
Americans losing the plot, the narrative and the initiative

 For the last few centuries, the initiative in global affairs was with the West. They wrote the narrative and charting the course of history in their interests. What was right or wrong was decided by them. What was good or bad was also decided by them. What was right was right to them and could be very wrong to the rest of the world.  Likewise, what was good to them could be very bad to the rest of the world. The enemies of the West could be the friends of the rest of the world, but would be branded as enemies by the western narratives.

As time goes on, the arrogant, aloof and conceited West, led by the Americans in the last few decades, began to lose touch with the rest of the world. Their primary narrative and agenda were to destabilise the world with chaos and constant warfare. The only language they know is violence and the only initiative is war. The only narrative is to create enemies to be demonised for the unthinking to hate and to fear.

The Ukraine War is a turning point when Russia took the initiative to attack an American running dog. This used to be the work of the Americans, launching wars against other countries, and Russia or China would be on the defensive, trying to help the victims of American aggression and invasion. Now the Americans are trying to help Ukraine, defending and afraid to counter attack.

On the economic front China is writing the agenda with the BRI. This monumental initiative in 2013 threw the Americans off guard and did not know how to respond until now. The only reaction from the Americans was to stir shit, disinformation and mistrust by hyping on debt trap. This proof ineffective as the participating countries could see the merits of the BRI and the nonsensical debt trap that was an obvious lie. 

Failing to frighten the participating countries, the Americans finally came out with a half baked infrastructure development plan, basically all words without any concrete plan and no money to fund the project. This is the best the Americans could do for the moment, words but nothing to show, trying to play catch up with China. Now China said run and the Americans would have to run along.

China's latest initiative is in the Pacific Islands offering infrastructure development and security development. The Americans have forgotten about these islands, treating them as non existence. Now they are panicking and trying to outdo China with a few handouts to please the islanders. China is raising the stakes and the Americans and the AngloSaxon countries would have to follow with more and better offers or be out of the game. The only card they are left to play is war, the threat of invasion to threaten the islanders.

In Africa it is a gone case for the Americans and the West. China has been actively investing in Africa for several decades while the Americans and the West wrote off the continent.  They had robbed and looted whatever they could from Africa and did not see anything worthy in the African countries. Now they are worried of the inroads made by China but unable to do anything. No political will, no money and no time as they are too involved in all the wars all over the world. 

China has won over the friendship of the African countries with generous aids and economic and infrastructure development for all to see. China did not go into Africa like the white men, invade and conquer, massacre and loot and enslaved the Africans, taking everything, all the resources, treasures and land for free. China paid for everything and even offer aids and technological assistance to the Africans, tangible assets to promote developments in the African countries, without wars and strife, no killings of the Africans, no bullying of the Africans, no slavery, no interference and threat to their domestic affairs, and no regime change.

The Chinese genuine effort to help the African countries and promotion of economic development and trade is an agenda that the Americans and the West have never really done through the centuries of colonisation. Now they are left in the rear mirror of China's high speed economic trains.

China's narrative and initiative are all about trade and economic cooperation, and infrastructure development. This is a win win game that the Americans did not know how to play. The developing countries have wisen up to the abuses and oppression of the white men and have welcomed China as their new partner for growth and prosperity for their people and countries.


  1. The USA already lost the sanctions plot long ago. among others.

    Did they forced Cuba to it's knees after almost half a century of sanctions? Did the Cubans forced a regime change in Cuba? Cubans are more patriotic than before.

    Did the North Korean regime collapse after decades of sanctions? On the contrary, it makes them even more determined to succeed amid the sanctions. And succeed they do, with Kim firing missiles like firing Chinese New Year crackers and sending the USA, the West, Japan and South Korea into renewed frenzies each and every time.

    Did Iran collapse amid all the sanctions? Iran is doing fine, sitting on their oil and now able to continue with their nuclear ambitions after Trump ditched the nuclear agreements with them and now the Biden administration is trying to clean up the shit by asking Iran to go back to the negotiation table.

    Did Venezuela collapse after being sanctioned? Venezuela, like Iran is sitting pretty on their oil reserves. And the irony is Calamity Joe is now begging them both to produce more oil with promise of some sanctions to be lifted. The USA and the West shot their own feet and does not know how to deal with the healing.

    Now, will Russia realistically collapse as Calamity Joe predicted? The Ruble did not turn into rubbles and Putin is still in power, with Russians even standing closer behind him. Sure, the Russian economy is facing headwinds. But look at the West and NATO. Are they enjoying the fake winning of the economic war? Now blaming Russia for everything they are suffering from, from energy, to food, to rising prices, to inflation with Putin even joking that the West is naming inflation after him.

