
USA/Western Capitalist Liberal Democracy based on Darwinism is diabolical and demonic versus Socialist Democratic Socioeconomic System which is humane & harmonious.

     Western liberal democracy which is basically Western Capitalist Darwinism  caters for the 1% elites while the socialist democratic system which practises  the socioeconomic system caters for the broad-based 99% common citizens.

   The extreme Western liberal democracy capitalist system of government which is based on Darwin's theory or Darwinism is the source of all worldly troubles, turmoils, disorders, wars, killings, murders, assassinations and genocides in this small earthly world. The system is racist and white supremacist in character and is very insidious and diabolical. What is Darwinism? It is basically a theorectical assumption that only the aristocrats or elites are entitled to rule to lord over the masses the people. It is a brutish theory initiated by the top killer, sinner and murderer Charles Darwin a British Anglo-Saxon aristocrat. His warp theory was based on his observations of how wild animals and beasts in the jungles and savannahs fought fiercely and violently to survive. He believed that human beings or human societies are no different from the wild animals and so he concocted the theory on 'The survival of the fittest'. That is the strong and powerful will have no mercy and the winners take all, while the weak and poor people  deserve to suffer and die. Thus Charles Darwin is a monster whose detrimental and demonic theory is adopted closely by white supremacists liberal democracy type of governments and is consequential to USA adopting a policy of permanent wars to achieve world domination and hegemony.

Western aristocrats, elites, scholars, writers, politicians, religious charlatans, marauders, buccaneers and warmongers found in Charles Darwin theories a philosophic justification for expansionism, aggressions and invasions. They contended that countries or different races are like the biological species that struggled constantly for existence and that only the fittest could survive. They therefore believe that it is in order with nature for strong nations or countries to dominate and conquer the weak ones. This warp theory of Darwinism has always been applied to international world affairs by the Western powers, the Europeans or Caucasians, the Anglo-Saxons of UK and USA, France, Spain, Holland, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Russia, Denmark and Belgium. Of course Japan soon  learnt and followed the ways of Western warmongering and aggression.

This insidious theory of Darwinism has by extension been reinterpreted and adopted by the Western coorporate  business and commercial world. In the western corporate world the winners take all. The big rogue corporations, conglomerates and syndicates  will always swallow up the hundreds of  smaller firms causing great pains, disruptions and suffering to thousands of lives. This iinsidious practice is carried on by the Americans to internationa trade, business and commerce in unprecedent level causing the death and destructions to other countries international firms like Japan's Toshiba, France's Alstom and recentlly some Chinese high tec companies like Huawei and ZTE though they fortunately managed to survive with very strong support from the Chinese people and country.

Charles Darwin was basically an intellectual savage British brute. His observations of animals' behavious was not wrong but when applied to human kind he had committed a serious flaw. His theory and practice was based solely on one brute dimension  to make full use of raw physical power for the strong and mighty to achieve unfair advantage over the less priviledged and less advantaged. His theory lacks the humane dimension and  is solely and practically based on selfish self-interests. It is based on 'me' or 'I' come first principle where all others concerned are  immaterial. It is the same as Trump's 'America come first' or American Exceptionalism. It is totally inhumane. The flaw parts of his theory should be demolished and the Western powers or countries which continue to follow his destructive theory in human affairs should be totally taken down and destroyed.

As pointed earlier Western countries for selfish ends practise Darwinism with only the one dimension of using raw power and physical force to achieve domination and hegemony over all others. This is a flawed and dangerous theory which caused many upheavals in the great destructive wars during the last few hundred years. If the Western countries cannot change their behaviour they will ultimately drive the world over the abyss to complete destruction and the extinction of mankind amidst the unstoppable nuclear wars.

Contrary to Darwinism the Chinese socialist  phylosophy traditionally believe that throughout the four seas all men are brothers. The strong must always help the weak, the priviledged and more advantageous ones must help the underpriviledged and less advantageous ones. This is a more humanistic approach to human affairs. Darwinism is based on wild animals instinct with absolutely no human feelings or touch. That is why the white people of the West, the Europeans, the Teutonics and the evil Anglo-Saxons of UK and US only believe in white supremacists and in using raw power to achieve overall domination and world hegemony. That's why for hundreds of years they have been carrying out aggressive ravaging wars of invasions where they indulged in merciless killings, murders, genocide, robbing and plundering of other countries wealth and resources as well as causing great human pains and destruction. Their evil warlike behaviour has never stopped and is still going on throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America. 

