
New narrratives, new initiatives and new dynamism in the 21st Century - Bye bye to endless wars and clueless West

Bye, bye Mackinder

As President Putin has made it very clear over and over again, the US is no longer “agreement capable” . As for the “rules-based international order”, at best is a euphemism for privately controlled financial capitalism on a global scale.

The Russia-China strategic partnership has made it very clear, over and over again, that against NATO and Quad expansion their project hinges on Eurasia-wide trade, development and diplomatic integration.

Unlike the case from the 16th century to the last decades of the 20th century, now the initiative is not coming from the West, but from East Asia (that’s the beauty of “initiative” incorporated to the BRI acronym).

Enter continental corridors and axes of development traversing Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Indian Ocean, Southwest Asia and Russia all the way to Europe, coupled with a Maritime Silk Road across the South Asian rimland.

For the very first time in its millenary history, China is able to match ultra-dynamic political and economic expansion both overland and across the seas. This reaches way beyond the short era of the Zheng He maritime expeditions during the Ming dynasty in the early 15th century.

No wonder the West, and especially the Hegemon, simply cannot comprehend the geopolitical enormity of it all. And that’s why we have so much Sinophobia, so many Hybrid War techniques deployed to snuff out the “threat”....

Above is by Tyler Durden in www.zerohedge . It briefly summarised the behaviour of the USA over the last 70 years post WW2 and how it spent all its financial, economic and military resources on wars and the continuation of wars outside mainland America, preferably in Asia and the Middle east and Europe. The American agenda and preoccupation was war as a basis for the existence of its huge military forces around the world, and for this it has to create enemies.  With Russia fading away after the collapse of the USSR, new enemies must be created. The Arab/Muslims became next and the next war zone culminating in the war on terror and the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. 

China's rise has provide another enemy for the Americans, a bigger one and all efforts and resources are now targeted at China with daily attacks on China in all fronts. China became the new American lie, branded by the Americans as the expansionist and aggressive superpower to conquer and rule the world. Unfortunately for the Americans, this lie has gone too big and too ridiculous and beginning to sound silly, dull and irritating to the rest of the world. It has come to a point that no one believes it anymore and becoming a farce. And the message is clear, no country would want to take sides in this war between the Americans and China. No country wants to be the unthinking and clueless pawns of the American Empire anymore.

For 70 years, the American narrative has been wars and threats of wars by imaginary enemies they created and propped up to threaten the rest of the world. This tape recorder is wearing out, worn out. No more crying wolf. No one is listening. Put an end to perpetual wars you evil Americans!

The rest of the world can see a China busily engaging in trade, economic and infrastructure development, pouring millions and trillions of dollars all over the world, investing and trading with the rest of the world. The Americans on the other hand spent several trillions in the same time doing nothing but conducting wars, provoking and inciting wars. The aggressiveness of the Americans are on records. The same for China, but not wars. China has not fought a war since 1978. China is in trade, investment and economic development.  The BRI of China has no equivalent in the history of humankind, and the Americans have no answer to it and only could badmouth it and trying to stir suspicion, instigate fear and doubts in the project. But the countries participating in it could see the goodness of the BRI and totally ignored the doomsayer Americans.

Despite the cold shoulder and ineffectiveness in the American white lies against China, the show must go on, hoping that it might work.  China is being attacked on all fronts. The Americans are politicising everything to attack and smear China. Trade wars, espionage, sabotage, spreading lies, politicising the petrol dollar, politicising the greenbacks, politicising the international banking system, even politicising education and the universities. Even the challenges of health, medicine and climate change are being politicised. This is how bankrupt of ideas the Americans have become. They have no idea on how to compete with the Chinese fairly anymore, devoid of ideas, clueless, feckless.

Maybe that this the only way to go, competing with China is futile. The Chinese have marched on in many fields that were once the dominance of the Americans, in economics, engineering, science and technology, in AI, in space and satellites.  China is now moving ahead as the leading player in space and would rule the sky when the International Space Station is retired and only the Chinese Space Station remains in orbit. And China is going to prove to be the first country that puts man on the moon, tearing away the American hoax of the century that they have put men on the moon many times. The Americans are in panic, wanting to return to the moon race, to go back to the moon that they lied to the world that they had done it. 

What else is there for the Americans to do to harm the rise of China? Attack China for ill treatment against the minority Uyghurs in Xinjiang. When have the Americans become the champions of Muslims when they have been killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the Middle East for ages and now playing out the Palestinians by outright support for Israel and the grabbing of Palestinian land? And the lapdog Australia is fabricating more lies, that China destroyed thousands of mosques in Xinjiang, while the Americans were lying about 1m Uyghurs in detention camps. How to put 1m prisoners in detention camps, how many such camps must be built, how much land must be used, how much food and logistics? Who built the Guantanamo Camp?

