
Covid19 - New skills acquired from the pandemic

 The Covid pandemic has in a way created many new jobs and new skills that could still be relevant even after the pandemic is over the hill. Some may need a bit of twitching to become relevant to the job market. At the higher level would be the researchers and scientists that would continue to be employed in similar fields and jobs doing about the same thing, testing and identifying new viruses and developing new vaccines.

In the USA there is a new professional group that have been trained in BSE, blame someone else. Trump is the expert in that and many in the Senate and Congress are equally good.

In our local context, 3 new jobs are very prominent during this pandemic/endemic, the contact tracing expert, the checkers at entry points and the ambassadors.  And don't forget the industries that are doing well manufacturing and selling medical safety equipment and accessories and ART kits.

There must now be a small army of contact tracing experts whose job may be looking redundant as more cases would make their job more difficult, tedious and simply impossible to contact. The easier way out is to do less or be selective after all it would become pointless when everyone is infected or vaccinated.

But do not be dismayed. These contact tracing experts can be retrained an upskilled to do contact tracing on the long queues and plane loads of foreigners coming in to steal the lunch of daft Singaporean PMETs. In the last 20 or so years nobody thought it was necessary and a must to do checking on the hundreds of thousands of foreigners flooding the job market. And the industry was not prepared for it and thus it was a free pass into this attractive and rewarding job market. It was a kind of wild wild west, boh cheng hu, and all the cheats and fraudsters and conmen and con women were having a whale of a time making themselves looking very good and attractive and making a lot of money by gold plating themselves. There was almost nobody to check at the gate.

Today we have an army of contact tracing experts available to check on the foreign job hunters. The interviewing techniques honed during Covid19 and their tenacity to trace the links would be very useful to check on the job applicants. The MOM should set up a department to employ these experts to do contact tracing on their qualifications and job experience. MOM cannot say they don't have the resources and skilled people to do the job.

The door checkers can be retrained and upskilled as the new breed of young and healthy and with higher education security specialists. When the endemic is over, this army of door checkers would become redundant and jobless. Retraining and upskilling into security specialists would keep them happily employed and keep the unemployment numbers for Singaporeans low.

As for the ambassadors, this one a bit of a problem. The embassies already have their ambassadors. Maybe outsource them to countries that need cheap and good ambassadors. Maybe they can return to become air stewards and air stewardess.

MOM must start to plan to ensure that these armies of experts in contact tracing and door checkers are gainfully employed and not become jobless or drivers and food deliverers. Put their new skills to good use.


  1. Empress Ho

    Happy new year!

    Return to work safely with full vaccination.

    Folks who were on Sinovac or SinoPharm, do remember to go for your 3rd shot to maintain your fully vaccinated status from 4 months after your 2nd shot.

    Unless you have medical reasons, please do consider either the Pfizer or Moderna shot for your 3rd shot for better protection.

    Do you know? The rate of anaphylaxis or serious life threatening allergic reactions seems to be higher for Sinovac, than for either Pfizer or Moderna shots, based on the Sg data?

    It could be a statistical fluke, and the actual rate could be higher or lower than what we have seen with about 260,000 shots so far of Sinovac or SinoPharm.

    So far, there have been no SinoPharm anaphylaxis cases, though this is on a smaller number of about 70,000 shots given so far as SinoPharm was only available later.

    It is possible to mix and match.

    Keep well, stay strong, remain steady, be cool and kind.

    1. Since when this person became a Vaccines Expert? Self-appointed, of course. From ownself checks ownself to self-appointed.

  2. The Sin Empire - Era of Ho Ching

    This is now the Era of The Ho Ching known as The Ho-Ching Dynasty.

    You see. LHL has two wives that produced descendants to carry on the Dynasty. There are two potential sons to succeed him. Rightfully, the Throne should be passed from the father to the eldest son. The eldest son in any case is usually from the First Wife, the Empress. But the Empress has passed on.

    Now, the most probable person to takeover the Throne is the son from his Second Wife, Ho Ching.

    Now, Ho Ching cannot be titled as Empress because there is already an Empress (though deceased). She also cannot be called a Concubine because she has been officially and legally married to Emperor Lee, the self-proclaimed "Natural Aristocrat".

    So, the most suitable and bestest title for her is Empress Dowager.

    As Empress Dowager, she has the power to tell her son to change the name of the Dynasty from Lee Dynasty to Ho-Ching Dynasty, so as to differentiate her son reign from that of the son of the 1st Wife, the deceased Empress.

    Therefore, the Dynasty is known as the Ho-Ching Dynasty, to replace the Lee Dynasty.

