
The Only Remedy To The Perennial CECA Issues

 From all available facts and information, it is clear that CECA is detrimental to individuals and groups of Singaporeans in the short and medium terms (within 10 to 20 years) and a strategic blunder to Singapore as a nation in the long-term (20-30 years). This is one of the biggest blunders that requires urgent and immediate remedy without any more delays.

If Singapore's highly-paid Ministers cannot see that, then they have failed in their individual and collective responsibilities. Therefore, they are not fit to be paid such high salaries.

Whether they know it but deliberately deny it, or they really are unable to see it, either way, they must be considered counter-productive, dangerous and a threat to the development and progress of Singapore as a nation and to the future generations of Singaporeans. Nothing can be worse than this.

As such, in our national interests, those money-minded pseudo leaders must be replaced with really patriotic Singaporeans as soon as possible. Academic excellence does not automatically make good leaders. On the contrary, only one out of a million had made it to the top leadership.

Singaporeans must wake up, rise up, without delay, to weed out all the undesirable elements in our country in the next General Elections. This is the only solution left. There is no other way out.

Doing nothing, remaining as status quo, is not a solution, not a remedy, not an option anymore. Removing the undesirables from power can only be for the better of Singapore and Singaporeans. In fact, it could be too little too late already!



  1. Yes, we must with a serious sense of justice, vote all of them out.

    Leaders who keep harping on the sing of pro-foriegners invasion of our country are traitors to our cause and course. They must be deposed from positions of power that decide our fate, at all costs.

    Those who sing the song of "growing the GDP at all costs" must also be voted out in order to make way for more sensible and compassionate leaders.

  2. Agree. Must VTO!

    All Singaporeans must unite to take back our country from the hands of the reckless, shameful and treacherous.

  3. Yes, no other way except to VTO. PAP govt has become too arrogant and self serving. They do whatever they like without any consultation. All PAP MPs are just like the nodding dogs we see at the trinket shops, all nodding their heads without voice. Pathetic.

  4. We want our JOBS BACK!

    We want our COUNTRY BACK!

    We want the robbers of our jobs OUT!

    We want those who are accessories to the robbers of our jobs OUT!

  5. The arrogance of the PAP with lead to their downfall. I have no doubt that this will eventually come to pass. It is a matter of when. Singaporeans are still living in their comfort zone at tis moment, but there will come a time when the last straw will break the camel's back and things will change. We live in hope. Very soon the pain suffered by the true blue Singaporeans will affect the new citizens with the importation of more newer citizens, then we will see the change.

  6. Concerned SingaporeanSeptember 09, 2021 3:10 pm

    It will be the new citizens who will vote out the PAP. This is ironic but a very real probability. Their collective votes will tip the scale against the PAP leaders who are still living on past laurels.

  7. Big head illness may be infecting the Pap leadership. Like USA unnecessary attacks China. Pretending to know everything but actually was empty in the head. Should vaccinated them to shrink their head first then got hope for straight thoughts.
