
Ukraine war - The AngloSaxon and white men exerting their power and control over the rest of the world

 The Ukraine War is not just an isolated war in Europe. It is a world war and no country is left out of ths war. The immediate victim is Russia, no need to bother with the willing Ukrainians, and China. Both are under attack at the same time. China may be far away and had nothing to do with the war but is being accused of taking sides with the Russians and being made responsible for this war. Can you believe that?

Every country is responsible for this war and have to fight the Russians, no exceptions. For the moment some are sitting pretty on the ring side, as neutrals, observers, but not for long if the AngloSaxons have dealt with China and if China succumb, the rest would have to fall in line. No country can remain neutral as the Neo AngloSaxon Empire would not allow it to be so.

The special emissary in the name of Boris Johnson has arrived in New Delhi to tell Modi to fall in. India chose to be neutral and this is unacceptable and Johnson is expected to tell the Indians to change its stance, to go against the Russians. Other than promises of some business deals, Johnson came carrying a stick. If all else fails, this former colonial master is going to whisper into Modi's ear, 'Do you remember how we colonise India? We can do it again.' India or Modi is expected to break out in cold sweat when the British Raj starts to play foul. The British Empire is come a calling again.

The Ukrainian War is the moment when the AngloSaxon and white men have closed ranks again, like the colonial times, to rule the world, and to divide the world among themselves. They are telling every country to fall in as members of the white men's Empire, to be ruled by the white men. Those in the know of this white men's scheme already fallen in. They knew that the white men meant business and there is no fence sitter or to be on the side of Russia and China, to be outside of the white men's Empire. So they quietly and obediently did as told, to go against the Russians.

The fate of disobedience to the white men's Empire, the Neo AngloSaxon Empire can be rough, very rough. Better to fall in now than later. 

Could this fate be avoided? Yes, if Russia and China triumph in the Ukraine war, fighting against the white men. It is tough as the white men, the AngloSaxon tribe and the Europeans have closed ranks, liek the colonial days, to take on the world, to rule the world once again. Russia and China would need all the might, cooperation and support from the rest of the world to stand up to the rise of the Neo AngloSaxon Empire. The fence sitters would not have the comfort and luxury to be fence sitters if Russia and China fall, as there would be no one else in the way to stop the Neo AngloSaxon Empire to beat everyone into line. 

Russia and China is the last hope for the rest of the world. The white men have united and see the rest of the world as a piece of cake for the taking. They have united, but the rest of the world has not. United we stand, divided we fall. The rest of the world would be victims of the Neo AngloSaxon Empire if they are still hesitating and thinking that they could remain uncommitted, not taking side, and everything would be fine, they could remain neutral like Switzerland. Like Switzerland? Switzerland and the Baltic states too have been told and threatened and have fall in, to be on the side of the white men, in the Neo AngloSaxon Empire.

Neutrality is not a choice. You are either with us or against us. Where would the rest of the world want to be? They could choose to be cowed and join the Neo AngloSaxon Empire or stand up behind the Russians and Chinese, together to resist this neo colonialism of the 21st Century.

There is no neutrality, but to make a choice...for the rest of the world. The white men have chosen. Do not think you still have time on your side. It may be too late, and game over, before you know it.

When the white men come together, like before, the rest of the world is in danger. They would conquer the rest of the world, one by one. Do the rest of the world want to be colonised and ruled by the white men all over again?

The window to stop the white men's Neo AngloSaxon Empire is now. There is no time to wait and waste. Missing this opportunity would be another 1,000 years of white men's rule and oppression.


  1. No way! There is simply no way the rest of the world would abide by the no-rule-based arbitrary White Lies.

    There is no way anyone wants to be held responsible for anything that is not under their own jurisdiction!

    There is simply no way that the rest of the would want to associate themselves with the perennial lying scums.

