
Education statistics - Shall we be concerned?

 Indranee Rajah presented the latest Singapore population statistics in a media briefing yesterday. The ethnic population distribution of residents, not Singaporeans,  74.3 per cent Chinese, 13.5 per cent Malays, 9 per cent Indians.  What is the distribution of Singaporeans? Why this is not provided or not reported? What is the distribution of Singaporeans?

What I see as alarming is the data on university graduates last year. 34.7 per cent Chinese, 10.8 per cent Malays and 41.3 per cent Indians. Where have all the Chinese students gone? With a 74.3 per cent population, only 34.7 per cent of the graduates. Indians make up 9 per cent of the population and with 41.3 per cent of the graduates. Is this something to be concerned about? The Malays are just about right, could have more graduates.

Is the data saying that the Chinese have given up on tertiary education, taking the advice from some politicians that it is a piece of paper that cannot be eaten, so don't waste time and money? To make a career in hawking or taxi drivers no need to be graduates? Or is it that the Chinese are getting duller, not interested in education any more, while the Indians getting smarter and deserved all the increase in university places?

What is going on?


Anonymous said...

According to a AFR correspondent based in Singapore: as of last year, there were 262,860 Singaporean citizens from an Indian background. It’s a much smaller percentage than the 2,675,521 Chinese or 529,954 Malay - total 3,468,335.

262,860 out of 3,468,335 is only 7.58 %

But according to Rajah, the ethnic population distribution of residents, not Singaporeans, 74.3 per cent Chinese, 13.5 per cent Malays, 9 per cent Indians.

So the difference of 1.42% consists of foreigner Indians ?

Anonymous said...

9% of 5.7 million is 513,000 Indians.

But there's only 262,860 Singaporean Indians. So the rest of 251,140 are foreigner Indians ?

Anonymous said...

Something is not right. At this rate, just within about 5 to 10 years, the differences widened so much. There must be an underlying problem or some sinister issue that needs to be investigated and exposed.

Anonymous said...

The CDAC must start to work to get more Chinese into the universities. If this is the trend, the number of Chinese graduates could go further down.

Can you imagine the consequences? More Chinese hawkers and Grab drivers.

And the graduate Indians will be everywhere in govt and the private sectors as top civil servants and top management.

Anonymous said...

During the colonial days, the Chinese were barred from the govt service because they could not read English. The civil service then were the turf of Angmohs, seranis and Indians.

The Chinese could only be in business or eke a living as coolies, hawkers and paddycab pullers or riding trishaws.

Would this be the future of the Chinese if they lose their places in the universities?

How could nearly every 2 graduates, one is an Indian when they make up only 9% in the population? The government and MOE did not know this? All sleeping or in hibernation or this is planned like the unplanned 5.9m population?

Anonymous said...

The universities should practise meritocracy. Only good and better students shall be admitted. If the Chinese students are no good and Indians are good, then all the Indian students shall be admitted.

Anonymous said...

Singapore—A June 16 article in The Times of India called the shortage of tech talent in Singapore “a blessing for India and the Indians”....

Mr Das added that Singapore also lags behind in the number of people with higher-level skills in technologies such as blockchain, data engineering and machine learning.

“Singapore does not have a history of working on complex technology projects. We train them up to bring them up to speed and supplement them with more experienced guys from India,” said the CEO of Singapore-based Apar Technologies, Mr Sai Sudhakar.

Anonymous said...

From the data shown it seems the Malays and the Chinese are under represented in tertiary education. Can they likewise be under represented in other sectors of human activities?

The authorities in various departments should be transparent and let the people know. They should not sleep over their jobs and let the island slide into uncertainty and perhaps future choas and instability. Wake up well paid millionaire ministers, politicians and civil servants.

Anonymous said...

Poor backward no talent Singapore must be grateful to advanced India and Indians to train Singaporeans in complex technology projects.

If not because of India and Indians, Singapore would long ago become a third world country.

Anonymous said...

S'pore lack Tech talent?

Singaporean NSFs with 4 "A"s in A-level also cannot get into NUS Computer Science or Computer Engineering courses . . are the places given to foreigners?

Anonymous said...

The millionaire politicians are going bonkers or boh chap.

Anonymous said...


