
Truth and Facts In Brief. The United States - An Evil Savage Illegitimate barbaric country PART ONE

                                                                                                                                                                                                            The United States --  A Barbaric  State     PART     ONE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1. The United States is a savage evil barbaric empire built on wars and genocide of native Americans and other countries. Thus it is an illegal and illegitimate unnatural country and should not be allowed to exist any longer. 

 2.    It attacked and invaded Mexico from 1840s to 1890s and took away from Mexico the territories of Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and Californnia a combine territory of  1.65 million square miles.  The United Nations must help Mexico to liberate these territories.                                                                                                                                                                                             3.    From 1895 to 1905 it invaded and destroyed the Pacific Island kingdom of Hawaii killing more than two hundred thousand Hawaiian resistant fighters. Subsequently it swarmed Hawaii with hundreds of thousands of white immigrants mainly Anglo-Saxons from England.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.    The Anglo-Saxon white Americans had blue prints to expand more of its empire overseas. In 1898 under a fake promise to bring independence to Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam which were then under Spanish rule it got the natives to help the Americans in the wars against Spain. After dislodging Spain from these territories the Evil Empire refused to give the natives independence. Both the Cubans and the Philippinos then fought fiercely and bravely  against the Americans hoping to drive them out of their countries. The savage white Americans brutally killed hundreds of thousands of Cubans and Philippino resistant fighters and subsequently made Cuba, Puerto, Philippines and Guam as its colonial territories. 

5.    In the 1870s imperial America led by Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan arrogantly stated that the Chinese are not qualified even to run and govern their own country. He said America must take over the ruling of China which with its large population will provide a ready vast market for American goods and products. America took part in the smuggling and trafficking of opium and heroin in China and carried on the illicit trade from the 1830s to 1930s. It joined the British in the two Opium Wars 1839-1842, 1856-1860, which England imposed on China. America arrogantly and shamelessly revealed that profits from the Opium trade was so huge that it enabled America to build the vast infrastructures of roads and continental railways, huge edifices or buildings and the cities of New York, Boston, Pensyllvania, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

6.   China lost the first Opium War. England and each of its allies then imposed war indemnities on China and China had to pay each of the savage aggressors a few hundred million Chinese silver dollars which in today's terms mean a few billion dollars. They claimed the war indemnities were reparations  for their losses in the Opium Wars against China. They attacked and imposed a war on China and instead of paying China for the great losses in lives and property destruction they extorted huge sums of money from China as war indemnities. Similarly China had to pay war indemnities to the Western powers in the Second Opium War as well as the attack on Peking  in the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. Eight European countries inclusive of US and Japan burnt down the Summer Palace completely which they had already destroyed more than eighty percent in 1860s in the Second Opium War. They looted all the thousands of priceless antiques before burning down the Summer Palace.

7.    The war indemnities impoverished China to bankruptcy that China was forced to borrow money from the British banks especially The Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank at very high interest to pay for the war indemnities. China continued to pay the war indemnities until Chairman Mao stopped the payment on the establishment of the People's Republic on 1st October, 1949. 

8.    The war indemnities had vastly enriched all the Western white countries and Japan beyond imagination. In the meantime China was being reduced to a pauper nation and a semi-colony of all the Western powers including Russia and Japan.

9.     The white Anglo-Saxon Americans have always subscribed to the bellicose hawkish theory that it is natural for strong nations to subjugate and destroy weak nations. This is a savage theory of Charles Darwin's philosophic justification for imperial expansion through wars of aggression and genocide. In short the white people, the Europeans, the Anglo-Saxon British and white Americans have no qualms in practising the laws of the jungle of the wild beasts. As it is the US has been carrying out perennial wars of aggression and invasion in Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The United States has openly declared that it will carry out permanent wars to steal the resources of other countries and to sustain and maintain the vast American Pentagon Military Industrial Complex.

