
The 'White Peril' is ever present and very dangerous. But 'Yellow Peril' is just a white men's concoction to smear and demonize the Chinese people

The 'White Peril' is ever present, very menacing and dangerous. But 'Yellow Peril' is just evil white men's concoction to smear and demonize the Chinese.  The Chinese people have never caused harm or invade any other country. But the evil white countries from Europe have always been very aggressive and expansive  warmongering countries indulging in contemptuous destructive imperialism and colonialism. Initially the white people of Europe  constitute about 5 percent of the world's population and 8 percent  of the world''s land.  But due to centuries of aggression and expansion they now constitute about 20 percent of the world's population and over 65 percent of the world's land area.  

    Which race always pose a danger to world  peace and harmony and to mankind? This is a quintessential question that needs to be answered. Is it the black people, the brown people, the yellow people or the white people? If we look into the historical aspects of each race we can clearly determine which race is the most inherently wicked race, the most inherently evil race,  the most inherently aggressive and warlike and the most diabolical expansionist in all aspects. Clearly it is the white race of the Caucasians, the Europeans and the Anglo-Saxons. Every race and every nation has their own internal problems. They have internal strives and civil wars but eventually they settle their internal problems and emerge back as one united nation.  The ancient Egyptians fought among themselves but eventually unite back as a great Egyptian civilization. Its the same with the ancient civiliztions of Babylon - present day Iraq, the ancient civilization of Persia - present day Iran, the ancient civilization of India and finally the ancient civilization of China. Each of these Asiatic ancient civilizations had internal strives and civil wars but they never go out of the way to destroy other people or other nations. These ancient Asiatic civilizations consist of the brown people the Egyptians, the Iraqis and the Persians or Iranians; the black people, the Indians and the yellow people the Chinese. 

But it is different with the evil white people, the evil white race. The white race has always been a menace, inherently evil, aggressive and warlike.  The people of the white race are the  Greeks, the Romans - present day Italians, the West Europeans which include the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the Anglo-Saxons of England, the teutonics of Germany, France, Holland, Denmark and Belgium and  the Russians  These white people do fight fiercely among themselves but when they are attacking and fighting against the non-white people they always close their ranks in unity to invade, to genocide and destroy the non-white people and non-white countries.

The white people are inherently wicked and evil. History tells us how the ancients Greeks and Macedonians led by king Philips and his son  Alexander went on a rampage of aggression and conquest stretching from Asia Minor, now called Turkey to Persia and northern India. Also the Romans of ancient Italy attacked and destroyed Carthage, present day Tunisia. The Romans also brutally invaded Asia Minor, the middle east Arab countries and ruled Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon for many centuries. Of course the Romans also invaded Western Europe which included Greece, France, Spain, Portugal, England and part of Germany.

Subsequently after shaking off the yoke of Roman rule and dictatorship each of the European countries took on the mantle of Roman dictatorship and warmongering traits. Spain and Portugal led the European charges of aggression and invasion first in Africa and then across the seas and oceans in America where they brutally and mercilessly slaugthered and genocided the natives. The Pope or Papacy of the Catholic church of that period in the early1500s AD was responsible and in complicity with the barbarity of the barbaric conquests of Spain and Portugal as he claimed to represent the authority of their Christian God Jesus Christ to decide the fate and destiny of mankind. The early European invaders justified their invasions and genocide of the natives wherever they went based on their interpretation of their militant religious doctrine 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery.' Based on this evil aggressive bellicose  militant religious Christian doctrine other European countries like England, France, Holland or Netherlands, Russia, Belgium, Germany and Italy went on a rampage of conquests across Asia, Africa. North America, Central and South America also known as Latin America, Australia and New Zealand. Wherever white men go there goes endless rampant killings and genocide of the natives or indigenous people of the lands they conquered.

These barbaric European Christian wanton ravaging of all the continents and of all non-white countries  were to last for over 500 years. This is known as the 500 years curse of brutal Western agression. Western white men's aggression is still going on and it is not going to stop anytime soon. 

Although the white people have been a menace and a peril to all other races for centuries but they blatently try to deny  this fact and truth  that there is only the 'White Peril' in this world. However they maliciously concoct and propagandize  the slogan 'yellow peril' just to smear and demonize the Chinese people and country to deflect attention from their own guilt and criminal acts of killings and genocide of non-white people all over the world. 