  2. It's not just a military confrontation; Russia & China are about to launch the financial war to take down the USD:

    'Russia, China and the members, associates and dialog partners of the Shanghai Cooperation organisation appear to understand the dangers to them from a currency collapse of the dollar, other Western currencies and of associated financial assets. There are three pieces of evidence that this may be so. Firstly, China responded to the Fed reducing its funds rate to zero and the introduction of monthly QE of $120bn in March 2020 by stockpiling commodities, raw materials, and grains. Clearly, China understood the implications for the dollar’s purchasing power. By backing its economy with commodity stocks she was taking steps to protect her own currency from the dollar’s debasement.

    Secondly, sanctions against Russia rendered the dollar, euro, yen, and pounds valueless in its national reserves. At the same time, sanctions have pushed up commodity prices measured in those currencies. Russia has responded by insisting on payments for energy from “unfriendly nations” in roubles, while the central bank has resumed buying gold from domestic producers. Again, the currency is reflecting its commodity features. And lastly, the Eurasia Economic Union, which combines Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, has proposed a new currency in conjunction with China.

    Details are sketchy, but we have been told that the new currency will combine the national currencies of the nations involved and twenty exchange-traded commodities. It sounds like it will be a statist version of earlier gold standards, with perhaps 40-50% commodity backing, presumably to be fixed against national currencies daily. Like the SDR, it will be supplemental to national currencies, but used for cross-border trade settlement. The involvement of both China and Russia suggests that it might be adopted more widely by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, representing 40% of the world’s population and freeing them from the dollar’s hegemony.

    The original motivation was to remove a weaponised dollar from pan-Asian trade, but recent developments have imparted a new urgency. Rapidly rising prices, in other words an accelerating loss of the dollar’s purchasing power, amounts to a transfer of wealth from dollar balances in Asian hands to the US Government. That is undesirable for the EAEU members. Furthermore, the flaws in the yen and the euro have become obvious as well. All Western currencies will almost certainly be undermined by their central banks’ resistance to rising bond yields as the John Law experience Mark 2 plays out.

    It might prove impractical for westerners to access this new currency to escape the collapse of their own national currencies. Anyway, a new currency must become established before it can be trusted as a medium of exchange.'


  3. During the colonial days, the white men ganged up, divided the world among themselves and they invaded and massacred the coloured people all over the world. Then they ruled the coloured people till today.

    While the tide is turning against white men's rule, they are smart enough to come together again to gang up against the coloured people of the world. The coloured people are still disunited, some even willing to be ruled by the white men, some already joined the white men, to be part of them, but of course to be ruled by them.

    When would the coloured people wake up and say we must be united and not be divided by the white men and be ruled by the white men?

  4. The AngloSaxon tribe is getting impatient and aggressive. Every country is now facing risk of being attacked by them as they aggressively attempt to build a new world order in their own terms. The message is clear, they are taking over by force and coercion.

    See how they are trying to hammer India into shape, to be with them. If they can hammer the Europeans into acquiescence, India would not be spared. Then the rest of the world with China and Russia first on the chopping block.

  5. Desperate US abusing global dominance of dollar to restore its hegemony in world order

    A fundamental aspect of modern property rights is that they must be protected against any irregular expropriation by government. Since World War II, modern economies depend hugely on having reliable access to a reserve currency that offers a stable trading regime. There is deep and growing concern that Washington has now begun an assault aimed at the very foundations of this hallowed regime.

    There are two primary facets of this ambush: the way in which the US dollar is being openly exploited, and the more direct attack on the core security expectations associated with property rights. In both cases, this recklessness is aimed at securing certain fervently framed political ends.

    Over the last several years, Washington has increasingly misused the immense economic power that comes from running the world's established international currency.

    After the Russia-Ukraine conflict began, Jim Rogers said the dollar is now being used as an instrument of war, and it is set to die.

    As the conflict in Ukraine developed, an intense rash of property confiscations related to very wealthy Russians living in the West have unfolded.

    The role of money, as a primary store of wealth, is now consciously being undermined. Consider two recent examples of rash, currency-based political leveraging that shows what Washington thinks is acceptable today, once it "unfriends" certain governments.

