
Covid-19: mRNA 'Vaccines' Are Imitations, Not Original

By swallowing Pfizer's sales tricks, the Singapore MTF has shown itself to be incapable of discerning and distinguishing between truth and falsehood. As such, the advice and instructions, and, by extrapolation, the government's policies regarding vaccination and immunisation, have no bearng whatsoever.

Their advice may even be dangerous and harmful to the health of those who foolishly volunteered to get injected with the experimental new technology mRNA method of imitating the original (traditional) way of producing vaccines.

Let's get this clear in our head:

Imitating the actual, original, traditional way of producing vaccines is not the same as the original way of producing vaccines. The imitation cannot replace the original.

Imitation means fake, not original.

Moreover, whatever it produced cannot be called vaccines for the mere fact that it does not immunise. It is just a new form of drug.

True vaccines immunise us and protect us from infections. The mRNA pseudo 'vaccines' do not immunise us and do not protect us from Covid-19 infections.

In addition, the various variants that keep mutating are probably triggered or caused by the spike proteins produced by the human body as a result of receiving the mRNA pseudo 'vaccines'.

It is time to wake up!


PS. Redbean's comment

The mRNA vaccine copied the spike proteins, injected into the body, asking the body to reproduce the copied spike proteins. Then the body goes another step further, produce antibodies to kill the spike proteins the body produced.

Two issues here. The mRNA vaccine copied the spike proteins, say 7 spikes, and the body to produce 7 spikes to be killed by the body.  New variant, 9 spikes, 15 spikes etc would not be recognised by the body and need to be copied and injected into the body for the body to reproduce them respectively. It goes on and on.

The idea that the body produced these spike proteins and then to destroy them has a  problem. Anything that your own body produces has the same genetic code of your body cells, thus would not be rejected by your body. The body only rejects foreign cells or tissues by producing antibodies to kill and destroy them. Would the body produce copied spike proteins, now with its own genetic code embedded, and then go about killing and destroying them? This is a contradiction that is not logical.


  1. COVID-19 Pandemic: Indisputable Proof That The mRNA Immitation Vaccines Are Useless In The Fight Against The Coronavirus

    Commercial airlines around the world cancelled more than 4,300 flights over the Christmas weekend, as a mounting wave of COVID-19 infections driven by the Omicron variant created greater uncertainty and misery for holiday makers.

    Globally, airlines have scrapped at least 2,366 flights on Friday alone, which is Christmas Eve, and about 9,000 more flights have been delayed.

    The world of travels is going back to square one because the coronavirus is again on the rampage.

    The coronavirus is still very much alive, afloat, aloof and mutating very cleverly and quickly, and spreading much faster than ever before. All these are happening mostly in the advanced and rich countries, especially in countries that have been using the expensive Pfizer and Moderna mRNA "vaccines". Many of such countries have vaccinated more than 70% of their population with the mRNA immitation "vaccines". Singapore has achieved 93%!

    Therefore, it proves beyond an iota of doubt that the mRNA immitation "vaccines" have failed to immunise the people.

    There is no herd immunity to talk about now. Nobody dares to bring up the subject of herd immunity any more. Why?

    Because there is no herd immunity. The mRNA immitation "vaccies" have not worked! It has failed in its mission miserably.

    It is a great disappointment to many governments around the world that banged and banked on the Pfizer and Moderna immitation "vaccines" to save the day and to save their skin and asses. Now, they look like stupid and stubborn asses themselves?

    Now that there is no immunity achieved, that means the very costly immunisation programs, that governments have paid dearly with taxpayers' money, have gone to noughts. Simply wasted. We are back at square one.

    What next? Continue with the bluff? �� Or expose the bluff? Either way, many government leaders will look like stupid asses. You brought this to yourself. Please don't push the blame to the masses. Bite the bullet and admit the mistake and we can all start again, on a clean sheet.

    What say you?

    Queen of Hearts.

  2. Half of studied Omicron cases in India fully vaccinated: ICMR


    Out of 34 Omicron cases at Delhi hospital, 33 are fully vaccinated