As mentioned earlier the Chinese believe in helping others. The PRC or People's Republic of China has out of this believe been helping all other poor countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to lift them out of poverty. Consequent to this China has been building infrastructures like roads and railways, ports and factories, houses, schools and hospitals in almost all the countries in Asia, Africa and in Latin America. 

But on the other hand the Western countries like England, France, Spain, Portugal, United States, Holland, Belgium, Germany and Italy have exploited and impoverished the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America for over 500 years. Even after these countries fought and won their independence they continued to exert their trade and financial colonialism by controlling their agro and mineral resources and their foreign trade, commerce, finance and currencies. They intentionally subjected these countries to  their evil permanent debt trap so that they could have a hold over them and demand that these countries grant them certain areas like ports for their military bases as part payment in liew of their debts. It is a very cruel inhuman debt trap that subject these countries to permanent poverty. This is the result of their practice in pure Darwinism.

Also Western democracy especially practise in U.S.  is simply pure capitalist Darwinism with fake democracy and false human rights. Under Western democracy or Darwinism capitalist systerm of government only the aristocrats or the elites can hold the lever of power to rule the country. The people are deceived by their claim of one man one vote in their pseudo democratic system. In truth many people are deprived of voting rights and those who are eligible to vote in a election are subtlely threatened to vote only for the chosen candidates of both the Republican and the Democrats parties which are both controlled by the elites, the dirt rich multi-billionaires of the giant corporations in the Deep State shadow government of the Wall Street bankers and business tycoons of the Rothschilds Illuminati Free Masons Cabal. In the US no one can form a political party without the sanction of the Wall Street tycoons  and the dictatorial Rothschilds Illuminati Cabal. Therefore the US has only two political parties beholden to the Wall Stree's Cabal, the Rothschild Illuminati mafia or gangsters. Thus in the insidious Darwinist Capitalist Democracy system the majority ironically vote in the minority mafia gangsters in the government to rule and lord over the broad based majority citizens. 

In the Darwinist capitalist democracy the practise principle is that the government is not responsible for the welfare of the people. The people must not and cannot look to the government for help or assistance under whatever circumstance. But ironically the elitist government can exploit the people and the country with all kinds of toxic taxes to enrich the elites and the Cabal. It is crystal clear, and there is no wonder why and how the 1% elites control more than 95% of the country's wealth and money. It is a very corrupted system where all political candidates get financial help from the Cabal's billionaires and once when elected to positions of power they must in return pander to the demands of the Cabal's corporations like awarding them the big profitable government projects.. Thus there is a mutual enrichment of both the political candidates and the billionaires' corporations at the public expense. The public, the masses and citizens are expendable and can be sacrificed for the benefit of the politicians and the rogue billionaires and Deep State Cabal.

The socialist democracy based system of government which practises socioeconomic system is a much better system. Under this system the wealth of the country is shared more equitably among the vast majority of the masses. The socialist government caters to the welfare of the 99% citizens. That is the reason how a socialist country like China can lift more than 800 million people out of povery inspite of the fact that 30 or 40 years ago China was one of the poorest countries in the world. On the other hand the United States is seeing more and more of its citizens reduced to living below the poverty line and have to depend on private charities for food stamps to sustain their miserable lives. It is well known that about 60 to 80 million American citizens have no homes but are living and sleeping on roadsides, highways and five-foot ways outside shopping centres in pitch up tents made of cardboard boxes or discarded canvas. That is a very clear reflection of Western liberal democray Capitalist Darwinism system. It is a system that deprives the people not only of their democratic rights but also their human rights. It is such an abominable and  inhuman system that we Asians and the rest of the non-White countries must ensure it will never happen in their countries. 

Also in the Western capitalist liberal democratic Darwinist system the elitist rogue and scoundrel  candidates will suddenly appear from nowhere to contest the elections and will  behave like savage wild dogs during election time howling up and down fighting for the people's votes. Such a rogue can be seen in Donald Tump when he was elected through the power of his demagoguery.  In fact all or most of the American political candidates  are opportunistic  crook demagogues experts in demagoguery for  once elected these rogue candidates will forget all their promises and pledges to the people.  In such a system decent people have no chance to form a party and to stand for election for such a system is tightly controlled and dictated by the mafia Deep State shadow government of the rogues and scoundrels of the Wall Street billionaires and their Illuminati Rothschilds Cabal. 

