
Covid19 vaccines - The Great White Hopes

When the manufacturer of a car claimed that it could run 18km on 1 litre of petrol the buyer could say, wow, damn fantastic claim, but never believe that it could be achieved on the road when the car is used normally. The 18km per litre may be achieveable under very special conditions, and driven specifically just for that purpose. It may not have been achieved at all but just a sales claim for all you know.

Such claims are very common even in medicine or health supplements. The producers of the products would make all the claims they wanted, often never to be met by the users. The users are also realistic, not to expect too much, as long as it works somewhat, has some positive effects. 

My car initially gave me 14.1km per litre and now hovering about 13.5km. I never expect to get 18km and would be very happy to get anything more than 14km per litre of petrol.

The Great White Hopes of Covid19 are two vaccines, one by Pfizer and one by Moderna. Pfizer initially claimed that it was 90% effective. Moderna claimed to be 95% effective. Now Pfizer is reported to have changed its claim to be also 95% effective in producing antibodies against Covid19 when vaccinated. 

As these are manufacturers' claims, let's take it with a pinch of salt and wish them well. If they are really as good as they claimed to be, it would be good for everyone and we can say goodbye to Covid19 and the discomfort of so many restraints in our daily life.

What is unusual or expected is that these two vaccines are the Great White Hopes, to be out earlier than other countries, especially to beat Chinese vaccines in approval for public use. For being the Great White Hopes, they must be good, no need to question or challenge their claims. So far no one is posing any question or doubt about the claims and the efficacy of the two vaccines. Fauci also accepted the claims at face value, no need to verify like Gov Cuomo wanted to do. This is how the white men have been telling the world about their products for donkey years as the best. They only tell the truth, just like men landing on the moon until 5 years ago when they knew that they could not do it and decided to close down the moon landing programme in NASA, to produce rockets to put man on the moon. Now they are so pleased and excited that Elon Musk, a private entrepreneur, could save them the embarrassment of having to pay for a ride to the International Space Station on board Russian built rockets because they don't have the technology to do so.

The Americans have made great strides, backward, in their space programme, from claiming that going to the moon, landing on the moon, were cake walks, to paying a private rocket taxi just to get to the ISS. Ok, I digress. The two Great White Hopes are all they are banking on to save themselves, saving a lot of embarrassment, and a lucky few coloured people that are able to pay for them and are on their good books. In their state of desperation and delirium, they chose to believe and accept all the claims of the two vaccines, totally, completely, as the elixirs they have been waiting for, just like remdesivir, hydrochloroqine and disinfectants that were once their Great White Hopes. Not a single white man or scientist has raised a word of doubt or caution about the claims of the 2 Great White Hopes.

They have totally ignored and written off the vaccines that the Chinese and other non white countries are developing and well ahead of them in the final third stage of public trials and going on smoothly without major hiccups. It is silence all the way. In a way it is good that the two Great White Hopes appeared at this time to take their attention off and heat away from the Chinese vaccines.  Otherwise they would be smearing and ridiculing the Chinese vaccines in every word they spout to discredit them. They may even sabotaged their trials and testings. They have been casting aspersion and doubts everyday since the Chinese started to test their vaccines and nothing good has been said. That is only to be expected. How can the Chinese do better than the great white men? The low number of infections in China must be fake. How could there be barely 85,000 cases in China? The 11m and shooting to the sky numbers in the US must be real, no under reporting, no under testing, no bluff. 

It is good to question and have doubts and a bit of reservations about a new vaccine that has yet to be approved for use for the public. Science is built on this foundation.  It is another thing to blindly believe in what the manufacturers claimed wholesale and taking them as the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and willing not only to pay millions or billions for them, but to throw caution to the winds, and rushing to approve and apply them with no hesitation and apprehension. The price is death if the claims turn out bad.

All Great White Hopes are always well received by the white believers like believing in their white God, must be good, until they fell flat one after another. Thanks to Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson and many other great black fighters that stubbornly would not allow a Great White Hope to stand up tall and the Hope turning into reality.

Maybe these 2 Great White Hopes are different and will be the real things, or at least one of them will be. Even if they would not be 95% effective as claimed, 80% would be good, even 70% or 50% would be good enough a reason to celebrate. At least there is a Great White Hope standing and money to be made.