Below are a couple of reports from the Organisation of Islamic Countries and Pakistan to debunk the American and Australian lies about Xinjiang and Uyghurs.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, representing the above nations, welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat's delegation upon invitation from the People's Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People's Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People's Republic of China. Carried unanimously by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, The Collective Voice of the Muslim World. Adopted by the 46th session of the Council of Muslim Foreign Ministers, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 1-2 March, 2019. 24-25 Jumadah Al-Thani 1440....www.oic-oci.org

 No Cultural, Religious Repression of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang says Pakistan Diplomat: A senior Pakistani diplomat on Thursday put up a staunch defence of the controversial education camps in China's volatile Xinjiang province where thousands of Uighur Muslims have been reportedly detained, saying there is no forced labour or cultural and religious repression in the region. "During this visit, I did not find any instance of forced labour or cultural and religious repression," Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the Charge d'affaires, Pakistan's Embassy in China, told the state-run Global Times on Thursday. 

"The imams we met at the mosques and the students and teachers at the Xinjiang Islamic Institute told us that they enjoy freedom in practicing Islam and that the Chinese government extends support for maintenance of mosques all over Xinjiang," said Baloch, who visited Xinjiang as part of delegation of diplomats. timesofindia.indiatimes.com/pakistan/no-cultural-religious-repression-of-uighur-muslims-in-xinjiang-pakistan-diplomat/

And the unseen hand has come into play to bring about the early demise of the evil American Empire and the West.  Covid19 is a miracle. It exposed the stupidity and idiocy and incompetence of the Americans and the West to deal with a health pandemic. They could not cope, could not handle the problem. They used to lead the world, to set the examples for the world to follow. Now not only that they fumbled, did not know how to lead, they are setting all the bad examples on how to curb the spread of the virus. It is the Asians that are showing them the way, how to behave and doing the right things to stop the spread of the virus. But the Americans and the West are behaving like primitive tribes, uncontrollable, irresponsible, choosing to break every rules and norms and behaviour recommended to stop the virus. They are the main cause of the spread of the virus.

The Americans and the West are failing in every field, in everything. They are lost, stumbling around like zombies or irresponsible and reckless uncivilised human beans, and the infection of the Covid19 and death tolls keep climbing. What a beautiful sight! Oops, I mean what a pathetic sight!

The initiative and agenda for growth and prosperity are now coming from the East, from Asia. Asian countries are quietly and peacefully seeking growth and development and prosperity for their people, barring no silly idiots got conned by the Americans to start another war. 

Asia is the new centre of growth. Asia is the new dynamism of the 21st century. All the good and positive things are happening in Asia.  The clueless evil Americans, like a one trick pony, still believe in wars and agitating for wars.  That is the only thing they know today. They have forgotten about the basics, good economic growth, trade and investment, infrastructure development and progress and a good life for all humankind. No thinking person would want to go to war. Every country wants development and prosperity. And for these to happen, the world needs peace and globalisation and free trade. And this is the agenda of China, a share destiny for all humankind, not America First and the rest of the world can go to hell, with more wars started by the Americans and supported by the Americans.

There is a new initiative from Asia with Asia as the new dynamic centre for peace, economic growth and prosperity. Covid19 has dragged American growth to -15%, and about the same for Europe. China is still growing at 5-6% annually. This in effect is closing the gap between the American and Chinese economies at the rate of 20% annually instead of 3-4% pre Covid19 pandemic. The day for China to become Number One and America Number Two would come a few years earlier than forecast.

Asia is the future while the West fades into oblivion.


  1. Rb good article. U must have spent a fair amount of time writing it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes, I agree. It's a well written article. Thanks RB for the hardwork to keep us well informed.

  3. The Americans are completely lost in what is happening to the world and the purpose of life. All they are thinking about is their Empire, that they must be the top dog. And to remain at the top, the only thing is to build a very strong military force and to create endless wars.

    They have not come up with any new initiative for the progress of humankind and the good of their own people. Making America Great Again, how, more wars, more dominance, more oppression? But neglecting even to rebuild their rotting infrastructure, an economy that produces nothing but weapons and Apple cell phones. The aircraft industry has collapsed, the automobile industry has collapsed, the space industry is non existence....with the race to the moon started by China and they are rushing to follow the Chinese to the moon.

    And they are running away from all the international organisations set up by them, the UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, TPP, Climate change, the international world order, to hide in their own cocoon.

    On the other hand China is leading the world to rebuild and to reconnect the world with new infrastructure for more connectivity and trade and investment. Building new islands would become a major Chinese initiative to create more land and space and to help the sinking Pacific Islands to raise the level of their islands with rising sea level while the Americans could only think about building more warships and weapons on land, sea and space.

