not a hate crime.

  8. The investigation will investigate what they want the result to show. Like the war in Iraq, they investigated WMD existing in thin air, showcased the fabricated results at the UN to show and got the rubber stamp to invade. What was needed? Just pipes, milk powder, washing powder, fake videos and the MSM putting the whole plan into action. All war criminals!