    Long Live The New Emperor!
    Long Live Empress Dowager!
    Long Live The Ho-Ching Dynasty!

    Happy New Year, 2022!

    From Balls Carriers, Cronies and Sycophants and Anonymous IBs.

  3. Sinovac may cause anaphylaxis. mRNA vaccines may cause heart disease and cancer.

    Know what you are in for. Know what is serious and more deadly and more cases, disclosed or covered up.

  4. When snake oil sellers and snake oil pushers/peddlers of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines tell you that the real vaccines Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines can mix with their new tech mRNA experimental fake vaccines, something is logically and rationality not right.

    These people, irrespective of what their status, position and title in life, need to have their brains examined. Either they are suffering from delusional mental sickness, or heavily drugged, or heavily drunk or heavily bribed.

    For your own good, you have better run far far away from those snake oil sellers and snake oil pushers/peddlers.

  5. Get all the Training and skill to be qualified and approved for employment at around $1.5 to $2k a month.
    Mayors are appointed, no training and skill required. And they are paid about $50k a month.
    Sin is very unique.

  6. To Empress Ho,

    From 15 January 2022, vaccination differentiation safe entry measures (“VDS”) will be further amended such that unvaccinated workers are not allowed to return to the workplace even with a negative pre-event test. Effectively, workers who are unable to work remotely exclusively (or to pivot to do so), will lose their livelihood.

    This article argues that Covid vaccination is and must remain a voluntary decision, and that therefore, it is wholly unreasonable to bar workers from their workplaces. Indeed, one may even forcefully argue that it is unconstitutional to do so.

    A. The Voluntary Nature of COVID Vaccination

    Vaccination is a voluntary choice, as the policy makers affirmed right from the start. Where there is risk, there must be choice.

    While risks are low, no one has guaranteed or is willing or able to guarantee that there are no risks. One cannot know the unknown (in particular, as it stands, long-term risks, given that insufficient time has elapsed).

    In addition, with regards to serious adverse reactions or deaths occurring reasonably soon after vaccination, the absence of evidence (of a causal link today) is not evidence of absence. In this area of emerging science, we cannot rule out that scientific methods may improve over time to detect in the future what remains undetectable today. For the avoidance of doubt, the official position by the HSA is that thus far, no deaths have been attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines.

    There is room for an individual to give weight to the above matters in one’s risk-benefit analysis (I will elaborate on this in a separate article titled “The Decision to Vaccinate: The Risk-Benefit Analysis Re-Analysed”). As such, vaccination must remain voluntary.

    B. The 4 Common Grounds to Justify VDS Critically Examined

    The freedom of movement is a fundamental liberty guaranteed by the Singapore Constitution (Article 13(2)). It can be legitimately restricted for public health reasons, but any such restriction through VDS must be reasonable. The move to prevent unvaccinated workers from returning to the workplace even with a negative PET is wholly unreasonable (and the following points below will apply with equal force to VDS against the unvaccinated generally).

    First, to protect the unvaccinated. It is wholly unreasonable to forcefully protect someone (especially those at low risk of serious Covid or death) against their own will by removing their constitutional right to move around freely, and by extension, to remove or restrict their access to the goods, services, events, activities and opportunities found at such places. This contradicts the nature of voluntary choices. There are also serious mental health issues arising from VDS, especially for young people or children and the elderly – and soon, workers who will lose their livelihood.

    It is a form of sanctimonious humbug to effectively say to such workers: “I care for you so much that I support the recent move which would result in you losing your right to work, and to leave you and/or your family with no income. I wish you a very happy new year ahead as you deal, alone and without any support, with the anxieties, fears and depression arising from being forcefully left jobless”.

    Second, to protect others. But the vaccinated are already protected by being vaccinated. Insofar as vaccination protection wanes over time, the vaccinated may further protect themselves by getting boosters. One may then say, to protect the unvaccinated not by choice. However, there must be proportionality in how we protect this group, which appears to be a small number, not all are at high risk, and who may get Covid from vaccinated breakthrough cases in any event.


  7. Continued from above:

    Third, it is right to protect the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. However, VDS must stop once the healthcare system is no longer under strain (and “strained” or “overwhelmed” must be defined in an objective, transparent and fair way). In any event, VDS should also be immediately recalibrated to exclude those who are at low risk of contributing to the hospital strain (e.g. the young and/or healthy).