We can observe that since the annals of history and for the last over 5,000 years  all non-White countries and civilizations have remained as they were in their respective original territories of habitat with no aggression or inroads into other people's or other countries territories unlike the white Western European countries especially the Anglo-Saxons which went on to terrorise and conquer all the non-white people's land. The white Anglo-Saxon Americans is now at the forefront of Western aggression threatening all non-white people and non-white countries posting a lethal threat to their survival. It is therefore more appropriate for the world to label the white people as the 'White peril' to continuously forewarn all non-white people to unite in solidarity to forestall this white menace and destroy them. In fact the native Americans warned us long ago of the mortal danger white men posed to other non-white people and that 'White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted.' 

The whole world of the non-white people must strongly debunk the evil white race smearing of the Chinese as the 'yellow peril' as the Chinese have never caused harm or invaded other countries. The Chinese themselves had been attacked, invaded and colonized by all the evil white race of all the European countries and America from the 1800s to the 1940s. Therefore in view of the perennial danger that white people and white countries pose to all non-white people and non-white countries with their threats of invasion, blockades,sanctions, killings, genocide and destruction of the non-white countries it is essential to view them as the 'White Peril'. Therefore from now on people of the non-White countries including all their netizens must permanently and in every instance refer to White people and white countries' bellicose aggression as the 'White Peril' or 'Pale Face Peril' as the native Americans termed them as such.

Never again will non-white people follow the evil white people to label the Chinese as 'yellow peril'. It is white men's deception to smear and demonize the Chinese people because only the Chinese people are the only non-white people able to creditably oppose and stop white countries aggression against all non-white countries. The white people led by the evil Anglo-Saxons US and UK always try to sow seeds of dissension, division and wars among the non-white countries by disingenuously and falsely through insidious disinformation to paint the Chinese as posing a danger to other non-white countries. Nothing is further from the truth as this, because the evil white countries know that the Chinese only do pose a challenge to their aggressions  and thus is an obstacle to US-led white countries domination and hegemony of  the world.

People of all non-white countries please wake up and unite to forestall from being overwhelmed by white people''s aggression, domination and hegemony. It is only through the conscious awakening of the danger of the 'White Peril' and the solid unity of all non-white people and countries that only then can the evil  white imperialism and colonialism be defeated and destroyed permanently.


Thursday, 28th April, 2022


  1. The 'White Peril'has always been there since the time of the Roman Empire, more than 2200 years ago.The 'White Peril' The 'White Peril'expanded on a large scale worldwide in the Middle Ages when the Pope or Papacy of the Catholic church endorsed the criminal activities of Western imperialism and colonialism based on the evil militant religious doctrine - 'The Doctrine of Christian Discovery.' From then on European Christian countries went on a grand scale of imperialism and colonialism and expanded their claws of invasions and conquests'worldwide under the guise of crusading their Christian faith.

    A historical observer of the history of 'White Peril.

  2. The White Peril is the real curse to the world, invading, killing, plundering and enslaving people all over the world.

    Then they invented the Yellow Peril to frighten the rest of the world and diverted the fear and attention to the Chinese as evil and wanting to conquer the world. And the white savages have been peddling this narrative in all their books and media until the rest of the world started to believe in this white men's lie.

    Silly bananas also believe in this lie, thinking that the lie is not against them but the Chinese in China.

    The real terror and threat to the world is the White Savages and the White Peril. See what they are doing in Ukraine and the sanctions to bully and control the world.


  3. The 'White Peril' is getting ever more dangerous now and is showing its ugly face in all spheres of life worldwide.

    When the white Anglo-Saxons is unable to compete with others especially China on trade and business it tries to bring China and others down via imposing high tariffs on Chinese and other countries business and products.

    When the US-led Western countries lack behind China in High-tech they ban Chinese companies like Huawei and ZTE and products like AI and 5G. In addition they ban the export of products vital to Chinese companies like the semi-conductor chips.

    The white American Anglo-Saxons try to destroy other countries trade, commerrce and finance by politicizing the PetroDollar and SWIFT the international foreign exchange agency controlled by the Americans and the West.

    When the US-led West is losing its credibility in geopolitics it resorts to violence by attacking the victimized countries for regime change, creating turmoils, choas, instabilities, demonstrations, riots and wars.