    In February, Washington commandeered $3.5 billion, or about half of all Afghanistan public reserves held in the US, to help the families of victims of the Sept 11,2001, terror attacks. This astonishing confiscation was legalized by using a White House executive order. The Taliban government in Kabul, meanwhile, is still denied access to the other $3.5 billion, while wretched, mass misery in Afghanistan has reduced families to selling their children in order to secure food.

    A large portion of Russia's foreign exchange reserves of over $600 billion were recently largely rendered useless following the imposition of currency-related sanctions by the US and others.

    The world's reserve currency is no longer what we thought it was-that is, a neutral store of value-but has been put to work as a weapon of war. The core aspects of property rights, security and transferability-no longer apply without reservation to all owners of US dollars. Certain owners may now abruptly discover that their rights have been gravely compromised because they fall into a denounced category, solely determined by Washington.

    Yet the US assumes that the rest of the world will go along with its own currency-based imperial behavior, and will tolerate whatever may follow. Other states have been threatened that similar high-handed sanctions may be applied if they, too, are precipitously downgraded by the White House. Meanwhile, discussion is already underway about draining those Russian reserves to repair Ukraine.

    The US, a borrower already burdened by eye-watering, increasing levels of debt, has used the status of the US dollar not just to borrow cheaply but also to borrow massively increased amounts.

    The US is progressively confirming that it's an untrustworthy steward of the world's reserve currency. For now, though, there's no choice but to live with the dominant international standing of the US dollar. The incentive to work on substitutes has, however, been hugely amplified. Various experiments are already afoot, including: potential direct currency swaps, and the further development of sovereign-backed digital currencies. People are also studying the creation of new ratings agencies.

    The renminbi, as the currency of the world's largest trading economy, is almost certain to play some role in this coming transition, especially once it becomes fully convertible. One primary lesson to be learned from this alarming, politicized use of the US dollar is that any future replacement needs to be robustly managed as a neutral global currency.

  6. This is a last ditch attempt by the Americans to consolidate their position as the only hegemon in the world. It is a do or die attempt. The Americans know that what they are doing, in violation of other people's right to their money, is gross and would never be accepted by the rest of the world. But they have done it and must coerce every country to accept this fate.

    There is no turning back and the Americans cannot lose as losing would mean the end of the American Empire and the US$. They are going after everyone, every country, to toe the line and accept their dominance and Empire. No one, no country would be spared.

    This is a make or break war against the world. Are the rest of the world going to take this lying down, not doing anything, be trampled and controlled by the Americans, or would they say no and stand up to fight this reckless assault on them? They could fight and win and live a better and free life or be forever under the oppression of the Americans.

    The rest of the world must take a stand or resign to be ruled and abused by the Americans.

  7. The despicable Americans falsely accused the poor tribesmen of Afghanistan of the 911 bombing of the Twin Towers, invaded their country, destroyed their country, massacred hundreds of thousands of Afghan tribesmen, and now have the cheek to steal their little money, US$7b, deposited in American banks when hundreds of thousands of the tribesmen have nothing to eat and suffering from grave poverty.

    Where is the UN to stop this daylight robbery of the rich against the very poor Afghans? They did not even bother to shed crocodile tears, just shut up and turn the other way.

    Where is the justice for the poor people of Afghanistan? Where are the pretentious white righteous men or western media to stand up for the poor victims of American deceit and thievery?

    Shame on you Americans. Shame on you the UN and Europeans for turning a blind eye to daylight robbery of the most mean kind.

    Where is your white men's conscience? Where is your human decency?

  8. We better pray that Russia and China can bring down the US$ Hegemony and with it the USA's military establishment worldwide. Otherwise, the whole world will suffer even worse fate than what is now befalling upon them.

  9. I don't think Russia can win. Already so many days, still cannot even beat Ukraine. Why China never send any soldiers to help?

