
Covid19 - Are we better off after 80% vaccinated

 ...Dr Gabriel Oon, a retired oncologist and pioneer in cancer research who played a major role in Singapore’s hepatitis B program in the 70s, wrote a letter to the MTF essentially telling them that mRNA vaccines are useless against the Delta variant and we should instead use the Chinese vaccines like Sinovac, but Professor David Lye, anA expert advising the MTF, chided him for spreading misinformation. But look at the graph showing infections for China? After a huge peak at the beginning, it’s generally a straight line near the bottom of the graph, while that of Israel, UK and US, among the many countries that used mRNA, have been seeing an exponential spike in infections.

The MTF was just hell-bent on vaccinating the population with mRNA, and now we have the results to show. Did the government sign a contract with Pfizer and Moderna that tied its hands? Or does it have a commercial interest in mRNA vaccines?

Either way, the MTF and the government played a major role in this fiasco, and possibly jabbed the people with little benefits to show.

Foong Swee Fong

The above is posted in TRE in an article titled 'We are worse off than before the vaccination drive'. From the number of cases in the community and the number of unlinked cases detected in random test, the situation does not look good. The statistics provided by the govt cannot be lying.

The big question now is whether we have been injecting our people with dud vaccines. It was once expected to be the silver bullet to allow the people to go back to their normal lives, but this is not the case. More than 80% vaccinated by a once touted to be 95% efficacy vaccines, the best white men vaccines, superior to the Chinese vaccines, the result is not a wee bit convincing.

The truth that the sceptics were waiting for, for time to reveal the truth and expose the lie, is staring at everyone right in the face. Why is the number cases growing instead of smaller? Our people are quite discipline in wearing masks and not out there frolicking and merry making without the masks, unlike what the Americans, Brits and Israelis are doing. There is no good reason to see infected cases going up when the world best vaccines are being used.

Would anyone admit that the mRNA vaccines are not working and all the efforts are wasted?  Still in a state of denial? Would the third booster going to make any difference? Would anyone brave enough to face up with the new reality, the new truth?

If we keep blindly charging ahead, and bringing in more visitors from God knows where, do not be surprised that other countries may put a fence around us, not to be visited, and not allowed to visit them.

Are we better off or worse off today? We want to open up to the world like the crazy Americans? We may end up with the rest of the world closing down on us.

What do you think?


  1. Someone on internet said that when governments buy vaccines they are buying Hope, not vaccines. A vaccine is supposed to prevent infection. Now they TWIST VACCINE DEFINITION to say, they "prevent severe cases". Whilst we can prove the former, we cannot prove the latter. Especially in Singapore about 50,000 mostly foreign workers were infected in early 2000, almost none dies, (in those days, people in Italy and usa were dying like crazy) and NO VACCINES WERE TAKEN. So today, if the death rate is low, it is impossible to argue that "vaƧcines prevent severe cases and death". A GRAND CONSPIRACY BETWEEN Big Pharma, Govt., and Media.

  2. Nowadays very difficult to tell truth from lies and lies from truth.

    Which is which and who are the liars?

  3. This is the biggest worldwide collaboration of scammers ever.

    It is even greater than the lie about the weapons of mass destruction used by US President George Bush as an excuse to invade Iraq.

    So many governments and mass media are willingly involved. All of them bought into the scam with money, $billions of taxpayers' money.

    Unbelievable! Shocking!

  4. Yes!don,t report the best.let other country guess!

  5. The wickedness of people participating in this scam for profit using lies and spreading fear is very disgusting. And because of their persistence in spreading lies and fake news, many people will die as a result.

    1. Last time said unlinked cases most dangerous. Now says the unlinked cases irrelevant. So how ? Which is the truth

  6. Ok lah ok lah I say for them lah!"covid is not dangerous."

    But can mutate.

  7. Why other countries have Ministers, PM and even Presidents got infected by COVID-19 but Singapore's President, PM, Ministers and MPs never get infected? In Singapore, only the commoners and foreign workers are being infected. Why?

  8. MOH has embarked on a disinformation campaign to keep Singaporeans in the dark about the true state of affairs with regard to the COVID-19 Pandemic daily situation in Singapore, by not reporting the number of daily unlinked cases.

    The unlinked cases, as pointed out by the PM and the MTF are the most dangerous cases and which are vital and critical information to Singaporeans.

    This shows that MOH, after being installed with a newbie and gangho Minister, has become lazy, cunning, not-forthcoming and irresponsible.

  9. Singapore's path to dying with Covid-19 coronavirus is a date with definite sufferings and deaths. The aim is actually to promote more businesses for the big pharmaceutical companies producing mRNA Vaccines, and more big profits for investors of the big pharmaceutical companies, like Temasek Holdings and GIC, and also to create hefty business opportunities for clinics and hospitals, funeral parlours, caretakers, and crematoriums.

    And last but not least, to allow the Covid-19 coronavirus a free reign to the environment of Singapore andva great feast on thr bodies of Singaporeans.

    Three cheers for PAP 4 G (Goondu) Leedersheep!

  10. Good question Anon 2.00pm

    Because none of the elites and family members got it, so they think the public is just making a ruckus and kpkb as always.

    Israel is now in deep shit, even though it is reported that more than 80% of Israeli adults have been vaccinated. Israel just broke the daily record on September 8th. This is a lesson for others trying to live with the virus by fully opening up.

    The report went on to say that the Pfizer vaccines is even less effective than the Moderna vaccine against the Delta Variant. And the third jab is not doing any good as well. But what has the MSM been telling everyone about the Pfizer vaccine and touting to high heaven it's effectiveness.

  11. I believe their hands were tied by Pfizer like many other countries. In the initial rush for the vaccine, they had to agree to terms and conditions set by the manufacturer, under the threat that late orders may not be fulfilled. It was a sword on their neck.

    Hence, like it or not, their hands were tied under the agreement signed. Waiting for other manufacturers was a very risky affair. It was a situation of between the devil and the deep blue sea.

    Of course, the reasons will never be divulge and we can only speculate. But speculation can only point to one obvious reason as to why they are so adamant initially about using Chinese vaccines at all cost, even though approved for use by the WHO, until after much public outcry and more than 200,000 refusal to get vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.

  12. Counter Psychological OperationsSeptember 09, 2021 9:21 pm

    ACHTUNG! AWAS! BEWARE And Be Warned!

    MOM is going to allow 500 foreign workers to stray out of their dormitories for 6 hours a day, so that they can have a chance to get infected by the Covid-19 or spread their Covid-19 infections throughout Singapore, wherever they go.

    Living dangerously on the daily basis is going to be the norm of the day for all Singaporeans, except those protected by their bodyguards and staying in ivory towers.

  13. Maybe is time for sg to face covid delta.

    Just hope for the best.

  14. Singaporeans better stay home to be safe when they open the gate of the dormitories.

  15. What is the true deadly state of COVID affairs in Singapore today ? How much danger are we in ?

  16. If they meet up with their girl friends and the girl friends bring the virus homes.

    1. Now with large community spread think the girl friends will bring the virus to the dorm

  17. Afghan fighters.= Delta

    Us = vaccine.

  18. They go Geylang and get infected by the prostitutes. Then they go back and infect their friends at the dormitory. His friends then pass the virus to their girl friends who are mostly maids, nursing homes staff or nurses. Then the nursing homes old folks get infected and die. And hospitals' old folks patients get infected by the nurses and die.

    Then Minister of Manpower, Minister of Hell and Multi Millionaire Taskforce very happy. They have achieved their objective of getting rid of the old folks through indirect genocide.
