
Voice For The Future said... 1. MOH's data is not accurate...

 Voice For The Future said... 

1. MOH's data is not accurate and unsubstantiated.

2. They are mainly hearsay evidence cooked up by the competitors of Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines and Anti-China elements both in the US and in Singapore. Remember, there is a vaccines war going on.

3. MOH is pushing strongly for the use of the Pfizer and Moderna 'vaccines' in favour over Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines because Temasek Holdings has a huge stock of the Pfizer and/or Moderna 'vaccines' that need to be dispensed off because of the expiry date and the heavy cost of storage.

4. Anti-bodies level naturally drops a few weeks after any vaccination when the body is not infected. When the body is infected, the body that has been immunised with the traditional Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines will produce the anti-bodies necessary to counter the viruses. Therefore, the use of low anti-bodies level as an excuse to belittle and denigrate the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines is disingenuous and greatly flawed. This is a great disservice to those who have chosen the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines for their protection against the Covid-19 infections.

5. The credibility of the Experts Committee is, therefore, highly questionable. It has already failed the public a few times in the past. So, take its advice with a handful of salt. 

Voice For The Future


  1. Yes, antibodies are only produced by the white blood cells when the body's immune system detects the Covid-19 virus in the body.

    There are no antibodies or very little antibodies in the body if there is no Covid-19 virus in the body.

    Why the expert scientists and doctors in the so-called Experts Committee do not understand this fact is really mind-boggling.

  2. Just How Safe is Covid-19 vaccination for young children?

    I refer to plans to vaccinate some 300,000 children aged 5 – 11. (Singapore setting up paediatric vaccination centres. Dec 17)

    I am a 74-year old tertiary-educated Singaporean who is blessed with many grand-nephews and grand-nieces from this age group. They make me feel young.

    Our children are our future. Never “play tikam tikam” with their precious health and lives — whether during National Service peacetime training or a disease pandemic.

    I take great umbrage at misguided public officials who are knee-jerk quick to label well-meaning feedback as “anti-vaccination fake news”.

    An important reminder: Vaccination is irreversible. Once the vaccine is injected into your young child, there is no changing your mind.

    Vaccination is also never a 100% cure-all tool to fight Covid-19. Other equally important tools include masking, hand-hygiene and social distancing.

    Parents are entitled to truthful answers, substantiated with full facts and figures, to help them with “informed decision” and “informed consent”. Merely saying “The vaccine is safe. The benefits outweigh the risks.” is an easy lazy way out that will never earn public respect nor trust.

    The buck of convincing parents was conveniently passed down to Junior Minister Janil Puthucheary who did an unconvincing job.

    He confidently declared that American trials found no cases of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation) or pericarditis (inflammation around heart) in the 5 – 11 age group.

    The following day, he was contradicted by an American CDC announcement of 8 reported cases (so far) of myocarditis in children aged 5 – 11 who took the Pfizer vaccine.

    During the Raeesah Khan lengthy saga, Workers Party politicians were constantly reminded to “tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. Likewise, concerned parents are impatiently waiting for a whole-truth high-level joint response by Health Minister Ong Ye Kung and Covid-19 Vaccination Expert Committee Chairman Dr Benjamin Ong at a MTF televised session to convincingly address all remaining unanswered questions.

    The Pfizer paediatric vaccine is newly developed. How effective is it? What are the known possible side effects, and their “possible long-term implications” for the health of a growing young child?

    Singapore parents must not “feel pressured” but be completely free to decide for themselves whether to vaccinate their young children based on “informed consent”.

    Will unvaccinated children be stigmatised or penalised by deplorably divisive vaccination-differentiated curbs?

    David L K See

    [ Writer's Note for Readers --- Above is original text of my 20 Dec letter to STForum, which was not published (read: censored?). Please help to forward/circulate to as many Concerned Parties as possible to counter typical PAP bull-dozing tactics. ]

  3. Thanks David.

    Will put it up as a main article.


  4. Commentary: Unvaccinated populations fuel the emergence of COVID-19 variants

    More of the coronavirus can multiply within unvaccinated people, meaning a higher chance of mutation, says Duke-NUS Medical School’s Professor Lok Shee Mei.


  5. Professor Lok Shee Mei is putting his/her reputation on the chopping block by making this commentary at this eleventh hour to coincide with the Chief Drug Peddler's push for children under 12 to be injected with the experimental mRNA pseudo vaccines.

    Something is smelling of rotten fish.

  6. COVID-19: Who Are The Unvaccinated, Think

    Actually, there are four groups of the unvaccinated people.

    1. The first group comprises those who did not go for vaccination by choice.

    2. The second group comprises those who have medical reasons or immune deficiency problems. They have no choice but to avoid the potential dangers to their lives.

    3. The third group comprises children below 12 years old. They have not reached puberty, and therefore, their sex organs have not been fully developed. The mRNA Fake Vaccines are known to affect the reproductive system. Therefore, it is unwise to purposely inject into these young children's developing bodies any foreign substance, such as the Experimental mRNA Fake Vaccines, that are known to have a certain chance of damaging their reproductive organs or reproductive system in the short, medium or long term. Sensible and responsible parents should not carelessly, stubbornly and foolishly expose their tenderly young children to such unnecessary and irrecoverable risks.

    4. The fourth group comprises of those who have been injected with the experimental new tech mRNA fake vaccines, that do not immunise but give a false sense of being immunised. They do not protect you from Covid-19 infections, yet give you a false sense of being protected. It is like having bodyguards who run away when you are being attacked. This is the largest group of unvaccinated people who think that they have been vaccinated because officially their governments said so. In fact, they are bluffing themselves and/or being deceived. Just like the innocent children being led by the pipe piper into the deep river and drowned.

    So, before one starts to talk about the unvaccinated, think first. Which group of people are you talking about?

    Queen of Hearts.

  7. The UK does not vaccinate their children below 12.