Chinese vaccines, a no no, a non starter to the whites. Never trust the Chinese! OK, OK, just stick to your Great White Hopes. Please don't come back. Please don't call Xi.

PS. The latest report, the Sinopharm vaccine has been tested on 60,000 volunteers and the result, 100% success. And the vaccine can be stored at temp between 2C to 8C, temperature in a home fridge. How's that for a start? Bear in mind that the Chinese vaccines were tested and put on trials in Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia and several other countries, some with very strong anti China elements waiting to discredit the Chinese. These countries also have vested interest to want to make sure the tests and trials are done correctly, no rigging, no faking, no fixing as they are using them on their own population.  

The tests and trials of Sinopharm vaccine were done by third parties and under careful scrutiny and came out with flying colours. Who did the trials for Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines?


  1. Sinopharm donated 10,000 dosages of its vaccine to Malaysian frontliners.

  2. BEIJING: Nearly a million people have taken an experimental COVID-19 vaccine developed by China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) through the country's emergency use programme, the firm said late on Wednesday (Nov 18).

    China launched the emergency use programme in July, which so far includes three vaccine candidates for essential workers and other limited groups of people even as clinical studies have yet to be completed to prove their safety and efficacy.

    No serious adverse reaction has been reported from those who received the vaccine in emergency use, Sinopharm said in an article on social media WeChat, citing chairman Liu Jingzhen from a recent media interview.

    Two vaccine candidates developed by Sinopharm's subsidiary China National Biotec Group (CNBG) and third one developed by Sinovac Biotech have been used for the emergency programme. CNA

  3. still it is matter of perception. As far as putting food into mouth, china unfortunately has lotsa horror stories like tainted milk, etc. So consumers have a lot of psychological hurdle to cross. Pfizer produced viagra which make them famous. So most consumers are already biased without knowing it. Hopefully, with increased education and critical thinking consumers will make the better choice.

  4. The vaccines by the American pharmas are only to fight the symthoms of the illness and not the virus or to get immunity. The actual vaccine to do that are stiil long time away. The normal safety measures- mask wearing, safe distancing and hand washing must still be practised. So we shouldn't get carried away although this would be a good start.

  5. " Pfizer produced viagra which make them famous. So most consumers are already biased without knowing it. Hopefully, with increased education and critical thinking consumers will make the better choice."

    Viagra main side effect is death from heart attack. Most of the time death occurs while having sex - with sex workers. So many family members are embarrassed to report the actual cause of death. The usual cause of death for such a situation has always been reported as "Death due to cardiac arrest or heart failure. Therefote, Viagra is still being widely accepted because its deadly side effect has yet to be widely publicised.


  6. The White Americans and the West first priorities of making vaccines are to commercialise and make sinful profits at the expense of the people's life. Their vaccines are supported by dishonourable billionaires and Wall Street robber barons as well as the Jewish-Zionist Rothschild- Illuminati cabal who are taking opportunities of the COVID-19 to rush through making doubtful vaccines without much efficacy so as to quickly corner the markets in the world for them to make hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. Non-white countries should avoid their toxic vaccines.


  7. India’s coronavirus cases crossed the 9 million mark early on Friday after it recorded more than 45,000 new infections, health ministry figures show.

    According to India's health ministry, 'In addition to exceeding 9 million confirmed cases, some 584 deaths were registered in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 132,162 deaths made known. Due to inadequate health facilities and services in the thousands of villages and rural areas, many more deaths, probably caused by the Coronavirus, have not been ascertained nor classified correctly, not reported to the authorities truthfully because of lack of testing and test kits.

    Therefore, the number of actual deaths caused by the Coronavirus is probably much higher.

    Even the 9 million reported infactions is not a actual reflection of the true numbers.

  8. Why Trump and his buffoons never condemn India's data as false information, under reporting, unreliable, blah blah blah?

  9. China threatens to 'poke the eyes' of Five Eyes nations over HK

    China has hit back at a joint statement from Five Eyes partners condemning its actions in Hong Kong, accusing the security alliance of threatening its internal affairs.

    The Five Eyes foreign ministers from Australia, Canada, the US, Britain and New Zealand on Thursday said opposition MPs who were disqualified by Beijing from Hong Kong's legislature for not being patriotic enough should be immediately reinstated.

    Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on Thursday night said China would not flinch if trouble came its way.

    "No matter how many eyes they have, five or 10 or whatever, should anyone dare to undermine China's sovereignty, security and development interests, be careful not to get poked in the eye," he said.

  10. The 5 Eyes are the 5 spying organizations of the 5 evil White Supremacist countries. Their main headquarters for spying on China are all based in Hong Kong. That's why they want China to reverse the measures recently taken because these measures are not good for them. The 19 or so pro-Westerners traitorest 'lawmakers' are their recruited spies, political activists and covert operatives, who are now exposed and getting ready to escape arrest. (That's why they resigned en masse)

    With the new laws, their positions are now untenable. They cannot operate freely as before. That's why the 5 Eyes are so desperate.

    China must now go after the agents and covert operatives of the 5 Eyes who are still in Hong Kong and other parts of China, especially Sichuan, Tibet and Xinjang.

    Hunt down and arrest all these Western spies and put them in jail for the rest of their evil lives.

  11. The three witches from Shakespeare's Macbeth have spoken again: 'Fair is foul, foul is fair!'

    The Court of Three Judges, the highest disciplinary body dealing with lawyers’ misconduct, has suspended Mrs Lee Suet Fern from legal practice for 15 months. She was found guilty of “misconduct unbefitting an advocate and solicitor” over her handling of the last will of her late father-in-law Lee Kuan Yew. 
    Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/lee-suet-fern-found-guilty-misconduct-handling-lee-kuan-yews-will-suspended-legal-practice.

    It was a foregone conclusion the moment someone initiated the whole charade.

  12. Hey BRO u be careful lar. I don't want to see u kena sodomize jialat jialat lar

  13. It has always been that believing in the myth that 'White is right' is cast in stone for centuries.

    But many things have turned out unexpectedly wrong in believing that myth.

    The use of Johnson's baby powder, once the one and only choice for babies that parents cannot do without, is now feared to be a cancer causing substance.

    Canola oil was touted to be the most healthy cooking oil by the USA, until the real dirt revealed the oil was extracted using all kinds of chemicals and finally bleached to give it a golden colour. That is the meaning of healthy.

    Flouride was touted to be the savior of perfect teeth but has now been proven to be the exact opposite.

    Margarine from vegetable oil was touted to be the best bet as a healthier choice than butter from milk, but later proven to be an even worse culprit for causing clog arteries than butter. That ended a long tradition of using margarine for more crispy stuff from biscuits to noodles.

    What about genetically modified food? This will be the biggest time bomb yet to be pricked.

    On and on these things have been given all the assurances by the Whites, tested and approved and everyone trusted them for generations. Now who is paying the price for believing wholesale the myth that anything that only the Whites pronounced safe must be good.

  14. Advertisement


    Someone good at fixing. From fixing our competitoes to fixing consumers to fixing cronies to fixing relatives to fixing everybody and everything.

    This is the kind of talent we want as an odd-job, handy-man, fixer around the house.

    However we cannot afford to pay too high salary for such low-grade services.

    1. Bro it's not low grade service. Kits required high level of skill lar so deserved high salary

  15. LONDON: The head of British drug manufacturer AstraZeneca said on Thursday (Nov 26) further research was needed on its COVID-19 vaccine after questions emerged over the protection it offers, but the additional testing is unlikely to affect regulatory approval in Europe.

    Instead of adding the trial to an ongoing US process, AstraZeneca might launch a fresh study to evaluate a lower dosage of its vaccine that performed better than a full dosage, AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Soriot was quoted as saying in a Bloomberg News report.

    AstraZeneca and its partner, the University of Oxford, announced on Monday that it was seeking regulatory approval for the vaccine after it showed an average 70 per cent effectiveness.

    That rate jumped to 90 per cent - similar to that in rival vaccines in development by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna - when an initial half-dose then a full dose was given to a sub-group of trial participants in error.

  16. LONDON: AstraZeneca and Oxford University on Wednesday (Nov 25) acknowledged a manufacturing error that is raising questions about preliminary results of their experimental COVID-19 vaccine.

    A statement describing the error came days after the company and the university described the shots as "highly effective" and made no mention of why some study participants did not receive as much vaccine in the first of two shots as expected.