  10. Rumour has it that US & NATO are close to empting their entire stockpile of munitions & military gear...had to ask Korea & Japan to 'help out'...🤣🤣🤣

    Meanwhile Western weapon makers had been asked to increase output to replenish stocks of weapons and munitions except they are already working at max capacity..and running out of Chinese-made chips for smart weapons and munitions. Reason - chip shortage!! 🤣🤣🤣

    Russia seemed to have began Phase II aka massive aerial bombing!!

    Larry Johnson has this to say:


    Johnson is saying US & NATO making the same mistake as UK when facing Germany during WWI (aka charging on horseback against German machinegun and cannon fire).

  11. Racism behind how Australia views South Pacific and China

    Its 25.7 million population is even less than Shanghai's 28.5 million

    Australia is aghast at the news that China has signed a bilateral security agreement with Solomon Islands. Despite both Canberra and Washington having sent scores of officials to the archipelago nation in a bid to try and coerce them to change course, the agreement was confirmed several days ago.

    The pact provoked a tidal wave of vitriol in the Australian press, with several commentaries and articles going as far as demanding outright regime change, or even invasion against the country.

    Canberra makes it abundantly clear that it deems Solomon Islands to be its own "backyard" and connects its new tilt toward China with the repulsive "Yellow Peril" paranoia that has become endemic in recent years.

    But this only illustrates the hypocrisy, vulgarity and thinly veiled elitism which dominates the Aussie mind, even as it calls for Russia to have no such "rights" regarding Ukraine.

    Australia is an Anglophone colonial nation that has unwelcomely based itself in the proximity of Asia, placing itself on the boundaries of cultures and civilizations.

    Built on the genocide of Australasia indigenous population, such circumstances have historically conditioned a highly elitist identity in the country that has been prone to sporadic racism in relationship to its northern neighbors.

    In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Australia grew to perceive the influx of Asian peoples into its territory as a threat to its English-speaking identity, espousing the politics of "Yellow Peril" and soon the "White Australia policy" which actively sought to prohibit the migration of non-whites into the country.

    That now defunct policy still shapes the current underlying of the country's prejudiced discourse toward China, masking fears of racially led "infiltration" and "subversion" under the guise of anti-communism.

    This attitude in Australia has long conditioned its foreign policy toward perceiving itself as being a vanguard force of civilization and moral exceptionalism to its surroundings, particularly in reference to the Pacific Island nations, of which it seeks to maintain hegemony over under the assumption that they and their Anglosphere allies are the only countries acting in their "true interests."

    This is especially the case with the Solomon Islands, which is a former British colonial state and still comes under the British Crown.

    As is the same in Britain, countries in the Anglosphere exhibit a distorted rendering of history toward their former colonies. Having never been held to account for their crimes over them, they continue to exhibit an "ownership" mentality over these countries, perceiving their rule as having not been brutal or unwanted, but benevolent and supportive.

    Therefore, the choice of these countries to opt for deeper ties with China is seen as an assault on their own identity and an act of aggression.

    Canberra continues to assume it has the right to dominate the Solomon Islands as a "benevolent protector" which constitutes its "backyard," presenting its efforts to form relationships with other countries (in this case China) as a political and military threat.

    The Aussies cannot detach itself from their exceptionalistic and blinkered view of the world that they cannot do anything but act in the "best interests" of the Islands, and delude themselves their hegemony is only an act of benevolence despite obvious acts to the contrary.

    This inability to conceive themselves for who they really are has led their press to brand the Solomon Islands' decision as a huge "diplomatic failure." But if it is a failure, it is a failure of them to be reasonable or realistic regarding the rise of China, and that the world does not revolve around English speaking countries anymore, let alone one with less people than Shanghai.

    - Beijing

  12. Don't you just luv these white id***...🤣🤣🤣


    'German food prices have risen 20% to 50% in a short period of time. They are not coming down any time soon. Fuel prices are rising, and Germany is threatening to cut off all oil from Russia by the end of the year. Germany is the economic engine that drives the EU, and it is tanking. Germany and the rest of the EU better hope Russia does not beat them to the punch and cut them off now. The EU is in deep financial trouble and their leaders will not stop destroying the economy with stupid sanctions that only hurt their own people. You can say the same for the Obama/Biden Administration.

