
Taiwan's Secessionist DPP Produces Report to Sarbo Singapore in Eyes of West


A Taiwan-based research outfit has ranked Singapore as second in the world - behind Cambodia - most influenced by China. The Doublethink Lab says In technology, society and academia - but less so for domestic politics - Singapore was found to be especially susceptible to the exposure, pressure and effect of Beijing's influence

The Taiwanese said Chinese-language teachers have been hired from China to work in schools and tuition centres, along with reports of Chinese-language curriculum material increasingly following China's standards.

The Taiwanese also said in 2016, after an arbitral tribunal's ruling against China's claims to a handful of islands in the South China Sea, Singapore businesses were reportedly "warned" that Singapore's insistence on international law could jeopardise their commercial position in China.

In the domain of foreign policy, the Taiwanese claimed Singapore has become "visibly quieter" over the South China Sea dispute and international rule of law relating to China since the 2016 detention of Singapore's army vehicles in Hong Kong en route home from Taiwan.

The Taiwanese also cited Singapore Technologies Kinetics and its subsidiary Guizhou Jonyang Kinetics producing an all-terrain personnel carrier based on the Bronco armoured vehicle used by Singapore's army, as a proof point under the military domain. It reportedly saw service in Tibet recently.

In the media domain, former foreign minister George Yeo and academic Kishore Mahbubani were described as part of "an increasing number of prominent individuals" promoting the Chinese official line on current affairs.

It also identified a little-known YouTuber called Noel Lee, believed to be Singaporean, who started publishing in March last year videos on China that include denials of human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

His clips are reportedly shared on messaging platforms such as WhatsApp.

Doublethink Lab describes itself as a civil society organisation investigating disinformation and information operations to safeguard democracy globally.

A committee convened by Doublethink Lab designed the indicators for the poll. The eight-person committee largely comprised Western analysts such as Ms Bonnie Glaser from the US research institution German Marshall Fund and Ms Nadege Rolland from America's National Bureau of Asian Research, with the exception of Dr Roy Chun Lee from the Taiwan WTO and RTA Centre at the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research. 


  1. Inconsequencial!

    No matter how any "research" entity, probably a make-belief outfit to sabotage or playout someone, view any particular issue for Taiwan now, it will become inconsequencial.

    By next year now, the question of Taiwanese ownership will be over.

  2. FYI, this website is actually from Taiwan:


    Lots of anti-China articles..

  3. Taiwan is one of the major funders of western anti-China think tanks including the notorius Australian ASPI.
    When the reunification of China and Taiwan is realised, Tsai and many members of her DPP would not have good endings.

    The Chinese people has ways to deal with turncoats and traitors.

  4. Anon - "The Chinese people has ways to deal with turncoats and traitors."

    Absolutely correct.

  5. Taiwan's news fabrication is as good as the USA's MSM. Or as ludicrous.

    Lately, it has been reported that CNN viewership is very disastrously low, indicating that people are fed up with the fake news trotted out by them. Also, media like Netflix are losing subscribers like no other. People are missing RT for their daily dose of good honest news, not fabricated propaganda, especially about the Ukraine War. The Iraq War must have taught them a lesson on how not to believe in the MSM.

  6. Angry in BishanApril 29, 2022 5:11 pm

    Anon - Do you have any more sites like the chinascope site? Seems to give a different view from the usual. Is there one for Singapore?

  7. Let's be honest. What about Taiwan? Isn't Taiwan influenced completely by the USA? Even in farting! And China can just smell the USA fart coming out of the Tsai Ing-wen and her party's mouth. As a matter of fact, Taiwan is a stooge of the USA, clear and simple. Taiwan should, like the USA, look at itself in the mirror before passing judgement on others. QED

    1. Taiwan is controlled by the jap

  8. Angry in Bishan,

    For Singapore, no.

    For funny anti American humour; can try this guy..some articles are free:


    If you prefer more credible website with a record of winning forecasts, subscribe to:


    The subscription fee is just for the price of Starbuck coffee..
