
Singapore: An Era Of Leadership Uncertainty - Part 1

The first generation Leadership, under Lee Kuan Yew, had prepared themselves very well for the transition of power in 1990 to the second generation Leedership, under Goh Chok Tong, though popularly assumed by many pundits to be just a Seat-Warmer for a short period until the "Prince-in-Waiting" had been fully groomed and grooved to take over the Dynastic Reign.

The second generation Leedership, under Goh Chok Tong had also prepared well for the transition of power in 2004 to the third generation Leedersheep, under Lee Hsien Loong, the eldest son of the First Premier, three years earlier than planned for. Though at the dismay of PM Goh Chok Tong then, he (Goh) had no choice but to give way grazedfully and gracefully in order to continue to enjoy his lofty tall order of obscene and unconscionable highest pay in the world, and perks and annual bonuses, all of which were initiated and instituted during his opportunistic temporal reign.

The third generation Leedersheep, under Lee Hsien Loong, had been very hard at work to select, nurture, groom, sanitize and sanforize an acceptable, agreeable, amiable, amicable, appropriate and apprehensive 4th generation premier right from the very beginning when they took over the reign of power from the second generation Leedership.

It came a time when all seemed so well after a prolonged and anxious delay, to the delight and joy of the daft, mesmerised and subservient Singaporeans, that a successor in the person called Heng Swee Kiat was the Chosen One to succeed the Throne of Power, albeit an expected Seat-Warmer.

Alas! After only two years of fanfare, glamour, glory and limelight, for whatever genuine, sanguine or sinister reasons, the baton was dropped; the towel thrown in; the curtain closed; and the Deputy will only continue to be a Deputy for the rest of his stay in the Iron-and-Steel Cabinet of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

DPM Heng has declared that he does not want to be the next Prime Minister because his runway is too short. He must be thinking that being the World's highest-paid soon-to-be Prime Minister, his Premier Plane should be much bigger than the US President's Airforce One?

So, the already delayed and prolonged search for and selection of the next Leeder of Sheep continues, to the great disappointment of many balls-carriers, busy-bodies, well-wishers and political watchers.

By now, as most of us can see, there are three glaring contenders for the fourth generation Leedersheep. Perhaps, there is a dark horse in the dark background as a Joker in the deck of the Master Magician's cards? We do not really know. He likes to keep us in suspense.

The three contestants, as the illusions appeared, are:

1. Chan Chun Sing.
2. Lawrence Wong
3. Ong Ye Kung.

Who is winning the race so far? Your guess is as good as mine.


To continue in Part 2.


  1. Emperor has no clothes repeatedly said he needed more time.

    2004 to 2022 is 18 years. If 18 years of time to select and groom the next Prime Minister to take over is not enough time, then Enuch Heng has a point.

    But what is the meaning of a "short runway"?

    1. His running-in time is not enough?

    2. His period as PM will be short-lived - limited to only one term, to hand over to the next Prince-in-waiting?

    I think the key problem could be that the Emperor wanted the Prince-in-Waiting to take over from him directly, or in the quickest possible time, i.e. 5 years.

  2. My money is on Lawrence.

    Covid was lucky for him in 2 ways:

    1. Allowed him to STEP UP and take the BULL BY THE HORNS.

    2. Own goals by other ministers e.g. former health minister need hand holding by non-health minister, or new health minister practicing "eye power" and "telepathic tai-chi".

    He is also a good example of someone who grew up in HDB flat & went to neighbourhood Primary & Secondary schools, and yet can become minister.


  3. The Gangho, Dare-Devil, Inconsiderate, No-hue, Arrogant, Haughty and Chip-on-Shoulder Ministar of Hell must never, never, never be allowed to become the PM of Singapore. If he does, most if not all of us will suffer greatly. He is a mindless, ruthless and most conceited and unscrupulous bean Singapore has ever seen.

  4. He betrayed his own father's ethical and moral values by joining the "enemy" to seek personal benefits, personal glory and status.

    Such are the characteristics of a traitor, who should be shunned by all decent people past, present and future.


  5. Haha......

    Faft Sinkies are hankering for a change in the PAP Leedership.
    Will it make any difference which dog takes over.

    It could very well turn out to be out of the boiling pot into the fire for the daft frogs.

    It is a vicious pack that is running Sin.

  6. Mdm Ho

    Young teens and young adults have 450 times higher risk of myocarditis when infected by covid, than from vaccination.

    For teens and young people, mostly males, we have about 1 in a million experiencing myocarditis after vaccination, while there is 450 myocarditis per million covid cases.

    In Sg, we have seen a handful of myocarditis from vaccination, all teenage or young adult males.

    This is why we have the guideline of no strenuous heart pumping activities for 2 weeks after a covid vaccine shot.

    This is esp important for energetic young people to remember (and the not so young too, some of whom went for weight lifting and other cardio stimulating exercises the next day).

    Myocarditis from covid is also likely a lot more serious, along with other complications, than the much milder cases from vaccination.

    If we are not likely to get covid, like in 2020, the year before last, we may take a chance by not getting vaccinated if we think we are 450 times less likely to meet the virus by taking various precautions.

    But with Delta, and even more so now with the Omicron, we are all likely to meet the virus over the next 2-4 months.

    Better to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

    As the medical advice goes:
    the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.

    And for folks with various conditions, do consult your primary care doctors.


    1. Yes, that is the mantra of the snakes and snake oil sellers.

      The benefits of vaccination (big pharmas and their investors are benefiting by the $billions) outweigh the risks (shouldered by the masses, big pharmas have no risk whatsoever because all responsibilities are removed by clauses in the contract of sales).

      Temasek Holdings stand to benefit greatly from the Vaccination but has no risk of being sued, whereas the risks are real and are borne by the victims of ill-effects from the mRNA vaccines.

      Mdm No Ho.