    To add insult to injury, the Western U.S. is in a 1,200-year mega drought in most places. Now, Lake Powell is at record lows, and water is going to be rationed. If this is not a sign food prices are heading higher nothing is. Oh, and don’t forget that fertilizer out of Russia is being sanction and fertilizer is in short supply all over the world. This will mean less fertilizer will be used either because of cost or supply problems, and that will translate into much lower yields and less food overall.'

  13. The racist white Australians came to this part of the world, massacred the aborigines, stole their land, and practised racism against coloured people of the region. Can you believe it?

    They are against the coloured people of the region! When would the coloured people of the region practise racism to kick out the white Australians from the region and take back Australia for the aborigines and people inn the region?

    If the white Australians think it is ok to practise racism against the people of the region, then it is ok for the people in the region to practise racism against them.

  14. The control of the world by unequal equations, imposed by the White Supremacists will end one day. This unequal equation cannot and will not go on and on forever.

    The Supreme Power in this World is not and will not be the power of the Whites.

    The real Supreme Power in this World will be the of the Unequal Power that has been in Existent since time immemorial.

  15. No Brains SinkieApril 22, 2022 3:09 pm

    Aiyo? Russia's GDP for 2022 fall to -8%, but all the EU countries, US and Australia all above 1.5%. OK less than forecast at the beginning of the year, but still not bad for developed country. Why everyone still cheering? Who are we supporting?
    I thought only American is stupid.

  16. How come they know Russia's GDP for 2022, (whole of 2022?) is falling to -8% and the rest of the EU, USA and Australia are doing well, when the world is still just into the second quarter of 2022? There are still nine more months to go.

    This is basically Western propaganda picked up from the dustbin.

  17. Many US friendly countries, are demanding to shift their gold back from USA. The smartest one may have already act to relocated their assets like shares, bonds, properties,etc silently. The 11 days official visit by sg leadership could be setting this task. Smartest nation among the others asean.

  18. РакетостроениеApril 22, 2022 10:25 pm

    How come they know Russia's GDP for 2022, (whole of 2022?) is falling to -8% and the rest of the EU, USA and Australia are doing well, when the world is still just into the second quarter of 2022? There are still nine more months to go

    It is not rocket science.

  19. Have they accounted for what is happening in Europe and USA after the war started and sanctions is doing to them going forward?

    Russia did badly in the first quarter of 2022, which is expected and leading to the -8% forecast. The USA and EU have not yet feel the full effect of the Feb/Mar 2022 economic crunch, but will definitely be doing so in the next few quarters. Energy shortage leading to manufacturing crunch, commodity prices spiraling, issues with fertilizers for food growth escalating will lead to further rise in food prices.

    It is also not rocket science.

  20. NATO is so screwed the grouping is unable to continue providing weapons to Ukraine and need to ask those not closely involved in sending weapons to Ukraine to do their part. And mind you, those are old obsolete weapons from the Soviet era that they are providing to Ukraine. In other words, are they that screwed up and unable to manufacture more up to date weapons for Ukraine? Something does not add up.

  21. РакетостроениеApril 23, 2022 3:50 pm

    Have they accounted for what is happening in Europe and USA after the war started and sanctions is doing to them going forward?

    Actually yes. Western economic data is usually freely available and can be analyzed independently by thousands of analysts from anywhere. Russian data, not so much.

  22. You are assuming that western data are the real data.

    The Pfizer vaccine case is for all to see that they are hiding a lot of data and not telling the truth.

  23. You have evidence to show that all western trade data is fake?

  24. WMD in Iraq not good enough?

    Pfizer is being sued all over USA not good enough? 96% efficacy but infection is over 8m cases in USA alone, and growing by the hundreds of thousands all over the world!

    How many more data do you need before you want to believe?

    Pompeo said, 'We lie, we cheat, we steal, and we kill.'

  25. When did WMD become confused with trade data?

    People in the US will sue a mosquito if given the chance.

  26. Never reason with a willing sucker.