On the contrary in socialist China no one can hold political office until he is tested and passed through many levels of political hurdles whereby citizens are able to assess his character, levels of efficiency and competency. Chinese political system begins with various structures starting from the village assembly, to prefecture assembly, district assembly, provincial assembly, National Parliamentary Congress and finally the National Politburo. All villages will select and elect village elders to run the village.The many different villages will then select and elect representatives to the Prefecture Assembly. All the prefecture assemblies will select and elect representatives to the District Assembly. Then all district assemblies will select and elect representatives to the Provincial Assembly. The process continues with all provincial assemblies selecting and electing candidates to the National People's Assembly or Congress. The National People's Assembly is the highest political organisation which formulates national rules and laws and policies and elect seven or nine members to the Politburo which includes the president of the nation. The president and his politburo colleagues form the core of the nation and is responsible for governing the country. President Xi Jinping does not begin straightaway as the president of China. He arrived at the presidential office through all the various stated political stages. Whereas in the US or any Western democracy which after all is never democratic at all, any rogue or scoundrel can suddenly appear on the political scene to stand for election and be elected to any political office by their ability in demagoguery. Normally these Western political crooks, rogues and scoundrels will rise in wealth and riches to become millionaires after a term or two in office. Also due to their unqualified nature and their incompetency they create problems, choas and turmoil in both their internal home affairs as well as in international political affairs.

As the Western capitalist liberal democracy system of government which is based on raw Darwinism theory is wicked, evil and diabolical and is the cause and source of all wars and turmoil it should be demolished, discarded and thrown into the cess-pool. The socialist democratic socioeconomic system which caters to the well being of the vast majority of the people is more humane and should be adopted by all countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 


Wednesday, 10th November, 2021


  1. Nothing is more apparent to prove the Chinese system is one that helps poor countries rise up from poverty, not hoping to keep them forever poor and under develop in order to control them.

    This is even more substantiated starkly by their lifting of more than 800 million of their own people out of poverty. Xi is still trying to level the playing field by spreading wealth more equally among Chin's huge population, instead of letting China's wealth be concentrated in a few super rich individuals like the USA.

    Not only does the system of the West wants to control, they basically wants to continue to exploit those poor countries, by keeping them poor and stealing their recourse, like oil from Iraq, and now eyeing Venezuela's massive oil reserves. The British similarly were estimated to have stolen about US$45 trillion from India alone to fund their development, leaving India to fester in poverty.

    The system of the West is falling apart with poverty more prevalent among the general population, while trumpeting their growth, especially Wall Street, which all goes to benefit the top 1%


  2. This USA/Western liberal democracy system of government has passed its time of usefullness. It is in decadence as seen in America and Europe. The elites which were formerly known as aristocrats never know their extreme exploitations are killing the people. Revolutions will explode sponstaneously at the appropriate time and catch up with them to destroy them.When this happens their inhuman exploitative liberal democratic capitalist system of government will be demolished never to return again.


  3. For the last over 500 years the European countries and USA had ravaged and devastated practically all the non-white countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America causing immeasurable pain,suffering, death and tremendous destructions of properties. They had enriched themselves by robbing and plundering the wealth and resources of these countries causing great impoverishment to them so that they never seem to be able to rise up from Western imposed poverty. However there is some hope as China is now trying to help these poor countries to build up their economy and lift them out of poverty.


  4. It is perturbing that the elitist government in this tropical island is aping the toxic USA liberal democracy capitalist system in toto. They pay themselves millions of dollars in salaries from the public coffer but under pay the wage earners and workers. Worst still they add to the burden of the common people by increasing toxic taxes frequently on life essentials like water, electricity, food, transport fees like bus and train fares. They do not see how the people are struggling now in their everyday life. Instead of increasing taxes they should instantly reduce their million dollar sinful salaries by at least 70 to 80 percent.

  5. The tension and threats of war in every corner of the earth are due to the Americans provoking and inciting the parties to go to war.

    War is not only good business for the white savages but also make sure the stupid will destroy their own countries and people and not to progress in peace and development for their people. They will be bogged down in wars, wasting money and lives in wars for the vain glory of a few selfish individuals.

    The biggest beneficiaries are the white savages, selling arms and weapons and pushing them to keep on fighting and killing each other.