10.    The white people especially the Anglo-Saxon white British and the white Americans are worst than  the savage wild beasts like the lions, tigers, hyenas, leopards, jaguars and the wild bears. They are really exrtremely inhuman and should not be allowed to exist less they continue to kill and destroy all other weaker non-white people and countries. The non-white people and countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America must wake up to the perennial danger post to them by the West headed by the United States and should unite in unity and solidarity with China, Iran and India to take them down.

The United States is so evil and diabolitical in all its actions and deeds it should instead be called 'The Insane Devil States of America.'


Saturday,  6th March, 2021



  1. Every country big and small, who are not poodles of the evil empire, must build up it's military like North Korea, going nuclear as deterrents. Anyone able to provide the smallest element of deterrent must pull together to bring down the evil empire.

    China and Russia together with Iran should provide the lead. That is the only way to bring to an end the reign of terror by the axis of evil and it's poodles. Otherwise this reign of terror will never ever end.

  2. The arrogant French who took part in the looting and burning down of the Summer Palace are now sending their warships to the South China Sea to intimidate China.

    The thousands of priceless stolen Chinese antiques are still sitting in the museums and homes of the Westerners.

  3. They accuse China of stealing from them. What did they steal from others?

    The whole North American Continent from the Native Indians. The whole Island of Australia from the Aborigines. The Islands of Hawaii from the Natives. The Island of Diego Garcia, forcing the Natives out to another Island and many others.

    Apart from that, all the treasures from China, India, and Iraq and anything they could lay their hands on in any country they waged war against or colonised. This includes oil, gold reserves and now even money they are confiscating from the military regime in Myanmar. Venezuela's gold placed for safekeeping was confiscated by the UK.

    Those who still think the USA and the West are the safest place to keep their reserves had better wake up. But sometimes it may be too late to wake up when they opened their eyes and the gold disappeared. I worry for China's treasury holdings of more than a trillion US$. They were eyeing that during Trump's watch.

  4. If you compare evils like Hitler, whose holocaust decimated millions of Jews, he is still relatively a minor evil being when compared to the evils committed by the USA. It is beyond words, beyond listing and beyond description.

    Enough said!


  5. I was non-plussed when a former Singapore ambassador at large to the US said that 'America is a benign super power.' I was wondering if he had taken too much Californian wine. If politicians and ministers of ASEAN countries think the same way then Asean is finished as it shows they have been strongly influenced by a US blend of toxic financial and strong armed military diplomacy. How can the barbaric United States be a benign super power when for over two hundfred years it has been imposing wars of aggression and conquest on other countries and killing and robbing off their wealth and resources. Are they too blind to see the evil savage bellicose nature of the Anglo-Saxon white Americans?

    Wake up citizens of ASEAN.


  6. I see the dirty black hands of CIA and Pentagon in the troubles of Myanmar now.

    The evil white Americans should stop creating troubles in Southeast Asia countries under the disguise of democracy and human rights.

    God should condemn and destroy the barbaric Anglo-Saxon white Americans. They should be condemned to hell.

  7. Criminal Instigation Agency of the USA most likely involved in Myanmar unrest. The Military Regime could be aware of the activities of the CIA in Myanmar. Not satisfied with the military/NLD coalition ruling the country, the USA wants a total regime change in Myanmar so that it can control totally the NLD under Aung San Suu Kyi, a very useful ally to be used to confront China with it's long border with Myanmar.

    Where there is unrest, rest assured the CIA's or MI6's dirty hands will be involved. It happened in Venezuela, Hong Kong and Xinjiang all well proven. The UK's M16 is proven to be involved with Alexei Navalny inciting trouble in Russia. Now it is only for the horse to reveal it's legs in Myanmar to be confirmed.

  8. With regard to the Myanmar Coup and uprising, Singapore leaders seem to be singing the songs and playing the music for Western Audiences (UK and USA).

    This is a very risky endeavour.

    Singapore has now exposed its tail and opened its asshole for all-comers to whack from behind.

    Stupidity has no cure!