  4. New York Times:

    Published 2 hours ago

    The New York Times says Donald Trump paid just $750 (£587) in federal income tax both in 2016, the year he ran for the US presidency, and in his first year in the White House.

    NYT has obtained tax records for Trump and his companies over two decades.

    NYT also alleges that he paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

    The records reveal "chronic losses and years of tax avoidance", it says.

    Liar and Cheater Trump called the report "fake news".

    "Actually I paid tax. And you'll see that as soon as my tax returns - it's under audit, they've been under audit for a long time," he told reporters after the story was published on Sunday.

    (How come under audit for a "long time"? Trump is in fact admitting that something is wrong or fishy with his competency and honesty in keeping proper records and accounts.)

    As usual, he blames others for his own faults:

    "The IRS [Internal Revenue Service] does not treat me well... they treat me very badly. You have people in the IRS - they treat me very badly," he said.

    Mr Trump has faced legal challenges for refusing to share documents concerning his fortune and business.

    He is the first US President since the 1970s not to make his tax returns public.

    NYT said information in its report was "provided by sources with legal access to it".

  5. Without wars how to sustain the US Military Establishment.

    Without the Military Establishment, how to ensure the US$ hegemony is not taken down.

    Without the US$ hegemony, the USA would not be what it is today.

    Today, despite the US$ hegemony and military might, it is a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

    The US election is best summed up by Cyrus Jansen as a 'popularity contest', not an election to select the best candidate based on his ability for the job. That is why the USA has gone down the rabbit hole with the calibre of candidates that have been going downhill.

    Today, it is so apparent in the likes of the clown in the White House that lies, cheat, steal and still thinks very highly of his abilities. God knows how much he has cheated the USA Government in taxes over the last two decades. When he finally loses in November, we will know. He single handedly has made the POTUS a joke in the eyes of the world. Most are wondering how did the USA choose such a clown to sit in the White House.

  6. And they want the world to adopt 'democrazy' as the best political system, to be as crazy as them and voting more clowns to power.

  7. The downfall of United States of America is coming sooner than expected since the start of the pandemic. This is the reason the Trump administration has been trying to stir up trouble in the far east. They are roping in the clueless Aussies to do most of their dirty work for them in this region. They are also establishing bases in the region, Singapore being one of these. Now that Japan has a new PM, let's hope things might change. Abe was just a United States of America puppet.

  8. “I feel sorry for Americans,” said Myint Oo, a member of Parliament in Myanmar. “But we can’t help the U.S. because we are a very small country.”

    The same sentiment prevails in Canada, one of the most developed countries. Two out of three Canadians live within about 60 miles of the U.S. border.

    “Personally, it’s like watching the decline of the Roman Empire,” said Mike Bradley, the mayor of Sarnia, an industrial city on the border with Michigan, where locals used to venture for lunch.

    Amid the pandemic and in the run-up to the presidential election, much of the world is watching the United States with a mix of shock, chagrin and, most of all, bafflement.

    How did a superpower allow itself to be felled by a virus? And after nearly four years during which President Donald Trump has praised authoritarian leaders and obscenely dismissed some other countries as insignificant and crime-ridden, is the United States in danger of exhibiting some of the same traits he has disparaged?

    Yahoo News

  9. Facing defeat in the Presidential Election, Trump is preparing to start a war with Iran to cling on to his seat in the White House. He has asked the fat piece of lard aka the butcher, to withdraw US personnel in Iraq to keep them safe from Iranian counter attacks. The evil Americans do not care about the lives of other people, including sacrificing the lives of American boys and girls in wars even for personal interests.

    Yahoo News reported this.

    By John Davison

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Washington has made preparations to withdraw diplomats from Iraq after warning Baghdad it could shut its embassy, two Iraqi officials and two Western diplomats said, a step Iraqis fear could turn their country into a battle zone.

    Any move by the United States to scale down its diplomatic presence in a country where it has up to 5,000 troops would be widely seen in the region as an escalation of its confrontation with Iran, which Washington blames for missile and bomb attacks.

    That in turn would open the possibility of military action, with just weeks to go before an election in which President Donald Trump has campaigned on a hard line towards Tehran and its proxies.

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened to close the embassy in a phone call a week ago to President Barham Salih, two Iraqi government sources said. The conversation was initially reported by an Iraqi news website.

    By Sunday, Washington had begun preparations to withdraw diplomatic staff if such a decision is taken, those sources and the two Western diplomats said.

    The concern among the Iraqis is that pulling out diplomats would be followed quickly by military action against forces Washington blamed for attacks.

