
US little sheriff and hegemon Australia posts a deadly threat to South Pacific island countries and ASEAN.

    Australia the little South Pacific hegemon has openly threatened to invade the South Pacific Solomon Islands country for regime change because it says Solomon Islands is strengthening security cooperation with China.  What shit is Australia talking when it claims that it must invade Solomon Islands to protect Australia's sovereignty and democracy.

Australia has carried out military cooperation with the US including signing the QUAD and AUKUS deal to acquire nuclear-powered submarines which post a serious threat to China and ASEAN countries.

Australia is against Russia's invasion of Ukraine but it thinks it has the right to invade the Solomon Islands. This shows the hypocrisy and double standards of Australia. It lays bare Australia's hegemonic and colonialist mentality toward South Pacific island countries. Australia just has no respect for the Solomom Islands and other South Pacific  island countries at all. It has always arrogantly treat the South Pacific islands as its backyard and sphere of influence  or vassal states. When these countries hope to expand relations with others it reacts hysterically.

China is providing South Pacific island countries with more options in terms of economic development and security. But the white supremacist Australia which has been a little hegemon in the region for hundreds of years and yet never do anything to help the countries in the region to develop economically view China's presence there as a threat to its hegemony.

Last year Australia together with US and Taiwan's DPP  instigated and fomented a riot in Solomon Islands in which Chinese shops were burnt and looted and many Chinese nationals killed. But with increase Chinese help in economic development and the expansion of ties and presence of Chinese nationals it is only natural for the government of Solomon Islands and China  to boost up and strengthen security cooperation.

But Australia maliciously distorted the security cooperation between the Solomon Islands and China. It smeared this cooperation as a Chinese attempt to establish a military base in the Solomon Islands, claiming it would harm Australia's interests and destabilize the region. No matter how hard Australia tries to demonize China's good intention, the cooperation between China and the Solomon Islands and other South Pacific island countries will become more diverse and enriched.  China is helping the countries in the region with economic development and treats the countries as equals with mutual benefits with no political conditions attached.

Australia's influence in the region is waning because the countries in the region feel Australia has a colonial mindset with no intention of helping them to develop economically but only treat them with derision and servitude as coloured people. They feel outrageous at Australia's threat to invade their countries when they are opening up their relations with other countries especially with China.

Australia arrogantly thinks it can adopt the American version of the 'Monroe Doctrine' in the South Pacific.It must not forget that big brother Indonesia is watching and so is ASEAN. If Australia invades Solomon Islands or any of the South Pacific island countries then Indondesia with the support of ASEAN reserves the right to immediately invade Australia. When Indonesia invades Australia it will not only have the full and total support of ASEAN but also the whole support of Asia. Thus Indonesia's invasion of Australia will rectify the anomaly of the white Anglo-Saxons illegal occupation of a continent which is a part of Asia. Indonesia will rule Australia and allow the free immigration of migrants from all ASEAN countries. Australia will then be renamed as Balibangawangtan, a name more fitting to Indonesia's ownership.


Wednesday, 30th March, 2022


  1. After sucking the US' nipples, Australia thinks it's a mini-USA and can act arrogantly like the USA in the South Pacific and South East Asia.

  2. The President of Soloman Islands showed the Aussies his middle finger.

  3. The Australians and the West have treated the Pacific Islands as their backwaters, owned by them. The islands usefulness was to test their nuclear weapons. They did not care about the welfare of the Islanders and their economic development.

    China came and offered to rebuild the economies of these islands and uplift their economic wellbeings. The Australians panicked and started to stir shit and pretending to want to help the Islanders after centuries of neglect, like the West neglected the continent of Africa.

    China is exposing their hypocrisies and making them look callous and wanting and now they are scurrying to act as if they want to help the Africans and Pacific Islanders. How long have they been exploiting and plundering Africa and the Pacific Islanders? Look at how they chewed up Papua New Guinea for their resources.

    They would not be doing anything good if China has not step into the void. Everywhere China goes, China builds. No wars, no terrorism.

    Everywhere the West make their presence, it is always wars, terrorism and rioting, instability and economic stagnation. Look at the poor Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle east, and now Europe.

    The West is a curse to humankind. It is good that they brought back the curse to Europe. Poor Ukrainians led by a clown that is destroying their country and lives, goaded by the Americans and the West.

    Compare these to the peace and prosperity that China is bringing to Central Asia, Africa and Southeast Asia.

  4. Would any clowns in SE Asia be the willing provocateurs to destabilise the region for the American Empire to come in and lord over everyone? Is this what Asean is expecting, to become the Middle East or Eastern Europe, with the Americans pouring in weapons as aids, to be paid thereafter and forever, and fighting and killing each other?

    Who would become the Zelensky of SE Asia?

  5. When US get upset w Pakistan:


    'Pakistan National Assembly’s crucial session on a no-trust motion against embattled Prime Minister Imran Khan (pictured) was adjourned on Friday without tabling of the resolution, amid vociferous protests from opposition lawmakers.'

    One shouldn't blame the Pink dot when Neocons go crazy now tt they are losing power in the near future!!

  6. The destruction of the British Empire begins right this moment at this juncture, to celebrate and enjoy the occasion of the demise of the British Empire.

    From now onwards, the British Empire shall be no more.

    After this, the British should become like any other small nation states, similar to Small Britain.

