
White devils, go mind your own business - China said

 China threatens to 'poke the eyes' of Five Eyes nations over HK

China has hit back at a joint statement from Five Eyes partners condemning its actions in Hong Kong, accusing the security alliance of threatening its internal affairs.

The Five Eyes foreign ministers from Australia, Canada, the US, Britain and New Zealand on Thursday said opposition MPs who were disqualified by Beijing from Hong Kong's legislature for not being patriotic enough should be immediately reinstated.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on Thursday night said China would not flinch if trouble came its way.

"No matter how many eyes they have, five or 10 or whatever, should anyone dare to undermine China's sovereignty, security and development interests, be careful not to get poked in the eye," he said.


  1. 'Why keep silent?': China to target Australia's human rights record on Aborigines

    China's foreign ministry plans to target Australia's human rights record on Indigenous affairs as it ramps up its dispute with the Morrison government.

    A Chinese embassy official said China would use "international bodies to talk up about Indigenous Australians".

    "Why keep silent?," the official said.

    Australia has faced criticism for its record on Indigenous human rights. The Australian government's Closing the Gap report found Indigenous Australians face shorter life expectancy, higher rates of infant mortality, poorer health outcomes and lower levels of education and employment.

    Indigenous people represent 2 per cent of the total population but 27 per cent of the nation’s total full-time adult prisoner population.

  2. China should continue to harp on the human rights of the Red Indians of North America and Aborigines of Australia. Those are historical truths that cannot be brushed aside as non issues. Since the West can harp on Tibet and Xinjiang, China has also the right to talk about the genocides in USA and Australia.

    Tibet and Xinjiang mistreatment of Tibetans and Muslims are fake news generated by the West and their MSM. Those who have been to these two places have seen the progress made by the Tibetans and Muslims of Xinjiang.

    Why have the West not taken up the issues of the mistreatment of Muslims in India with Trump brushing aside the Muslim issue in India as an internal affair. Isn't Tibet and Xinjiang and Hong Kong not internal affairs of China? This is hypocrisy of the highest order.

  3. China's top priority must be it's ability to survive a nuclear first strike and the capability to mount a nuclear retaliatory strike.

    That, I think China has already been working on with massive tunnels stretching thousands of kilometers across the land, that enables nuclear missiles to be moved about to avoid detection.

    On top of that there are the nuclear submarines operating nearer to enemy targets in times of war. All these are measures to deter a first strike. In any case survival of mankind may not even be a sure thing even for the one initiating the first strike. No one has ever tried that for sure and no one is going to try that for ego boosting purpose.

  4. Do not forget the crimes against black Africans, two centuries of slavery. What human rights are the white Americans talking about?

    Today they are still killing the blacks like animals, no human righs.

    Do not forget about the Arabs, the Iraqis, Syrians, Morrocans, Sudanese, Afghans, Libyans, Yemenis, etc etc all killed like they were not humans, war collaterals, no need to compensate.

    I have written and yet to post about the war crimes of Australians in the Middle East. Will post tomorrow.


  5. In 1965 CIA compiled a list of over 3 million Indonesians which it claimed to be communists, socialists or leftists to Suharto the Indonesian turncoat against President Sukarno and they were all killed, murdered or slaughtered. Suharto worked in cahoot with the United States to exploit the Indonesian resources for his and his henchmen selfish interests. Hundreds of billions of dollars were pocketed by Suharto and the Americans from the mining resources of oil, copper, tin and nickle and many other biological resources like spices during the many decades of Suharto's dictatorship. The CIA infiltrated into the Indonesia military organisation of President Sukarno where it recruited General Suharto to turn against President Sukarno whom he arrested and placed under housearrest and then with the support of CIA he assumed dictatorship of Indonesia for the next over 30 years. Thus for over thirty years not only millions of Indonesian opposition members were killed but Indonesia was greatly impoverished by Suharto and the Americans who controlled the economy.

  6. Marcos also plundered the Philippines. He was the puppet of the USA. All the money said to be for renting the US base in the Philippines went into Marco's pocket. That is why during Marco's rule, the Philippines, which was then the richest of the ASEAN countries, turned into a country that was so poor that they had to send their women to work as maids overseas.

    Where is Marco's stolen treasures by the way? No, not the shoes lah!
