
USA, the white curse

The White curse is stirring up trouble in ASEAN big time now. According to reports by Brian Berlectic from 'The New Atlas' website, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and suspectingly Malaysia have been targeted, with USA supported and funded fake NGOs, on the pretext of promoting and upholding human rights, but are in reality instigating protest in these countries.
According to Brian, the Thai Government is bearing down on such NGOs by getting in place a law requiring such NGOs to disclose their source of funding or be closed down, which such NGOs are going to protest for sure. If the Thai Government does crack down on those protest, accusations of human right's abuse will surface and sanctions will follow. Such is the modus operandi of the White curse.

Myanmar is also Bearing down on such fake NGOs and more protest is expected. Cambodia knows their close ties with China will bring them trouble next. Whether Malaysia knows or not that they are next in line, albeit with weak leaders, is the question. When Mahathir was in power the USA could not do much, but with weak leaders running the country, it is ripe for the picking.

Thailand and Myanmar are taking a leaf from what the Chinese Government did in Hong Kong. Let those rats surface, watch them closely, identify them, get the evidence and get rid of them in one fell swoop. It is no use cracking down too early, as those rats will just go underground and resurface later. The Chinese saying is that to get rid of grass you have to get at the roots. Dig them up as well. Other countries are learning from the Chinese experience.

The USA does not tolerate foreign intervention in their internal affairs, for example the accusation that Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election. Why should other countries tolerate USA intervention into their domestic affairs by USA funded NGOs masquerading as aid agencies and human rights watchdog. Countries are waking up.

Countries that have lately turn the tables by recognising China and dumping Taiwan like the Solomon Island and Equatorial Guinea will of course face trouble. That is again the modus operandi of the USA. The USA talks so much about countries having the right to choose their affiliation in the conflict in Eastern Europe, but does not walk the talk when it comes to other countries making their choice freely. Even allies like Germany are not spared.

The USA, long known to be funding fake NGOs for the purpose of inciting unrest, which has so much focus on human rights, have now focused their attention on ASEAN, after doing much harm to the Middle East, with 'Arab Spring' coming to mind.



  1. Who, which person to be specific, is the old fool's handlers in USA today? That's got to be someone, a single source whom,behind the scenes, gives directions, write scripts, screws down the rest. Who is that defacto potus?

  2. The USA prints the US dollar, which is the global reserve. Every time there’s a global liquidity crisis, the US Fed “comes to the rescue “.

    The USD is getting stronger cos all the other countries have printed and borrowed to fight Covid-19. Although the US has also borrowed and printed, it can do so pretty much as they please. Now that they experience “inflation “ they’ll print less and raise bond yields….which will SABOTAGE many countries which have borrowed in USDs, making the cost of their debt higher and repayments excruciatingly painful.

    The USA can pretty much do any damn thing it likes cos it controls the global money and interest rates. Yes, the USD is declining and countries are settling trades in their own currencies, but it is impossible to change a regime immediately, and in most of our lifetimes the USD will still be “king” and the US Treasury market the biggest and most liquid market for years to come.

    It is to darn bad if you’re getting angry, cos you can’t do Jack Schitt about it, but you can profit from USA “unfair advantage” and ride their “unfair power” if you make that choice.

  3. It is clear, very succinctly clear, and vividly clear, that President Joe Biden is not running the show. He is only one of the main actors in the show.

    The show is a puppet show.

    In a puppet show, a master player and his side-kicks are pulling all the strings. None of the strings are not held by someone's hands.

    We are all watching the puppet show in a world stage.

    Enjoy and be entertained.

  4. Every country must close down all the NGOs funded by the number one world terrorist, the USA.