  7. US & NATO weapon system performance in Ukraine so far:

    'Color me surprised, NOT. Didn't I warn about all those wunderwaffe supplied to 404 by the US and NATO? Those are primarily for sale, not for fighting a REAL war. Emphasis on "real". The author of the piece (Nightvision) continues:

    In another sudden and unexpected report, the Pentagon now wants to scrap DOZENS of F-22’s. They have suddenly decided they want to ‘divert funding’ to the next generation platform. There is clearly connection here to something the Pentagon has witnessed in Ukraine that has left it scrambling to rethink its approach to modern warfare. You see all proxy wars are laboratories for Great Powers to test and assess their equipment. The F-22 was the flagship of the U.S. airforce, the ONLY plane forbidden by Congress to sell to any ally even in ‘export version’.
    I find nothing unexpected in that cancellation. Many people have to put together these two events: December 2005, the official acceptance of F-22 into service and this date--April 2007, combat deployment of S-400 air defense system. For those who have a short memory I will remind you that throughout 2000-s Russians maintained that F-22 was already obsolete by the time it was rolling off the manufacturing floors of Lockheed and that the whole "Stealth" concept as envisioned in the US was a grossly oversold marketing gimmick. Since then S-400 not only spread around but deserved the reputation of the best AD defense system in the world and when air war is considered within the framework of Russia's, not Iraq's or Afghanistan's, air defense capabilities which are redundantly networked, are supported by both Early Warning, EW and satellite capability, and are very deeply integrated top-bottom, suddenly this whole concept of the US air war and of F-22 begins to lose its glamour and hi-tech feel. '


    In short, just a bunch of useless and overhype toys..

  8. You say until like dat, then jialat for countries buying F35 leh. If F22 becomes useless toy, then the billions of dollars spent to buy F35s lagi teruk, like paying with gold for scrap iron.

  9. The US of Asses are all the same. Selling one thing but not selling another.

    However, even with selling something that sells, does not even bring in benefits. For example, even by selling something such as a F-22 and still is beyond its roll out status. That means, selling something that is not in line with its overall air-defence and attack system. This is kind of bad. Very bad!

  10. On what basis did the Europeans claim to own Australia?

    1. From the beginning, where there was no basis to annihilate the aboriginals and black Indians living on that island enclave.

      From the aboriginals living, as desperate beings, hunted down by the British first in small enclaves and then on a larger and larger scale, to the extent that only a very few was able to survive the heat.

      Those are the two countries of aboriginals are the only existing evidences.


  11. The Evil Empire and its deputy sheriff Australia still think white men can continue to practise extraterritorial rights in this world especially in Asia. They are building little blocs here and there to bully others into submission to maintain white supremacy and primacy in hegemony. However, some Asian and Latin American countries have awakened to the insidious white men's policy of 'Divide and Rule' and are resisting the Anglo-Saxon white American insidious attempts to make use of their countries as pawns and proxies in their conflict and competition against Russia and China. A quotation from an article in Global Times below will exemplify the fear of these countries as articulated by the Philippinos.

    " Since Ukraine crisis broke out, there are some voices of reflection in the Philippines. They argue that the country needs to avoid the fate of Ukraine, reject Washington's warmongering, and avoid at all costs becoming a "proxy" or a pawn of any major power to encircle another one. The recent situation in Ukraine is a warning to the rest of the world that the security of one country cannot be guaranteed at the expense of undermining security of others, and that regional security cannot be guaranteed by strengthening or even expanding military blocs. Asian countries are not willing to repeat the troubles Washington made in Europe.""

    "Peace and stability in Asia are hard-earned and cannot be sabotaged by extraterritorial countries. Washington wants to forcefully peddle its old security concept in Asia, dumping "Cold War garbage" into the Pacific Ocean, even trying to create an "Indo-Pacific version of NATO." In the end, its dream will be crushed by the hard rocks of the Pacific Ocean."

    Wednesday, 30th March, 2022

  12. Countries buying planes from USA should consider very carefully. MAYBE ONE OF THE DAY YOUR PILOTS WOULD TELL YOU THEY ARE NOT ABLE START THE PLANE.HuH NO Password.

  13. Please don't mention British Empire. That is history. Even Great Britain is a misnomer as there is nothing great about an Island and a half, soon to be just an isolated island, if Scotland and Ireland tear themselves away.

    Call it 'Little Britain' would be appropriate, as many are starting to call them by this name Or 'Little Mouse' as George Galloway calls them.

  14. The Saudis were using USA anti missile defence system, but these failed even to stop crude missiles launched by the Yemenis on their oil installations. In disgust, the Saudis turned to Russia for the S400 instead.

    The widening rift between the USA and Saudi led to the accusation that the Saudi prince, MBS, was involved in the murder of the journalist Kamal Khashoggi. which angered the Saudi Prince. That in turn caused the USA to withdraw support for the Saudis in their war with Yemen, and which in turn angered MBS. Now the Ukraine crisis has also widen further the rift between the USA and Saudi Arabia. It benefits the world at large, with Russia and China picking up the pieces.

    Everyone is now playing the game - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

  15. Anonymous 2.43:

    Remember the good old M16?

    Supposed to be better weapon than AK47?

    Performed badly in Vietnam.

    Check out the cold test done by Russian utubers, M4 alway jam unlike AK47/74


    American weapons are target weapons; only perform in clinical/theorectical conditions; not meant to fight in serious wars...


    F35 can't even intercept Soviet era bombers...enough said.

    American weapons are designed to make money for US weapon manufacturers; not win wars against serious competitors like Russia.

  16. The Americans have given up with their vaccines. Countries using their mRNA vaccines are seeing infections running out of control South Korea having 400,000 daily cases, Vietnam 200,000, Japan just as bad, and Australia and Europe, all raising their hands, given up.

    But the pharmas are still pushing for more booster jabs to make more money with their pseudo vaccines.

    See how many countries would still go along with these fake vaccines that are entirely useless in preventing infections and still wanting to force their people to go for booster jabs just to make the pharmas richer?
