
Wicked American sanctions is like demonising native American as savages after they have been genocided by the European savages

 Sanctions which the USA and the West levied against other countries like North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, caused the same inhuman consequences for the citizens of those unlucky countries.

Their wickedness, vile character, and inhuman acts are all there for the world to see. But the more important thing is the necessity to have the truth available to all, so that they can be enlightened. Blogs like RB supported by write ups by Southern Glory are doing a great job.

The USA and the West knows that information is not always readily available to citizens of those backward countries in South Asia, Middle East and Africa, and they carry on carrying out their same evil schemes. In fact, USA citizens themselves have been lied to for decades about China, not to blame those outside of the USA.

MSM helps to carry and spread their lies and deception, misinformation and fabrication, distortion and contortion of the facts. So, it is necessary for the lay man to disperse such information to as wide an audience as possible. China is doing it with many new channels, websites and video sites, and even foreigners are helping the world to see the real China, not the distorted view of the MSM. It is a good sign. 


1 comment:

  1. The USA has done itself a disservice for being evil. With the lnternet, it is now clearly expose to be a most heinous monster in history.

    The US is now waning in misrule, abuse on other sovereign and by the Force of Natural Disasters. Its' future is getting more woeful by the Days. Unless the US looks after its' own well-being, there shall be more woes for the Americans.
