
How does our MIW compared to Mr Xi Jinping?


'Xi Jinping is worth more than the combined total of Trump, Trudeau, Bush, Mitt Romney, Doug Ford, Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison, Shinzo Abe, Rajiv Gandhi, Silvio Berlusconi, and every other lavishly rich democratic leader who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never had to do a day's work in his life, never had to prove his abilities as an ordinary citizen or prove his merits as a leader even minorly through objective, competitive metrics, and never had to rise up the ranks of a meritocracy.'

'Rajiv Gandhi repeatedly failed his courses at Cambridge where he was “studying" to become an engineer, and later admitted that the reason was that he simply did not care. He was never in the mood to “muck it up" for his exams, as he later admitted. From his teens onward, everyone pretty much begged him to enter politics, because of his surname. He entered politics at 36, running for a seat in parliament that had formerly been occupied by his brother; the seat passed from brother to brother like a feudal estate. Four years later Rajiv became Prime Minister. What kind of leadership is this? Government by celebrities?

The path of almost every US Senator is very similar. Born into a rich and prominent family, easily admitted into an Ivy League, was a poor student but very social, went into law or business (often the family business), and ran for his first office by his 20s without a record of actually having accomplished anything as a human. And unless he set an old lady on fire or got exposed as a paedophile, his political ascendance was assured. It's kind of like your next 10 million dollars being easier to make than your first; after your first big election win, the rest practically land in your lap. You're a brand, famous for being famous.' 



  1. Another gaffe from Biden:

    Mr Biden said Singapore's "strong leadership in the region" made it clear that Russia's war was unacceptable to countries in every region, not just Europe. (ST, March 30)

    Someone should tell Biden that Singapore is not the leader but actually is the tiniest country in the 10-country ASEAN, which consists of Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Cambodia, Lao, Brunei and the little red dot!

  2. Thai PM has already said that no country in ASEAN should go around trumpeting their own stance when ASEAN has already made its stand.

    1. And what is ASEAN'S stance?

      Is ASEAN'S stance a collective stance?

      Or is it a sick-kick stance?

  3. This is what India has to say about US sanctions:

    'According to the official, the Indian government is working on a proposal to allow up to five nationalized Indian banks to be engaged in the rupee-ruble trade mechanism, and discussions between the central bank governor, the finance minister, and the banks on the matter have already been held. The arrangement would let Indian exporters continue doing business with Russia despite sanctions banning, among other things, international payment mechanisms in the country, such as SWIFT. It would also let India continue buying Russian energy exports and other goods.

    According to Sakthivel, the Indian economy could profit from sanctions Russia is facing, as they give Indian exporters an opportunity to expand on the Russian market.

    “Export to Russia is not much, only in agriculture and pharmacy products. Now that the whole of the West is banning Russia, there will be a lot of opportunities for Indian firms to enter Russia,” he stated.'


  4. India is showing the middle finger to the Americans, something the European and lackeys could not do. India is going to take advantage of the situation to gain market share in Russia at the expense of the Europeans and could save a lot of money buying cheap oil from Russia.

  5. Everytime the Americans flattered Singapore as the leader of Asean, it is as good as raising Singapore up for its neighbours to shoot it down. The big countries in Asean are the natural leaders of Asean and to claim Singapore is the leader is an insult to them. It makes them more angry with Singapore.

    The Americans could be deliberately exploiting this sensitivity and pushing this line to fix Singapore as one of them and distancing Singapore from the rest of Asean members. Singapore would be watched with wary eyes by Asean and become a separate entity in Asean, an American arm in Asean.

    This is not good for Singapore.

  6. Very protectionist India will only conclude deals with foreign countries that can bring immense lopsided benefits to the South Asian country, eg Russian oil at huge discounts; CECA; etc . . .

  7. Each time that Singapore is staging a "come back" to "daddy", it is a totally no brainer.

    Whatever the Western Powers are going to do, Singapore would be ready and will be willing to do their bidding.

    Therefore, whatever and whenever Singapore says, it has no effect whatsoever.

  8. Straight from the Devil's mouth - Singapore may be small, but it is punching above it's weight.

    What is the message for ASEAN countries? What is the motive for Biden to invite Pinky to visit USA at this time. Exchange T shirts? If nothing important, a phone call would do, right? I think Singapore has a bright future mapped out for it by the Devil. But I fear that future may not be that peaceful.

    Forget about what the MSM say about the co-operation hubris. There is more to it that meets the eye and is left unsaid. It has to do with why Israel had been plonked inside the Middle East to perform a mission for the USA. Which was to create division in the Middle East so that the USA can control the oil states. This time it is China on the radar.

  9. Could be to discuss about basing the US First Fleet in Singapore, or how to block the Malacca Straits from Chinese ships' access in any confrontation with China, or how to sanction China, or . . . . .

  10. Singapore is out its depth by going alone in Asean to sanction Russia.

    Seriously, how are we going to influence Russian action on Ukraine without sabotaging our own interest? Already the pending FTA with Russia and the Eurasia trade agreement are going down the drain. Why can't we just keep out mouth shut and work in sync with Asean?

    Now, on social media we are beginning to be seen as an American lapdog. You don't think Cbina is taken a watchful eye on Singapore and its action?

  11. Hahaha

    Be sure to look at Pinky's arms to see how badly they have been twisted. Or any changes to the gait.

  12. "It's kind of like your next 10 million dollars being easier to make than your first; after your first big election win, the rest practically land in your lap. You're a brand, famous for being famous.'

    Yes, its like your next 10 million is practically made for you. You don't even have to do anything. You just go in and do your "killing" and the rest of your story is history.

    So, please move on. We are going to somewhere else. We will be picking cherries and cinnamon to add flavour and tastes.

  13. Right! We are going into space now. Space exploration here we come, and hand in hand with the USA. Understand USA had to use Russian spaceship to go the space station. Now, not even a space station to speak of or go to. Oh yeah, Elon Musk is providing all that.

    Wonder who our first spaceman will be. Maybe Tha Man to make the Indians happy.

    By the way, the first ASEAN person to go to the space station is a Malaysian, curtesy of the Russians, and Red Dot spaceman, even if it comes to fruition, is not the first person in ASEAN to do so.

  14. Chucklingly VP Harris just need a broom to fly into space !!