  6. I wonder how many Singapore residents are aware that the Government has mandated that a person's fully vaccinated status expires 365 plus 14 days after the second dose. This can be found in section 6, subsection 4 of the Infectious Diseases (Mass Gathering Testing for Coronavirus Disease 2019) Regulations 2021, read with the First Schedule. The first version of this regulation came into force on April 24.

    Should this one-year expiry date not be made explicit by the Ministry of Health (MOH)?

    There was an opportunity for MOH to do so in response to a parliamentary question on Oct 4 concerning whether the definition of "fully vaccinated" will be changed.

    This must surely be a matter of public interest. It has major implications for all Singapore residents given the Government's policy of vaccination-differentiated measures. More so, it is of concern because the long-term effects of taking yet more jabs against Covid-19 are unknown.

    Does the Government intend for all Singapore residents to take booster shots to be considered fully vaccinated? And when the efficacy of the booster jabs diminishes, will we be required to take yet another booster?

    I hope that MOH will make public why it has regulated an expiry date for each person's "fully vaccinated" status; how the one-year period was chosen; and what will happen when a person's fully vaccinated status expires.

    Lynn Tan Gek Lian


  7. Jab, jab, jab, pay and pay.

    Jab, jab, jab, pay and pay.

    Jab, jab, jab, pay and pay.

    What an evil money making scheme.

  8. Every day socialist China in the break of dawn is thniking about trade and business and how to help other countries to develop and get rid of poverty. But at the first sign of dawn the United States and its European allies which are staunch liberal democracies capitalists are figuring out which countries to attack and destroy and to rob of their oil and other mineral and agro resources. God should destroy the evil US and its European allies.

  9. Shanghai Marathon postponed as China battles Covid surge
    Wed, 10 November 2021, 3:58 pm·1-min read

    Runners take part in the 2020 Shanghai marathon (AFP/STR)
    The 2021 Shanghai Marathon has been indefinitely postponed, organisers said on Wednesday, citing a resurgence of the coronavirus that also has forced the suspension of the Beijing and Wuhan marathons.

    China is battling a fresh Delta-driven outbreak that has spread across the country and sparked tough new measures to stamp out the virus before the Beijing Winter Olympics in February.

    "Today, we've chosen to be cautious. We've chosen the health and safety of runners and citizens," organisers of the November 28 race said on an official social media account.

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    A new date would be announced in the future, it said.

    The announcements did not say how many runners were due to compete, but said that around 9,000 took part in last year's event.

    Organisers of the Beijing and Wuhan marathons both announced last month that those races were also postponed due to the outbreak.

    Although China's case numbers remain relatively low -- it reported 54 new infections on Wednesday -- China takes a zero-tolerance approach toward the coronavirus and the government is especially concerned over any impact on the February 4-20 Winter Games.

    Authorities have implemented mass testing, targeted lockdowns, and have suspended some cross-provincial tour groups and closed tourist sites

    1. KNN. Simply cut and paste. Fxxking lazy bastxxd. At least do dele83rd the advertisements lah.

    2. This article is about USA's war crimes and criminal military activities. What is that to do with Covid-19? If you want to smear China, at least be intelligent enough to insert it in the appropriate article. No brainer, loser!


  10. President Theodore Roosevelt said in 1897, America would welcome wars, any war that advance US twin drives of capitalism and nationalism.

    American aggression and expansion was traditional. It was based on the doctrine of 'The Manifest Destiny of America' established since its independence in 1776. Then in 1823 President Monroe established his 'Monroe Doctrine' in which he laid the foundation for American control of the Caribbean, Central America and South America or Latin America. From 1840s to 1870s America attacked Mexico and forcibly acquired over one and a half million square miles of Mexican lands which now constitutes half of the United States territories.

    Not long after America began to make forays overseas into the Pacific Ocean where the United States took control of Hawaii, Guam and other Pacific island kingdoms.

    Some day some one must find a way to stop the unbridled American aggression and expansion. May be only Russia and China can do this job well to teach the savage Ameicans a lesson.

    Anti American Darwinist liberal capitalist democracy


  11. The United States is a terrorist country nurtured in war. It has been a serial war criminal for over two hundred years since its existence in 1776. It has constantly committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in which millions of civillians were wantonly killed but dismissed as inevitable or portrayed only as war collateral by the Pentagon and the American mass media.

    It is time the non-white countries unite to take down the evil empire.