    Fourth, to compel or punish the unvaccinated. Voluntary choices cannot be compelled, or punished for failure to comply. Only criminal acts can be, because there is a clear line on what is right and wrong, as defined by the law. Using VDS to compel or punish puts the cart before the horse – it pre-emptively and somewhat surreptitiously categorizes the voluntary decision not to vaccinate as wrong, and thus deserving of compulsion or punishment. But this requires national and Parliamentary debate, as well as constitutional scrutiny – which we have yet to have on this critical issue.

    C. Why Care, and What Next?

    From Persuasion to Coercion, and a Deeper Search for a Vision of What it Means to be Truly Human

    So, why should the majority vaccinated care about this issue? In reality, Covid vaccination and VDS bring out larger and long-term underlying issues with the future of Singapore.

    A society that moves from persuasion to coercion to compel or punish what it affirms as a voluntary decision stands on shaky grounds. To uncritically accept this sets a worrying precedent for voluntary decisions in the future to be met with the indefinite restriction of fundamental liberties in order to compel a uniform choice. The majority today could end up being in the minority for future voluntary decisions.

    In addition, underlying the debate on vaccines and VDS is a deeper question – what does it mean to be truly human? Man is a social being, in the communitarian, emotional, inter-personal and recreational senses. Man also needs purpose, and we find this in our jobs, in our studies, in physical and spiritual activities and pursuits, in our service of and providing for others, amongst others. VDS makes vaccination status a pre-requisite to participate in society and to gain access to what Man needs to remain truly human.

    What Next?

    I would gently encourage the vaccinated majority to begin conversing with the unvaccinated, to understand the nuances of the debate, to arrive at a more balanced view of such issues, and to boldly speak up for workers and against the unreasonable form of VDS we see today.

    Employers should stand up and speak up for their unvaccinated workers too – as employers from other countries have done.

    All these can be done contemporaneously with encouraging, without any duress or coercion, especially older and vulnerable employees to get vaccinated – for the right reasons, namely, for protective reasons, and not because they face losing their livelihood. Their decision, whether to vaccinate or not, must be respected, not only by words, but also with action.

    Dominic Chan

    Important Note: I am a pro-vaccination, fully vaccinated, concerned citizen of Singapore. Everyone, especially those who are older and vulnerable, should seriously consider the option of getting vaccinated to protect themselves from serious Covid or death. Nothing in this article shall be construed as encouraging anyone to remain unvaccinated or to downplay the seriousness of Covid for those who are more vulnerable to it. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance that any decision to vaccinate must be made voluntarily, free from any duress or coercion.

    (This article is a copy of the same posted in TRE)

  8. COVID-19: Vaccination Of Kids - Safe or Not, Only Time Will Tell

    Whether the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are safe or not for the 5 to 11 years old, at the present, nobody can substantiate with real reliable data.

    Not even the government of any country is able to prove that the mRNA vaccines are safe for kids below 12 years old. . This is a fact because so far no governments have been transparent enough to publish the data to substantiate their views.
    Even the USA's FDA is trying to hide the documents submitted by Pfizer and Moderna for its approval.

    Only time will tell.

    It is too early to say, with confidence, that vaccination (with the expeimental mRNA vaccines) for kids below 12 years old is safe.

    The guinea-pigs experiment with 100 local kids done in 7 days by Singapore's KK Hospital does not mean anything. It is too early to tell whether the 100 kids are safe a few years down the road: This trial cannot be used at this juncture to pull wool over the eyes of the parents.

    There are many questions that need to be answered. Some of the key questions are:

    1. Will the children's mental and physical developments suffer setbacks or serious problems?

    2. Will their reproductive organs be affected, so much so they are unable to produce children or unable to produce normal children?

    3. Will they be more prone to heart-attack, cancer and stoke, or other infections?

    4. Will their study suffer?

    5. Will they develop social and relationships problems in the future?

    There are so many questions that require answers. So far, nobody is providing any answer to such important questions. Responsible leaders and experts have not even brought up such questions. Let alone answer them. They are probably trying to evade the issues.

    Therefore, anyone who tries to influence the parents into making their young kids to get injected with the Pfizer and Moderna experimental vaccines by saying that Covid-19 Vaccination is safe fir for kids between 5 to 11 years old is only making his own assumption and misleading the public. It is not a fact at this point in time. Only time will reveal the actual results. It requires continuous close monitoring of at least five to ten years.

    As for now, nobody is the wiser. Many so-called experts are actually making guess-works with an agenda.

    So, parents, beware of the False Prophets, or the High-Power Lucifer, the Devil in disguise!

    Queen of Hearts.

  9. The government that "coerced" its young citizens to take unnecessary long-term risks to their health and lives by injecting the risky mRNA Pfizer or Moderna vaccines into their bodies, are guilty of harassment and crime against the young children.