Despite Obama talking nonsense and praising SIngapore as being successful because “it has been able to bring together people who may look different, but they all think of themselves as part of Singapore”(I wonder how much he and his wife Michelle were paid to speak in SIngapore after he stepped down) the fact is that the Government embraces a Chinese supremacist philosophy inherited from LKY that is barely disguised. While Indians may at least be contenders at some distant date in the future to be the country’s leaders, Malays are clearly still unacceptable. While Obama praises Singapore as a model of integration it is clear that it lags far behind even the US. With the rise of China as the dominant economic force in the region and the PAP’s dangerous flirtation with dual loyalties (as exemplified by the case of Dickson Yeo) it is clear that the PAP will not be dismantling the edifice of Chinese privilege any time soon.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

For his comment on this, I totally disagree with Kenneth. Look at the statistics on Indian graduates above you will know that it is any but pro China. Instead it is pro India and Indians if you also look at the appointments at top level both in politics, govt and the private sector.

Where in the world have so few Indians wield so much power in a country when it is an absolute minority with only 9% of its population?

Saying Spore lags US in integration is an obvious bias by him. You don't see Chinese or Asians being beaten up in Singapore did you? Ooops, I said too fast. Chinese are beaten up by many angmohs and recently one video being beaten up by a Malay in the MRT. In this sense, uh yes, Singapore lags behind the US.

Anonymous said...

Is Singapore planning and engineering its way to be ruled by India?

Anonymous said...

"What is going on?" - yup, what going on? De facto ongoing stealth invasion ? Ongoing stealth supplantation ?

Anonymous said...

Find out how much the Indian parents pay for tuition vs how much the Chinese or Indian parents pay. Might be related.

Anonymous said...

Means talented Indians and have risen to the top despite racist Chinese holding them down! Don't forget Singapur is an Indian word......

Anonymous said...

Singapore slipped well out of the top spot to the fifth spot in IMD's latest ranking of global competitiveness, the Swiss business school revealed on Thursday.

The annual assessment of the world's major economies put European countries on top, with Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands taking the leading four slots.

India is way down in an embarrassing 43th spot, the same spot as last year, while China climbed to 16th from 20th last year, inching closer to the US in 10th spot.

SSO said...

Indians have been planning to take over Singapore for a very long time. Since LKY's time. Since separation from Malaysia. Since 1965.

Anonymous said...

Since Sang Nila Utama . . .

SSO said...

Since East India Company.
Since CECA.
Since Devan Nair.

Anonymous said...

Since the Workers' Party was formed, before the PAP was formed.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to take your medication today?

Anonymous said...

Now no need to think. The idiots will hand over the island to them on a silver platter.

Want to bet, the next PM will be an Indian. Then the picture will be complete.

Prepare to run road and become boat people.

Anonymous said...

PAP = Pillage And Plunder in disguise.

For the last 15 years, all its legs and tail that were hidden in the tortoise shell come out and clearly displayed for all to see.

Only the 61% dafts and nincoompoos could not see.

The way they fatten their own and their cronies' bank accounts in double quick time is the sign so clearly displayed, yet stupid people continue to be blind and deaf.

Anonymous said...

Virgo I think that dude asking to be sodomized by you lar

Anonymous said...

Singapore fell from 1st position to 5th position for economic competitiveness, partly due to the Pandemic and partly due to over-domination by 3rd rate talents managing its economy both in the private and public sectors. And also due to poor management and complacent leadership.

The US also dropped to 10th position.

China climbed from 20th to 16th position.

India remains at 45th out of 63 countries in the list.

Anonymous said...

I remember the composition of Singapore Indian population used to be 6% during the 70s-80s. Now its 9% and in absolute number its should quite a figure. The percentage of Indian graduate among their ethnic group is 41% but if one had gone to the universities to check, its still the Chinese that form the majority of every cohort.

From this data, one can interpret that the increase in the Indian makeup and educational qualification is due to immigration. A very large scale indeed probably in hundreds of thousands. This could have started during the Goh Chok Tong's years as PM where he himself started the Indian fever and foreign talent drive.

Now one can understand why despite the more infectious Covid D variant from India, Singapore refused to close the border with the country in view of allowing citizens (read new citizens) and PRs to return. How many native born Indian Singaporeans had been going back and forth India even during the pandemic?

Just last week, the MAS MD Ravi Menon talked about Singapore needing more foreign talent in IT and tech industries due to increasing foreign investment in these fields. Already I read from Indian MSM and social media that they were expecting more opportunities for Indian nationals themselves. If Singapore doesn't train its own citizens and still resort to importing from overseas en masse, then this Govt would have failed its people.

Anonymous said...

The PAP government has already failed its people big time. Yet the people are still sleeping. Idiots deserve to die of poverty and hunger.