    Now, it is back to coal for the EU, probably knowing that Calamity Joe will not succeed in persuading Saudi Arabia to increase their oil output. And all that talk about climate change issues has gone out the window.

  2. Nutjobs going after babies:

    'Is America The Only Country In The World That Authorizes COVID Shots For Infants?'

    Full article at:

  3. The Wind of Change is sending the Whites to their bad turns.
    They are
    going into great decline because of their evil leaders and nature is also punishing tham.


  4. The World should allow the Whites to enjoy themselves.
    Leave them alone, ignore them
    they can enjoy live of plenty and live in luxury.

    No need to worry about them.


  5. By creating so much problems with Covid and the sinister war in Ukraine, these savages still think they have time to create trouble in the Asia Pacific region. They still think the inflation, supply chain problems, food and energy shortages would go away tomorrow, like what Trump said.

    The more they try to stir shit and create problems for others, the more the problems boomerang at them.

  6. Just wait. They have no solution to the problems at home right now and creating trouble overseas is their only diversion. They are just passing the hot potato between Republicans and Democrats and kicking the can further down the road.

    There will be civil war coming. Just wait.

  7. The most telling sign that they are losing the plot is their clampdown on internet sites dispensing the truth. On Youtube, they de-monetised sites that go against or fact checked their propaganda promotion.

    In Germany, they even jailed those who told the truth and tried to discount their lies. That is the extent they are going into to curb the truth, as they are obviously losing the propaganda war and had to resort to underhand tactics and hitting below the belt.

    And remember the claims of Russian propaganda? How many on the internet understands Russian to claim that Russian propaganda is changing the perception of events on social media? It was all a wild goose chase that the USA and the West cook up, just like what they are doing at home. Russiangate ended without a successful conviction with so much time wasted, and now Capitol Hill gate hearing still going strong in the courts, probably going to end with nothing but smoke.

  8. Can anybody realistically imagine if Biden cannot continue as President and Kamala Harris takes over as President, the circus will be even more hilarious. And if Kamala Harris cannot continue, Nancy Pelosi, being third in line, takes over as President, that would really take the cake.

    Kamala Harris seems as blur as Biden on most things. And Nancy Pelosi is even worse than Biden in terms of mentally stringing two and two together. What a laughing stock the USA is today. It boggles the mind.

    And these are people taking on Putin or Xi? What a joke!

  9. Their world best democratic system producing world best Presidents and Vice Presidents. What a joke!

    And insisting that every country must adopt this silly system that produces duds, scoundrels, cheats, molesters, idiots, corrupt, senile old men, jokers and jesters as their top leaders.

  10. *A Lesson In History . . .* (Leslie Fong)

    1. Which countries invaded and occupied Indonesia? *Netherlands for 350 years and Japan for 3.5 years* . . .

    2. Which country was once the colony master of Malaya & India? *Britain* . . .

    3. Which countries invaded and occupied Vietnam? *France 1857-1940 & 1946-1954, Japan 1940-1945 and USA (in Southern Vietnam) 1955-1975* . . .

    4. Which countries were responsible for colonisation of the African continent? *Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy* . . .

    5. Which 8 countries were responsible for the occupation of China in early 20th century? *Britain, US, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Italy & Austria-Hungary* . . .

    6. Which countries are responsible for colonising and almost annihilating the native American tribes in northern America? *France & Britain* . . .

    7. Which country colonised and almost annihilated Aborigines in Australia and New Zealand? *Britain* .

    8. Which are the member countries of G7?
    *United Kingdom/Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan & USA* . . .

    And now the million dollar question . . .

    9. Why are the G7 members seeing China as a threat even though China is the only major nation on earth that has never invaded or occupied another country ?

  11. Unfortunately, after years of reading western media, even Chinese bananas hate Chinese but idolise the white men. The Chinese were the bad guys, the white men were the good guys.

    All the Asean countries, African countries also hate Chinese as the bad guys and look to the white men like gods, the good guys.

    They forgot how they were conquered, their forefathers massacred, countries looted, colonised.You can see how the unthinking blacks in the US hating Chinese and would beat up Chinese who did them no wrong but fear the white men and haplessly allowed the white men to kill them, but dare not hit back.

    It would take many years to clean the shit planted inside the heads of these unthinking people for them to know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