    The white Americans is conducting hybrid warfare against its opponents hoping to destroy its opponents by imposing illegal sanctions, embargoes, blockades, kidnapping of important national leaders and hijacking of other countries ships and planes. This is part of the overall 'White Peril' hostile activities to destroy non-white countries and vital competitors.

    The non-white countries must really unite to repulse this mortal danger of the 'White Peril'.

    Subandrio Santo from Indonesia, Jakarta

  4. Food for thot for Vivian and gang:

    How can Singapore survive well in a world of intense rivalry between the 'White Peril' and the 'Yellow Peril'?

    We can outwardly support the West to condemn Russia and China, but behind the scene we secretly help China and Russia to screw the West!

  5. As a principled nation state, cannot like that one, say one thing, do another thing.

    Must follow the never lie, never cheat and never steal Americans. Stick to principles and 'rules of law' Made In USA.

    Examples of American rules of law.

    1. Refused to sign the UNCLOS agreement but demands other countries to obey the agreement.

    2. Refused to be a signatory to the International Criminal Court, ICC, that judges war crimes, so that Americans cannot be judged by the ICC. But demands the ICC to charge other countries on war crimes. And if ICC dares to investigate Americans for war crimes, threaten the judges with sanctions and worse.

    American 'rules of law' means everyone must come under rules/laws made unilaterally by the Americans or the UN, but the Americans are above these rules/laws.

  6. With the Ukrainian War on the march, the World has now been realigned to different positions - Asians, Africans, Latin Americans and the Middle Eastern against the Hated Europeans and the Evil USA.

    The new SWIFT Replacement has been created to replace the only hegemonic entity that has been installed in the past is tantamount to this fact.

    To date, more than 50 states have been included in this new entity.

  7. The only western powers that are oil producers are USA, UK, Canada and Australia. Australia is too far away, like the US and Canada. UK could not produce the volume needed by Europe.

    If the rest of the world unite against the white men's world, they would be starved of oil, LNG and food. The Middle Eastern oil producers must be prepared for the white men grabbing their oil, esp Saudi, Iraq and the smaller kingdoms.

  8. The Ukraine war will spread to the rest of the world by end of this year. This will be worse than Covid. Prepare for job losses, blackouts, and famines. I bet your life on this.

  9. Taiwan's Secessionist DPP Produces Report to Sarbo Singapore in Eyes of West

    A Taiwan-based research outfit has ranked Singapore as second in the world - behind Cambodia - most influenced by China. The Doublethink Lab says In technology, society and academia - but less so for domestic politics - Singapore was found to be especially susceptible to the exposure, pressure and effect of Beijing's influence

    The Taiwanese said Chinese-language teachers have been hired from China to work in schools and tuition centres, along with reports of Chinese-language curriculum material increasingly following China's standards.

    The Taiwanese also said in 2016, after an arbitral tribunal's ruling against China's claims to a handful of islands in the South China Sea, Singapore businesses were reportedly "warned" that Singapore's insistence on international law could jeopardise their commercial position in China.

    In the domain of foreign policy, the Taiwanese claimed Singapore has become "visibly quieter" over the South China Sea dispute and international rule of law relating to China since the 2016 detention of Singapore's army vehicles in Hong Kong en route home from Taiwan.

    The Taiwanese also cited Singapore Technologies Kinetics and its subsidiary Guizhou Jonyang Kinetics producing an all-terrain personnel carrier based on the Bronco armoured vehicle used by Singapore's army, as a proof point under the military domain. It reportedly saw service in Tibet recently.

    In the media domain, former foreign minister George Yeo and academic Kishore Mahbubani were described as part of "an increasing number of prominent individuals" promoting the Chinese official line on current affairs.

    It also identified a little-known YouTuber called Noel Lee, believed to be Singaporean, who started publishing in March last year videos on China that include denials of human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

    His clips are reportedly shared on messaging platforms such as WhatsApp.

    Doublethink Lab describes itself as a civil society organisation investigating disinformation and information operations to safeguard democracy globally.

    A committee convened by Doublethink Lab designed the indicators for the poll. The eight-person committee largely comprised Western analysts such as Ms Bonnie Glaser from the US research institution German Marshall Fund and Ms Nadege Rolland from America's National Bureau of Asian Research, with the exception of Dr Roy Chun Lee from the Taiwan WTO and RTA Centre at the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research.

  10. Doublethink Lab describes itself as a civil society organization? What a joke.