  10. Politicians and elites do everything to maintain their power. This applies to both US and China, as well as all other countries. We can either allow ourselves to become pawns in their games, allow ourselves to take sides & waste our time and effort in fighting the "other side" ........ or we can choose to take the side of ourselves, focus on things we can control to create good life for ourselves and our families, and build 1 or 2 backdoors just in case. All other stuff is BS and propaganda to "gong tau" you into feeling good and thinking that you're glorifying your race/ culture/ country etc when in fact you're being used as sacrificial pawns for the elites.

  11. Selfishness - The Unshakable Basic Nature Of All Beings

    Politicians, elites and everybody else do everything in their own interests for their own interests. These include you and me.

    Most people have the tendency to point fingers at others but never look at themselves first in the mirror on the toilet wall. The fact is that each and every one of us, human beans, as well as the most tiny microb, are selfish. Why? Because SELFISHNESS is in our NATURE - It is the fundamental mechanism to ensure our own survival as an individual and as a group, large or tiny.

    Selfish attitude, behaviour, character, mentally, words and actions have invaded, infected, infested and infused into the human DNA long long ago, since the beginning of time.

    The moment of conception is the moment of selfishness.

    Think: Once a sperm enters the egg, it immediately prevents all the other millions of sperms from entering. Why so? That is an act of great selfishness for individual survival.

    Same for the primordial Act of Creation, that is, if you believe in the creation theory instead of in the evolution theory or others.

    Now, why did God created Heaven and Earth, and then Adam and Eve, etc?

    God cared about his own individual selfish pleasure and created Heaven and Earth. Not satisfied, he then created Adam, Eve, Serpent, Tree of Knowledge and Forbidden Fruit, and Garden of Eden, and countless othe living organisms and non-living things. The more he created, the more happy he is. At times, he got angry with his created "toys" and he destroyed them, like a child who got fed-up with his toys.

    Next, about the God-created Serpent. The Serpent only cared about its own selfish nature of creating troubles for others. So its first action in life was to instigate Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit dangling in full view upon the Tree of Knowledge, that God had deliberately created to entice the three of them and then told them it is forbidden to eat the fruits from the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, setting a Trap for them to fall in. How cruel!

    Being Omniscient, God knows exactly what will happen, yet he went ahead to entice them in order to "test" them? How stupid!

    Then, Eve only cared about her selfish individual desire to have more Knowledge. So she took the Serpent's advice and went ahead to eat the Forbidden Fruit. She took a little bite. Then she went to share it with her husband Adam.

    Who forbids? God did.

    Why did God forbidden it? Being All-Powerful, he could have allowed them to eat without any hustle, isn't it? So mischievous!

    Poor Adam only cared about his individual desire to please his wife Eve. So he fulfilled her wish by eating the Forbidden Fruit and got punished and condemned by God, the Creator, the All-Knowing Omniscience, the All-powerful Omnipotence and also the selfish, cruel, stupid, and mischievous.

    Sorry, if I have hurt your feelings, to those who believe the stories in the bible wholesale, without applying much in-depth, objective, unbias and neutral thinking with your mental faculty.

  12. So many big issues dangling for so long, never even bring them up in the Parliament, yet spent time and efforts on trivial unmeaningful matters such as garden snails creating slimy paths in the garden. This has become a "nightmare" in her Yishun ward! And she saw the need to announce it to the whole world, 🙄!

    On Saturday morning (26 Sept), Carrie Tan, the PAP Nee Soon GRC MP, wrote on her Facebook page:

    “This week I had a meeting with Town Council and our horticulture contractor to discuss natural ways to solve the snail problem in some of our HDB estates.

    “It turns out snails like to breed in areas that have shade and moisture, and some of the landscape vegetation we have happen to create the ideal conditions for them. They create slimy paths which is a nightmare for our cleaners to clean 😨”

    Aesthetically pleasing plants
    She adds that it has been a challenge to find aesthetically pleasing plants that do not attract snails and that do not cost too much, since it needs to fit the town council budget.

    “It’s a challenge looking for nice looking plants to fulfil multiple conditions we are seeking, and yet can thrive in shady, rather sun-less spots, and which fits the budget and don’t cost too much.

    “And doesn’t encourage snail breeding. But I don’t think it’s an impossible challenge. Any plant experts in our community who have suggestions? 😁”

  13. I am so unhappy with my finger nails. What colour to paint, how to massage it? Anyone knows where is the best place to massage my finger nails? Someone told me parliament House.

  14. D Trump shall triumph again in the Coming US Election.
    He works very hard to make America Great for FREE, ONLY FOR A US DOLLAR A YEAR.
    The US Stock Market hits Record High again and again during his tenure. The US Property Market is getting hotter than the Forest Fires raging in the Country.
    rest assure the Great D Tramp shall prevail, so long he is alive.

