
Nuclear warheads - Oh my God, China is going to have 1,000 warheads by 2030, it is the end of the world...Gosh!

 Wow, wow, China is going to have 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030. This is going to be a big threat to the Americans, an existential threat. How can the Chinese build so many nuclear warheads, die, die, must do something quickly. 1,000 nuclear warheads, my gosh, this is unacceptable, intolerable. The whole of Washington and Pentagon are hysterical, in panic mode.  Really, what is the fuss? 

1,000 nuclear warheads are too much a threat to the Americans? Can you imagine how the Americans would react if China were to have 4,500 warheads. China now has only 300 warheads, and that is ok when the USA has 4,500 warheads, yes 4,500 warheads! Did China cry father cry mother?  Is this a bigger threat to the Chinese? Is this an acceptable threat to the Chinese? Are the Americans a big threat to the Chinese with 4,500 warheads? White liars are pretending to be threatened by China because of an imaginary number in 2030.

No, no, this is ok. Americans can have 4,500 warheads to threaten to use it on China and this is normal to the evil American Empire. Having 4,500 to China's 300 is the right balance. A 15 times advantage in destructive power would allow the Americans to threaten and bully China and push China around. It is unacceptable for China to want to have 1,000 warheads in 2030. But what is the panic, what is the issue? Even with 1,000 warheads, it is still far too little to America's 4,500, a ratio of 1 to 4.5 times, presuming the Americans would sit still and do nothing to increase their numbers.

So what next, to maintain an overwhelming majority of 15, the Americans could simply build to 15,000 warheads in 2030. Why the need to cry father and cry mother and accusing China of being a threat to the Americans like the end of the world when the Americans are a very much bigger threat to China, a real and often use threat to nuke China?

This is the so called screwed up logic of the white men, white men's lie. They can threaten everyone, including China, with massive nuclear weapons. If China were to try to level up a little like having 1,000 against 4,500, it is horrifying.

Come on Americans, no need to cry wolf and pretend that 1,000 nuclear warheads is a bigger threat than your 4,500 warheads and you are shivering in your pants. Stop pretending that the 40 nuclear warheads of North Korea is a threat to the Americans when your fingers are on the red button and could push it to annihilate the North Koreans without them knowing what happened.

The Americans are the biggest threat to all the countries in the world in having 4,500 warheads and still increasing. No country other than Russia has enough nuclear warheads to present a real threat to the Americans. So stop being freakish and lying to the world that you are a frightened little boy hiding under the table, that China is going to kick your ass.

You, the Americans, are the world's number one terrorist. And stop pretending to be otherwise and demonising others as a threat to you. Don't think the rest of the world are stupid.


  1. The US Air Force Secretary said that the USA must 'scare' China. China air force spokesman shot back and told him to do it in the air, and bring it on.

    The USA and Trump had claimed that North Korea's nuclear weapons is a threat to the peace of the world and that North Korea need to denuclearize. Thankfully, Kim Jung Urn is smarter and did not fall into the trap. The only threat to world peace, proven beyond any reasonable doubt, only comes from one pariah country, the USA.

    By proliferating the spread of nuclear weapons to Australia, and proclaiming that it is to counter China, is that not a direct threat? China is increasing it's nuclear deterrence to counter the USA and the West. What is the difference?

    China's 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030 pales in comparison to the USA. And the USA is using China's accumulation of nuclear warheads to 'scare' the rest of the world. Did the announcement, by the UK openly not long ago, that the UK is stockpiling nuclear weapons elicited any response from the USA and the West? And that UK stockpiling of nuclear weapons is meant to counter China, a country thousands of miles away.

    The USA tactic now is to 'scare' everyone. In everything no one must be better, stronger or overtake the USA or the USA will now use the scare' tactic. About 400 USA soldiers in Taiwan is meant to 'scare' the PLA.

    Few hundred thousand USA soldiers in South Vietnam did not scare the North Vietnamese, who chased them out, scattering with tails between their legs. USA soldiers in Afghanistan had to retreat, after 20 years scaring the sheep farmers. But when the Taliban sheep farmers with AK rifles, fought a prolonged war against all the USA soldiers stationed there and their trained Afghan fighters, supported by superior military hardware, they eventually fled. Does that not mean anything? Call it a withdrawal to sound good to the ears, but it was a defeat pure and simple.

  2. When would the pro unification KMT start to take out the American soldiers in Taiwan?

  3. Of course the USA and Trump's narratives on the North Korean threat is all fictitious and fabricated to pull wool over the eyes of the world.

    It is the same as what they did to Iraq. It is the same tactic they are now using against China and by extension, Russia and Iran. The same playbook used by the USA all around the world.

  4. Wah! China is going to increase her nuclear warheads to 1000! This is terrible! This is horrible! This is unthinkable! How can?!

    How can China do such a thing to the DEEfenceless and Hapless Americans? This is not right. Americans are so poor thing. Nobody is going to come to their rescue. The US Military, the CIA, the Homeland Defence Forces, the Pentagon, the White House, the Deep State - ALL of them are so useless and incompetent that they can do nothing about it except to howl and yell, and Cry "WOLF! WOLF! WOLF!"

  5. India invited officials from Russia, Iran and five Central Asian countries to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, but no Afghan representative is in attendance.

    China and Pakistan also refused to attend the Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan held on Wednesday.

    So, India is now trying to be the Regional Big Power to push Afghanistan around?

  6. The USA and the West are really desperate. They still do not realise that more countries are following Russia and China, particularly in Africa, Middle East and Central Asia.

    This time it will be unlike the Iraq War, where the tail waggers have now realised that they had been conned and the 'once bitten twice shy' mindset comes into play.

    Moreover, they can see that China is not the one stirring shit all over the world, but are peacefully helping poor countries to develop and prosper. Why would they want to destroy that trust and drown in poverty and be dragged into perpetual conflicts by the USA?

    This time you can bet that other than those sycophants aligning with the USA, the coalition of more 'unwilling' than 'willing' will join the war wagon.

  7. And the most bizarre act was for the USA trying to talk Vietnam to take their side against China, a country they destroyed with biological weapons and riddled with mines that still kills today.

    Unlike the Japanese, Vietnam leaders know who their friends and foes are, despite having small differences in play. The Vietnamese show that they do appreciate the help China provided them during the Vietnam War. They truly value a close dependable neighbour than to side with an untrustworthy country like the USA, thousands of miles away.
